
Pre-EIA Procedure Required for Future Economic Development Projects with Significant Impact

In consideration that the cost the society paid in the KuoKuang Petrochemical Project was far too large than affordable, a pre-EIA (environmental impact assessment) procedure is required in all economic development projects with significnat impact. The NCSD (National Council for Sustainable Development) passed decision that in the future, all economic development projects with significant impact should be first estimated by the NCSD. Afterward the Executive Yuan shall decide whether or not to proceed with the project based on the advisory assessments brought by the NCSD. Only through these procedures can the said projects enter into EIA procedures.
     The NCSD is established in pursuance of sustainable development of environment, resources, economics, social justice. Its commission is comprised of 24 to 30 members, including the Premier of the Executive Yuan in charge of chairman, one third each government representatives, scholars and experts, and civic groups.
     This recommendation was proposed by the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration). The Vice Minister of the EPA clarified, the estimation of the NCSD is in virtue the same with environmental impact assessment, taking into consideration environmental impact, sustainable development and feasibility of development projects. With this pre-EIA procedure, project investors could be informed of the possible outcome earlier, instead of being intervened after the investment begins, and the latter obviously would invoke critics on the EPA.