Submission Guideline

The NTU Law Review invites the submission of original articles, student notes and book reviews on any law related topic concerning Taiwan, China, Asia or any other jurisdiction of the author’s choice.

1. The NTU Law Review presumes that any manuscript received has not been, and will not be, submitted elsewhere at the same time. If a paper is under review or has been published or accepted elsewhere, the NTU Law Review will have the right to reject the submission.

2. The submitted manuscript shall include approximately five keywords and an abstract of no more than 250 words. The citation format shall conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. A detailed reference list following the American Psychological Association format shall be attached to the manuscripts.
Starting from Vol. 6, No. 1 (Mar. 2011), the NTU Law Review adopts consecutive pagination. It is advised that articles published with the NTU Law Review will be cited as consecutively paginated throughout the entire volume, including symposiums, if any, in accordance with the Bluebook format, for example:
Jaw-Perng Wang, The Current State of Capital Punishments in Taiwan, 6 NTU L. REV. 143, 143 (2011).

However, articles published prior to Vol. 6 are required to indicate their publishing dates, for example: Cing-Kae Chiao, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Taiwan, NTU L. REV., Mar. 2006, at 97, 97.

3. In transliterating non-English characters, where well-established forms do not exist, authors are advised to follow the Wade-Giles system for Chinese characters and the Hepburn system for Japanese.

4. Once a manuscript is published, responsibility for the factual accuracy of the paper rests upon its author(s). The NTU Law Review provides no payment for contribution; however, twenty off-prints will be supplied to the authors free of charge.

5. The manuscripts must be typewritten, in Microsoft Office if possible. Electronic submissions are preferred. All submissions shall be addressed to: National Taiwan University College of Law, No.1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Rd. Taipei 10617, Taiwan.
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6. Authors are advised to have their manuscripts edited by English-speaking colleagues or professional editors before submission.


Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. Manuscripts that pass desk review will undergo the peer review process.


Every author whose manuscript is accepted must agree to the proper use of the manuscript by the National Taiwan University College of Law and the NTU Law Foundation by signing the Letter of Authority. The NTU Law Review may exclude the manuscript of any author who refuses to sign the Letter of Authority from publication.

Internet Address:

The NTU Law Review’s homepage is located at