Vol.8 (No.1 December 1978)

An Analysis on the Disposition of Juvenile Court in the Republic of China/Kan-Mei Chang 1-16

Kartellbegriff/Yih-Nan Liaw 17-42

The Virtual Image and Real Image of Judicial Review – An Analysis to Its Physiology and Pathology/Hong-Hsi Lee 43-62

The Study on Copyright and Publishing Right/De-Fen Ho 63-76

The Study on Marriage between Cousins on the Mather Side/Tong-Schung Tai 77-88

Withdrawal of a Lawsuit/Yeong-Jia Louch 89-104

Licensing Agreement of Industrial Property and Its International Private Law Problems/Ming-Ruu Tseng-Chen 105-124

Die Vollstreckungsgegenklage des Schuldners Wegen des Gleichen Klagerunds und die Feststellungsklage/ Jung-Tsung Chen 125-134

Neuere Entwicklungen im Zivilprozessrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter Dersog Vereinfadrungsnovelle von 1976/Jung-Tsung Chen 135-144

Legal Considerations and Business Strategy for U.S. Firms to Do Business in Taiwan/Paul S. P. Hsu 145-182

Law and Practice Regarding Payment Conditions in a Sales Contract/Tze-Tung Ke 183-206

The Adoption Law of England (II) /Tzong-Leh Hwang 207-238

Case Studies on Family Law and the Law of Succession (14) /Chi-Yen Chen 239-270

A Study on Gift Given on the Condition of Non-Marital Sexual Relationship and Unjust Enrichment/Tze-Chien Wang 271-279