Vol. 43 2014 (No.4 Decemberr 2014)

Claims for Declaratory Judgment and Pre-enforcement Review of Regulations:A Comparative Study of German and Taiwan’s Institutional Development
/ Ying-Chien Chen 1391-1468

Reflection and Restructuring of Consequence Attribution in Criminal Law
/Yang-Yi Chou 1469-1532

Impact of Domestication of the ICCPR: Review of Death Penalty Related Cases of the Supreme Court
/Fort Fu-TeLiao 911-956

Evidence Qualifications from International Cooperation for Taking Evidence:Violation of International Cooperation and Interrogation of Foreign Witnesses
/Yun-Hua Yang 1533-1608

The Conditional Suspended Sentences in Punitive Penal Climate
/Ju-Yuan Hsieh 1609-1664