Prof. Chao-Lin Liu

Prof. Chao-Lin Liu is a professor of the Department of Computer Science of the College of Informatics, National Chengchi University. He joined the University as a faculty member since 1999, and was promoted to Distinguished Professor since 2009. He was a professor of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics during the 2014-2015 school year, and served as the associate dean of the College of Science, the associate dean of the College of Informatics, and the chairperson of the Department of Computer Science during the 2020-2022 school years, all at the National Chengchi University He actively participated in the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence, serving on the executive board and in the secretariat between 2003 and 2014; and retired from the board in 2015. Starting from 2009, he serves on the editorial board of IJCLCLP and on the executive board of the The Association for Computational Lingusistics and Chinese Language Processing. Starting from 2016, he served on the executive board of the Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities (TADH), the second TADH president (2019/Apr-2023/Feb), and switches to the supervisor board in 2023.

Interested in applying artificial intelligence and computing technologies to realistic and theoretical problems, he studies natural language processing, cognitive studies, automatic reasoning, machine learning, information retrieval and knowledge management, digital humanities, intelligent tutoring systems, intelligent transportation systems, decision support, planning, and diagnostic systems. Over the past many years, his works appeared in UAI, AAAI, IJCAI, ACL, COLING, DH (Digital Humanities), CogSci (cognitive science), PACLIC, ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems), ICAIL (AI & Law), IEEE ICALT (Advanced Learning Technologies), IEEE ITSC (Intelligent Transportation Systems), and IEEE ICEBE (E-Business Engineering).

He tries to contribute to the Taiwan society and the research communities, and has done the following: TaiwanDH (for digital humanities research), Harvest Seasons (for learning Chinese characters), Similar Chinese Characters (for Chinese spelling checkers), and OntoCL (for computational linguistics).

He received a doctoral degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the College of Engineering of the University of Michigan. He worked on approximate evaluation of Bayesian networks under the supervision of Professor Michael P. Wellman of the Decision Machine Group of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and completed a certificate program on Intelligent Transportation Systems at Michigan. Before going to Michigan, he received a Master of Science degree (also a Bachelor degree) from the Department of Electrical Engineering of the National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan, by working on the prepositional-phrase attachment problem with Professor Keh-Yih Su, who retired as a research fellow from the Academia Sinica in 2021.

After becoming a faculty member in Taiwan, he returned to the Univeristy of Michigan as a visiting scholar of the Strategic Reasoning Group (Director: Professor Michael P. Wellman) in 2010. He visited the Institute for Quantitative Social Science of the Harvard University as a visiting scholar of the China Biographical Database Project (CBDB) (Director: Professor Peter K. Bol) in 2014 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Between 2016 and 2017, he rejoined Harvard as a Fulbright senior scholar and with the support of the Top University Strategic Alliance, Ministry of Education, Taiwan. In early 2023, he is a visiting scholar at the Center for Taiwan Studies of the University of California, Santa Barbara.


  • 所屬單位: Department of Computer Science, National Chengchi University