
The Social Theory and the Idea of Social State: Lorenz von Stein’s (1815-1890) /Jang Daw-Yih 1-72 From the Framework of Constitution to Review the Public Servants’ Administrative Neutrality Act /Yue-Dian Hsu 73-116 A Study on the Homeless and Protection of Fundamental Human Rights /Cheng-Ken Chen 117-166 From Deterrence of Danger…
Regulatory Competition in Corporate Regimes: And Some Observations on Possible Regime Changes in Taiwan/Ching-Ping Shao 1-60 The Legal Structure of Objective Scope of Enforcement Force’s Extension: With the Difference between Objective Scope of Enforcement and Res Judicata/Shu-Huan Shyuu 61-110 An Observation on the Development and Potential Impacts of the International…
resh Principles of System of Concentrated Trial/Shu-Huan Shyuu 1-70 The Regulation of the Distribution of Shareholders’ Voting Rights/Ying-Hsin Tsai 71-129 Contract Characterization, Gap Filling and Suppletory Rules: Focusing on a Supreme Court’s Decision of a Construction Dispute/Wen-Yeu Wang 131-186 The German Theorist of State and Society of the 19th Century…
The Adjustment on the Amount of the Equalization Claim for Surplus of Matrimonial Assets under the Statutory Matrimonial Property Regime: A Comparative Study of the Art. 1030 a paragraph 2 of the Civil Code of Taiwan with the relevant provisions in the Swiss ZGB and the German BGB/Yi-Tien Lin 1-71…
The Equal-rank Conflicts of Legal Norms and Their Resolutions: The Interrelation of Legal Rules and Legal Principles as a Basic Point/Lei Lei 1-66 Reexamination of the Involuntary Plaintiff Device: An Empirical Analysis/Kuo-Chang Huang 67-131 IBargaining with Patriarchy: Daughter’s Right of Inheritance in Practice/Chao-Ju Chen 133-228 The Protection of Procedural Rights…
第 15 頁,共 38 頁