Vol. 38 2009 (No.1 March 2009)

Regulatory Competition in Corporate Regimes: And Some Observations on Possible Regime Changes in Taiwan/Ching-Ping Shao 1-60

The Legal Structure of Objective Scope of Enforcement Force’s Extension: With the Difference between Objective Scope of Enforcement and Res Judicata/Shu-Huan Shyuu 61-110

An Observation on the Development and Potential Impacts of the International Health Regulations 2005/Huei-Chih Niu 111-162

The Application of Spoliation Evidence Principle in the Medical Malpractice Claim/Kuan-Ling Shen 163-216

A Critique of MGM v. Grokster Based on Fuller’s Jurisprudence of Human Interaction/Chi-Shing Chen 217-252

Restructuring Taiwan’s Insider Dealing Regulation: From the Perspective of Protected Legal Interests/Wang-Ruu Tseng 253-310

A Contention between Policy and Law in Videogame Arcades Regulation: An Analysis of Judgments of “Distance Limitation of Videogame Arcades” in Administrative Courts/Chien-Liang Lee311-376