
Taiwan and China Signed an Agreement on Nuclear Power Safety Cooperation

On Oct. 20th, 2011, Taiwan and China, in the 7th round high-level cross-strait talks, signed the Cross-Strait Agreement on Nuclear Power Safety Cooperation aimed at establishing the nuclear power security information exchange system, the nuclear accident report mechanism and the information disclosure system on nuclear power security cross the strait. The details of the agreement include the scope and content of the cooperation, contactors, agendas, document forms, implementation and amendment to the agreement, dispute-resolution mechanisms as well as signature and entry into force…etc. On Oct. 27th, the Executive Yuan approved the agreement and submitted it to the Legislative Yuan for record according to the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.
        Environmental groups, however, had different opinions on the agreement. Due to the close connection between nuclear weapon and nuclear energy, they insisted that  the agreement shall include nuclear weapon issues and the international impact and responding measures of nuclear accidents. In addition, they claimed that based on the Basic Environment Act, Taiwan shall set its agenda to gradually become a nuclear-free country, which shall be noted in the agreement as a basic understanding of Taiwan’s nuclear industry policy.