
1 On the Use of Economic Analysis in Legal Methodology Peng-Hsiang Wang & Yun-Chien Changpp. 791-872 2 Towards Juristocracy? The Case of Taiwan Chien-Chih Linpp. 873-966 3 Defining the Family and Its Constitutional Protection Li-Ju Leepp. 967-1022 4 The Buyer’s Right of Rejection Yu-Hung Yenpp. 1023-1080 5 The Seller’s Obligations…
【Feature Articles: Supervision and Management of Industry and Environment】 The Challenges to Securities Regulatory Thinking in the Blockchain Era: Comments on the Latest Regulatory Guidelines for Securities Token Offerings Issued by Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission/ Yueh-Ping (Alex) Yang 1279-1374 The Analysis of the Amendment of Section 190-1 of Criminal Code:…
1 Taxation of Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses Yen-Jen Chenpp. 1799-1861 2 Research on French Administrative Tierce-Opposition Yuan-Hao Huangpp. 1863-1926 3 On the Exercise and Effect of the Right of Simultaneous Performing Chih-Yuan Kuopp. 1927-1965 4 High-rise for the Dead: The Problematic Contractual and Property Arrangements Regarding Columbarium Pagoda Yun-chien…
1 Analysis of the Reasonable Use of Personal Data Mode: Using the Application of Health Data in Academic Research as an Example Ning-Hsiu Leepp. 1-50 2 The Origin and Evolution of the Institution of Expression of Intent under a Mistake Tien-Huei Chenpp. 51-121 3 The Codification of Medical Contract Tsung-Fu…
1 Fundamental Dogmatic Issues of Limitation Period under Civil Code: Analysis Based on Several Judgments and Resolutions of Taiwan Supreme Court Sung-Mao Huangpp. 403-476 2 Study on the Patent Litigation in the USA and Taiwan: Focusing on the Interaction Among Invalidation and Amendment Proceedings and Infringement Lawsuit Su-Hua Leepp. 477-558…
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