Vol.21 (No.2 June 1992)

Traditional Chinese Legal Thought (part III): Legal Thought in Mo Tze/We-Jen Chang 1-28

A Study of Do-ong Jong-Shu Ch’un Ch;iu Deuding Cases/Yuan-Sheng Hwang 29-64

A Study of Criminal Suspect/Tun-Ming Tsai 65-96

The Theory and Practice of Juvenile Law in Japan/Mau-Sheng Lee 97-158

Über Auslegung und Wirkungen der Grundrecht/Christian Starck /Trans: Tzong-Li Hsu 159-182

The Army and the Rule of Law/Shin-Min Chen 183-252

Review on the Current Provisions of the ROC’s Company Law Concerning the Protection of Credition of Limited Company and Its Minority Shareholders/Peter Jen-Huong Wang 253-276

A Study on the Reform of American Trademark/Ming-Ruu Tseng-Chen 277-296

A Study on the Problems of Marring, Adoption and Succession in Taiwan and Mainland China/Tzong-Leh Hwang 297-360

The Taiwan Experience and Future Prospects for Promoting Foreign Direct Investement (FDI) in the Asia-Pacific Region/Paul S.P. Hsu 361-376

Recent Legal Developments Affecting Foreign Investors in the Republic of China on Taiwan/Paul S.P. Hsu

Causes and Suits for the Nullity and Annulment of Divorce by Mutual Consent/Jen-Kong Kuo 377-406

The Parents-Child Relation in Chinese Tradtional Law/Hwei-Syin Chen 407-428

Latest Development of European Trade Mark System/Ming-Yan Shieh 429-456

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Internation Sale of Goods/H.G. Leser / Trans: Ming-Yan Shieh 457-484

The Guardianship of the Children after Divorce and the Exercise of the Parental Power/The Family Law Society 485-492

Enlightment and Financial Dialetics – Prevention against Property – Crimes in the Perspective of Socialogy of Law/Tze-Lung Chen 517-548