
  1. 立法
  2. 行政命令或規範
  3. 法院判決
  4. 其他法律資料或資源



  1. 立法
  2. 行政命令或規範
  3. 法院判決
  4. 其他法律資料或資源


  1. 立法
  2. 行政命令或資料庫
  3. 法院判決
  4. 其他法律資料庫或資源


  1. 立法與行政命令
  2. 行政命令或資料庫
  3. 法院判決
  4. 其他法律資料庫或資源


  1. 立法與行政命令
  2. 法院判決
  3. 其他法律資料庫或資源


  1. 立法
  2. 行政命令或資料庫
  3. 法院判決
  4. 其他法律資料庫或資源





Launched in National Taiwan University Law School, Comparative Law Center coordinates and supports the school’s programs, resources and events in the areas of international law , comparative law and Taiwan law.

Our center works closely with foreign scholars and other members. We serve works-in-progress roundtable event. Many meetings bring together small group of scholars to present articles and feedback such as IACL and AsLEA.

Comparative Law Center of National Taiwan University is the director of the IACL Taiwan branch. Nowadays the primary task aims at coordinating domestic scholars to participate in the annual meeting, which would be held in Vienna in 2015 and Uruguay in 2016.

We have organized the International Congress of Comparative Law in May 2013 and more than 150 overseas scholars came to National Taiwan University.

Comparative Law Center held AsLEA in June 2014. There has been many foreign scholars participating in the meeting, which are from Mainland China, Germany, France and America.





陳肇鴻 副教授

Associate Professor CHEN Zhao-Hong holds a Doctor of Laws (PhD) from University College London, University of London.

From July 2009 to January 2021, he served as an Associate Professor and Assistant Professor at the School of Law, Singapore Management University.

His primary teaching and research areas include corporate and financial law.

His research interests encompass derivatives and risk management, corporate governance, regulatory issues in fintech and financial transactions, financial consumer protection, and dispute resolution.

In addition to general legal analysis and comparative law research, Associate Professor Chen also employs data analysis and empirical studies to examine and discuss legal policies and issues.

公司併購向來是企業活動中不可或缺的一環。 近年來隨著MBO、LBO的興盛成熟,上市公司私有化也逐漸成為法律學界熱切關心的焦點。 本次演講邀請到台灣大學校友,哈佛大學法學碩士,專精於企業併購的林靖揚律師 來為與會者深入探討私有化交易的架構與細節!
韓國是近年來東亞經濟發展最閃耀的一顆星。不論是三星、現代或是LG無非世界知名的品牌大廠。 為了解何以韓國人能如此「超英趕美」,本次演講特別邀請到首爾大學前法學院金院長, 請其從公司治理的觀點說明韓國人的企業成長「撇步」!
商業交易在現代台灣的經濟生活當中占有舉足若輕的地位, 然而商業交易由於牽涉利益龐大,往往案潮洶湧而有著不足為外人道哉的「秘辛」。 Anticipating What May Go Wrong 本次演講特別邀請到台積電的資深副總暨法務長Richard L. Thurston,來為與會者分享促成交易的每一個細微的「眉角」!
台灣社會隨著經濟的發展,商業活動也日漸興盛。 法律人除了傳統上擔任司法官與律師以外,也更多的投身企業界成為公司法務。 本次演講邀請到眾達法律事務所許維夫律師,替參加人深入淺出的分析公司法務執業生涯的點點滴滴。
臺灣幅員雖小,卻是國際上公認的電子科技大國。 提到台灣的電子業,就不能不提及首屈一指的台灣積體電路公司。 本次演講特別邀請到台積電宿文堂處長,聽他從法律人的視點出發,娓娓道來台灣電子業的交易現狀與法律環境!
私募股權基金是現今全球企業併購背後不可或缺的推手, 在大中華地區,私募股權基金更是企業合併的幕後功臣。 然而私募股權基金由於隱身幕後的關係,總是予人一種神秘感。 本次演講特別邀請到卓毅的合夥人及執行長郭明鑑先生,帶領聽眾一窺私募股權基金的操作過程!