

In consideration that the cost the society paid in the KuoKuang Petrochemical Project was far too large than affordable, a pre-EIA (environmental impact assessment) procedure is required in all economic development projects with significnat impact. The NCSD (National Council for Sustainable Development) passed decision that in the future, all economic development projects with significant impact should be first estimated by the NCSD. Afterward the Executive Yuan shall decide whether or not to proceed with the project based on the advisory assessments brought by the NCSD. Only through these procedures can the said projects enter into EIA procedures.
     The NCSD is established in pursuance of sustainable development of environment, resources, economics, social justice. Its commission is comprised of 24 to 30 members, including the Premier of the Executive Yuan in charge of chairman, one third each government representatives, scholars and experts, and civic groups.
     This recommendation was proposed by the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration). The Vice Minister of the EPA clarified, the estimation of the NCSD is in virtue the same with environmental impact assessment, taking into consideration environmental impact, sustainable development and feasibility of development projects. With this pre-EIA procedure, project investors could be informed of the possible outcome earlier, instead of being intervened after the investment begins, and the latter obviously would invoke critics on the EPA.

 The Legislative Yuan approved “Renewable Energy Development Bill”, much to the concern of Taiwan’s energy development, on June 12th. The bill is aimed to increase self-made energy, promote the diversity of energy, help reduce greenhouse gases in terms of environmental protection, and to activate the growing of renewable energy industries. Both the ruling and the opposition parties regard the pass of the bill as positive to Taiwan’s “green energy” development, while the environmental groups think that developing is different from promoting, and that it requires more relevant collaborative measures to encourage people to resort to renewable energy.  

    The main scope of “Renewable Energy Development Bill” includes planning to increase the capacity of Taiwan’s renewable energy generating equipment, using the purchasing measures, encouraging measures, and loosened laws to appeal people to renewable energy, so as to make good use of Taiwan’s potential on renewable energy.
週五, 14 六月 2024 00:02



葉俊榮 臺大講座教授
Prof. Jiunn-rong Yeh

Jiunn-rong Yeh is a full-time professor at National Taiwan University College of Law, and Chair professor at National Taiwan University. In May 2016, he swore into office as Minister of the Interior and then Minister of Education before he returned to his professorship at National Taiwan University in December 2018. He acquired LLM degree from National Taiwan University College of Law. He also received JSD degree from Yale University, U.S.A. His research interests are constitutional law, environmental law, and administrative law. Currently, his primary research focuses on climate change, East Asian constitutionalism and global administrative law.


張文貞 特聘教授
Prof. Wen-Chen Chang

Wen-Chen Chang is Distinguished Professor at National Taiwan University College of Law. She obtained LLB and LLM degrees from College of Law, National Taiwan University, and LLM and JSD degrees from Yale Law School. Her research interests focus on comparative constitutional law, international human rights, administrative laws, and law and society.

陳聰富 臺大講座教授
Tsung-Fu Chen

Tsung-fu Chen is a full-time professor at National Taiwan University College of Law. He obtained JSD from New York University, U.S.A. His research interests are legal sociology and liability. He teaches Taiwan Civil Code (including contract law and tort law), Anglo-American Torts, and Medical Law at National Taiwan University.

李建良 教授
Prof. Chien-Liang Lee

Chien-Liang Lee is the Director & Distinguished Research Professor at Institutum of Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica and a professor at National Taiwan University College of Law. He received the Dr. jur. degree from Goettingen University, Germany. His researches include constitutional law, administrative law, and environmental law.

姜皇池 教授
Prof. Huang-Chih Chiang

Huang-Chih Chiang is a professor at National Taiwan University College of Law. He received LLB, LLM degrees from National Taiwan University and the PhD degree from London University, England. His research interests are public international law, international organization law, international human rights law and the law of the sea.

簡資修 教授
Prof. Tze-shiou Chien

Tze-shiou Chien is a professor at National Taiwan University College of Law and a research fellow at the Institutum of Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica. He received the Dr. degree from University of Georgetown, U.S.A. His research interests are tort law, property law and law and economic analysis. He teaches law and economic and torts at National Taiwan University.

林仁光 教授
Prof. Andrew Jen-Guang Lin

Andrew Jen-Guang Lin is a professor at National Taiwan University College of Law. He received his Dr. degree from Duke University, U.S.A. His research focuses are corporate governance, internal control and internal audit mechanisms, investor protection law, and other topics in corporate and securities laws. He teaches Anglo-American contract law, commercial law, corporation law, and business law at National Taiwan University.

汪信君 教授
Prof. Hsin-Chun Wang

Hsin-Chun Wang is a professor at National Taiwan University College of Law. He acquired the PhD degree from Queen Mary College, University of London, England. His research interests are insurance law, regulation of insurance, insurance and competition law, regulation of financial market, alternative risk transfer and insurance regulation, compulsory liability insurance.



•    李昭華 / 陳胤佑

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Prof. Wen-Yen Chiau

Wen-Yen Chiau is a legislator of Legislative Yuan in Taiwan, a professor and the former director of the Institute of Marine Resources Management in National Taiwan Ocean University. He received his MA and PhD from University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. His research interests focus on marine affairs, ocean and coastal management, and wetland conservation, planning and management.

Prof. Chang-Chuan Chan

Chang-Chuan Chan is a professor at Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, National Taiwan University. He was also a member of the National Sustainable Development Committee, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. He received his MA and PhD from Harvard School of Public Health. His research projects include environment, health, risk assessment, and environmental management.

Prof. Hsin-Huang Hsiao

Hsin-Huang Hsiao is a Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica , and a professor at Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University. He received MA and PhD degrees from State University of New York. His research fields include sociology of development, middle classes, social movements, environmental sociology, and non-profit organizations.

 Prof. Shu-Li Huang

Shu-Li Huang is a distinguished professor at Graduate Institute of Urban Planning and the director of the Center for Global Change and Sustainability Science at National Taipei University. He received PhD from Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests are global environmental change and urban planning.

Prof. Ling-Ling Lee

Ling-Ling Lee is a professor at the Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University. She received her PhD from University of California, Davis, U.S.A. Her research interests are animal ecology, animal behavior, mammalogy, conservation biology, and biodiversity. Recently her research focuses on the impact of climate change to ecology.

Prof. Tze-Luen Lin

Tze-Luen Lin is an associate professor at the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University. He received PhD from Urban Affairs and Public Policy, University of Delaware. His primary researches include environmental politics and policy, urban politics, democracy and green political thought, and public deliberation.

Prof. Chao-Han Liu

Chao-Han Liu is distinguished professor of Academia Sinica.  He used to serve as the Vice President of Academia Sinica, President of the National Central University in Taiwan for twelve years and as Chancellor of the University System of Taiwan for four years. He received the BS degree from National Taiwan University and PhD from Brown University. His research interests are radio science, international solar terrestrial physics and global change.

Prof. Jin-Tan Liu

Jin-Tan Liu is a professor at Department of Economics, National Taiwan University. He is also a research associate at National Bureau of Economic Research. He obtained PhD degree from Vanderbilt University. His research interests are environmental economics, econometrics, environmental pollution impact and relating risk assessment.

Prof. Wen-Chen Shih

Wen-Chen Shih is a professor at the Department of International Business of National Chengchi University. She received PhD in Law from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK. Her research interests are international financial trade law, international environmental law. Recently her studies focus on international environmental conventions and environmental sustainability.

Prof. Huei-Min Tsai

Huei-Min Tsai is an associate professor and chairman at Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University. She obtained her PhD from National Taiwan University. Her research interests are island geography, global change and environmental sustainability.

Prof. Juju C. S. Wang

Juju C. S. Wang is the director of Holistic Education Center at Fujen Catholic University, and a professor at the Institute of Sociology, Tsing-Hua University. He received his PhD of Land Use Planning, Design and Management, from Texas Tech University, U.S.A. His researches include sociology, social movements, environmental protection and sustainability.

Prof. Yue-Hwa Yu

Yue-Hwa Yu is a emeritus professor at the Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University. He received the BS degree from Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University and D. Sc. Degree from Washington University, U.S.A. His research interests include water and wastewater treatment, environmental impact assessment, and environmental planning and management.

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Overseas Advisors

Prof. Alan Boyle

Alan Boyle is a professor at University of Edinburgh. He is also a barrister participating in cases of International Court of Justice and other international tribunals. He received his MA, BCL, LLD degrees from Oxford University. His primary researches are public international law, international environmental law, the law of the sea, international law-making and the settlement of international disputes and law of climate change.

Prof. Hong Sik Cho

Hong Sik Cho is a professor and the director of Center for Energy & Environmental Law and Policy at Seoul National University. He obtained his LLM and JSD from U.C. Berkeley. His primary research interests are the law and economic analysis and environmental law.

Prof. Daniel C. Esty

Daniel C. Esty is the Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy at Yale Law School and the director of the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy as well as the Center for Business and Environment at Yale. He received MA degree from University of Oxford and JD from Yale Law School. His research interests consist of relationship between environment and trade, globalization, security, competitiveness, international institutions, and development.

Prof. Daniel A. Farber

Daniel A. Farber is the Sho Sato Professor of Law and chair of the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. He also serves as the director of the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment and Climate and Energy Policy Institute. He obtained his MA and JD from University of Illinois. His researches include the history of law, constitutional law, environmental law, and climate change and law.

Prof. Reinhard Hendler

Reinhard Hendler is a professor at Universität Trier and serves as the director of Institute for Environment and Technology. He received PhD degree from Universität Göttingen. His research interests are administrative law, environmental law, state organization, and public participation in the planning of city construction.

Prof. Kheng Lian Koh

Koh Kheng Lian is an emeritus professor at National University of Singapore and now the honorary director of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL). She is also a member of International Council of Environmental Law in Bonn and was the IUCN CEL Regional Vice Chair for South and East Asia, and a member of its Steering Committee from 1996 to 2004. She obtained her LLM and PhD from National University of Singapore. Her research interests are environmental law, criminal law and countertrade.

Prof. Jolene Lin

Jolene Lin is an assistant professor at University of Hong Kong. She is the International Environmental Law editor of the Singapore Year Book of International Law and an associate member of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law. She acquired her LLB degree from London School of Economics and LLM degree from New York University School of Law. Currently, her researches include administrative law, climate change law, and environmental law.

Prof. Tadashi OTSUKA

Tadashi OTSUKA is a professor at Waseda University Institute of Comparative Law and also a researcher of Institute of Collaborative Systems for Sustainable Society and Institute of Clinical Legal Education. His recent researches include environmental damage, climate change, and soil contamination. He has published numerous papers regarding environmental law, legal policy on global warming, and comments on environmental impact assessment law.
週四, 13 六月 2024 23:57

Our Missions

PLES has identified four primary tasks that include both research and participation for domestic and international environmental policy and law.

We seek to create constructive dialogues between academics, practitioners, policy makers, environmental groups and concerned citizens. Via this vibrant forum, more environmental issues could be brought up, fully discussed and implemented into future policy.

1.     Establishing environmental sustainability policy and law database
This database collects and analyzes environmental legal materials covering from domestic legislation, government policies, court decisions, international treaties/conventions, to comparative environmental policies and laws. Additionally, PLES shall issue reports or policy papers on major developments in domestic and international environmental laws, policies as well as court decisions.

2.      Focusing on environmental legislation and policy making
Taiwan has successfully implemented major environmental legislation in the last two decades. In response to recent global environmental initiatives and green technology innovation, however, much of this body of law requires further improvement. PLES shall take a lead in major legislative and policy innovations and assist to generate academic discussions and public deliberation.


3.      Promoting international participation and cooperation on environmental sustainability
PLES shall serve as a linkage between Taiwan and the world on sustainable environmental law and policy making. It is dedicated to facilitation of international academic exchange and collaboration. Various workshops, research programs and symposia shall be held with other environmental law and policy centers to form strategic alliances. Based on comprehensive studies and frequent cooperation with others, PLES aims to join the discussion of global environmental issues. 

4.      Facilitating environmental legal education and NGO involvement
It is our priority to facilitate environmental legal education. PLES shall help to provide joint courses with experts in various fields and English courses with transnational collaboration as an attempt to vest our students and future environmental lawyers with interdisciplinary competence and global vision. Environmental law clinics and practical training workshops would also be offered as an important way to reach out to our community. 

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Our History

Environmental sustainability has become a global consensus. Every nation in the world has dedicated herself to the preservation of environment and facilitated it by way of policy making or legislation. However, sustainable policy or law making is no easy task and poses great challenges to the wisdom of every decision maker. PLES is seeking to serve and provide such a pioneering role for sustainable environmental law and policy making in Taiwan and beyond. Our goal is to develop PLES into a primary research base and a policy think tank for Taiwan, East Asian region and the world. 

PLES was created on World Environment Day with a special purpose. Every June 5, people around the globe express their supports for the environment by holding various events and activities to promote environmental awareness. On June 5, 2009, we decided to entrench our devotion to the environment and celebrate this very day by creating PLES. 

It was our deepest honor that our opening ceremony was accompanied by many distinguished guests, environmental scholars, lawyers and activists as well as government officials PLES received positive affirmation with our ideas and high expectation that PLES would lead the way of environmental sustainability policy and law-making in Taiwan and beyond. With these strong supports, PLES shall endeavor to fulfill our promises to help protect our Earth!

《氣候變遷治理與法律》 葉俊榮著





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