
儒家思想法律化與中國家庭關係的發展\馬漢寶 1-14 中國傳統法律思想(二)\張偉仁 15-42 議會自律權之比較憲法底研究(下)──兼談地方議會議員之免責特權\李鴻禧 43-66 土地徵收補償法上若干問題之研討\黃宗樂 67-104 刑事判決與法條之適用\蔡墩銘 105-140 開放性構成要件理論──探討構成要件與違法性之關係\陳志龍 141-170 刑法解題──關於不法意識及犯罪結構\黃榮堅 171-206 Traites caracteristiques du droit chinois sur les marques\王泰銓 207-222 訴訟程序規定與實務運作之間\陳榮宗 223-232 論多式聯運經營人責任制度及其影響(下)\劉宗榮 233-292 論美國貿易法對智慧財產權之環境保護措施──§337條款之過去、現在與未來\羅昌發 293-326 變動中的人倫秩序與法律秩序──從親屬法中夫妻間的關係談起\陳惠馨 327-362 論特留分扣減權之性質\林秀雄 363-378 論單純承認之原因\郭振恭 379-396 離婚後子女監護問題之檢討\呂潮澤 397-406 臺灣固有習慣與民法之適用\蘇達志 407-418 身分法之基本問題──陳棋炎教授榮退演講\陳棋炎 419-426 我國民法兩願離婚後,可否向法院請求酌定監護人──身分法研究會第五次研討會記錄\身分法研究會 427-448
Traditional Chinese Legal Thought (part III): Legal Thought in Mo Tze/We-Jen Chang 1-28 A Study of Do-ong Jong-Shu Ch’un Ch;iu Deuding Cases/Yuan-Sheng Hwang 29-64 A Study of Criminal Suspect/Tun-Ming Tsai 65-96 The Theory and Practice of Juvenile Law in Japan/Mau-Sheng Lee 97-158 Über Auslegung und Wirkungen der Grundrecht/Christian Starck /Trans:…
A Legal Analysis on the Principles of Environmental Administrative Control/Tse-Tung Ko 1-22 A Comparative Constitutional Study on Parliamentary Privilege/Hong-Hsi Lee 23-64 A Comment On The 1989 Taipei – Washington Driftnet Fishing Agreement/Kuen-Chen Fu 65-86 The Economic Incentive Approach and Environmental Policy: Theorectical Discourse/Jiunn-Rong Yeh 87-112 A Brief Analysis of French…
Traditional Chinese Legal Thought/Chang, We-Jen 1-44 Legal Aspects on Human Rights Organization and Movement/Jyun-Hsyong Su 45-62 Central Government’s Supervision of Local Self-Government/Tzong-Li Hsu 63-86 Institutional Response to Environmental Degradation-Criminal Sanctions and Other Measures in Comparison/Jiunn-Rong Yeh 87-114 The Crisis and Reform of the Fiscal State/Keh-Chang Gee 115-144 Konkurrenzen im Strafrecht/Criminal…
The Divergence of the Constitutional Structure and Its Reconstruction/Fu Hu 1-32 Richter auf Lebenszeit und Versetzung in den Ruhestand-Rechtsvergleichung zwischen Deutschland, U.S.A. und Japan und ein Reformsvorschlag/Yih-Nan Liaw 33-68 “Addition to Tax” in Case of Failure to Pay Tax/Mao-Jung Hwang 69-118 A Comparative Constitutional Study on the Physiology and Pathlogy…
第 30 頁,共 38 頁