





  • 923()24()上午10點至晚上9全面開放研究室,供同學搬運物品至新桌位。如有私人貴重物品,請務必自行審慎保管。有變動桌位之同學也務必提前將舊桌位清空,以利其他同學使用!逾時未清空者,視為授權院方代為清空。
  • 有更換研究室者,請於924(二)下午2點前將鑰匙繳回院辦公室,特別注意逾期未繳回鑰匙者將喪失使用研究室之資格。若已遺失鑰匙,煩請同學自行重打並繳回或於繳回期限內繳交50元代辦費用。
  • 925(三)下午1開始發放鑰匙。請各位同學至院辦公室,出示本人之學生證正本,並於登記表格上簽名,始得領取鑰匙,其後即可開始使用研究室。








  • 於9/20(五)研究生座位分配程序結束後,萬才館研究桌上有個位數座位。
  • 按研究生研究桌配用公告第7點中,對於剩餘空位處理之規定:「若上述分配流程結束後,仍有剩餘之研究室桌位,屆時將另行公告,開放同學至院辦公室登記,依到場先後順序進行分配至無空位為止。」
  • 故院辦公室將於9/25(三)12:30開放同學備妥學生證正本,至6樓法律學院辦公室場地組排隊登記剩餘座位,並依到場先後順序進行分配至無空位為止。



Hello, students:

Attached is the "Final Allocation Result of Graduate Research Desks for 113-1." If you have any questions, please let me know via email.

(1) The research room will be fully open on September 23 (Monday) and 24 (Tuesday) from 10 AM to 9 PM for students to move their items to their new desks. Please make sure to take care of your personal valuable items. Students changing desks must clear their old desk in advance to facilitate use by others. Items left unemptied after the deadline will be considered authorized for the department to clear.

(2) For those changing research rooms, please return your keys to the department office by 2 PM on September 24 (Tuesday). Please note that failure to return keys on time will result in losing your right to use the research room. If you have lost your key, please either replace it yourself and return it or pay a handling fee of 50 NT dollars within the return deadline.

(3) Keys will be distributed starting at 1 PM on September 25 (Wednesday). Please go to the department office, present your original student ID, and sign the registration form to receive your key. You can then start using the research room.

Due to the limited resources of our research desks, please use them responsibly! According to Article 4, Clause 1 of the management regulations, research desks are for personal use only. Article 5, Clause 1 states that those allocated a research desk who violate this rule significantly will have their usage rights revoked upon discovery and will not be allowed to apply for allocation in the following academic year.

Please pay special attention and do not violate the above regulations!

Additionally, regarding the handling of remaining graduate research desk seats:

(1) After the graduate seating allocation process concludes on September 20 (Friday), there will be a few available seats on the Wan Cai Guan research desks. (2) According to point 7 of the graduate research desk allocation announcement regarding the handling of remaining vacant seats: "If there are still remaining research room desks after the allocation process, another announcement will be made, allowing students to register at the department office, and allocation will proceed in order of arrival until all seats are filled." (3) Therefore, the department office will open on September 25 (Wednesday) at 12:30 PM. Students should prepare their original student ID and line up at the 6th floor law school office to register for the remaining seats, which will be allocated in order of arrival until all are filled.