
Our History

Environmental sustainability has become a global consensus. Every nation in the world has dedicated herself to the preservation of environment and facilitated it by way of policy making or legislation. However, sustainable policy or law making is no easy task and poses great challenges to the wisdom of every decision maker. PLES is seeking to serve and provide such a pioneering role for sustainable environmental law and policy making in Taiwan and beyond. Our goal is to develop PLES into a primary research base and a policy think tank for Taiwan, East Asian region and the world. 

PLES was created on World Environment Day with a special purpose. Every June 5, people around the globe express their supports for the environment by holding various events and activities to promote environmental awareness. On June 5, 2009, we decided to entrench our devotion to the environment and celebrate this very day by creating PLES. 

It was our deepest honor that our opening ceremony was accompanied by many distinguished guests, environmental scholars, lawyers and activists as well as government officials PLES received positive affirmation with our ideas and high expectation that PLES would lead the way of environmental sustainability policy and law-making in Taiwan and beyond. With these strong supports, PLES shall endeavor to fulfill our promises to help protect our Earth!
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