
1 The War on Terroir in Asia?: Legal Issues of Geographical Indications in Recent International Trade Negotiations and Implications for Taiwan Chun-Chi Hungpp. 239-321 2 Res Judicata Effects of Arbitral Awards in International Commercial Arbitration: Focusing on the Governing Law and its Objective and Subjective Scope Wei-Yu Chenpp. 323-389 3…
1 Taxation Trends in the Digital Economy: Focus on the development of income tax in OECD and EU Chen Chiupp. 1-71 2 The Relationship between Non-Pecuniary Damages and Punitive Damages: On the Recent Development from the Historical Background and Function Evolution Ju-Yin Chenpp. 73-130 3 Issues Involved Legal System of…
1 The Deidentification of Personal Data and its Risk of Reidentification: A Legal Perspective Ching-Kuen Uengpp. 619-739 2 Rebuttal of Paternity Presumption through the Recognition by Biological Father: A Comparative Law Observation Yi-Tien Linpp. 741-827 3 The Duty to Serve of Electric Utilities and Liability of Compensation for Power Outages:…
1 Inheriting Mother’s Surname: Subject Position and Legal Consciousness in Multiple Relationship Yuan- Huei Ko & Hsiao-Tan Wangpp. 1335-1384 2 The Constitutional Law and Politics of Fundamental Rights: Lessons from the Contemporary Substantive Due Process Jurisprudence in the United States Yen-Tu Supp. 1385-1452 3 The Impact and Challenge of the…
1 The Strengths and Weaknesses for Granting Property Rights in Personal Information to Data Subjects: Focusing on the U.S. Laws Ching-Kuen Ueng pp. 941-1051 2 The Modernization of Criminal Confiscatory System: The LegislativeIssues about Substantive Law of Confiscation in 2015 Chih-Jen Hsueh pp. 1053-1123 3 Evidence-Based Study on the Pattern…
第 2 頁,共 38 頁