張文貞 特聘教授

  • Name: Wen-Chen Chang
  • Title: 特聘教授
  • Education: 美國耶魯大學法學博士
  • Tel: 3366-8948
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Research Interests: 憲法、國際人權法、行政法、環境法、法律與社會分析


張文貞教授的主要研究及教學領域是憲法、國際人權法、行政法、環境法、國際環境法、法律與社會分析,她於2022年2月起,同時於國立陽明交通大學科技法律學院合聘。張教授於2015年榮獲科技部傑出研究獎,2012年獲中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎,2010年獲頒行政院國家科學委員會吳大猷先生紀念獎,2007年獲得國立臺灣大學優良教師。張教授在2008年8月到2012年7月間,擔任本院英文期刊National Taiwan University Law Review (TSSCI)的主編,其後一直擔任該刊的編輯委員。2012年,張教授獲邀擔任International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI)的學術諮詢委員,2013年起擔任該期刊的編輯委員迄今。張教授有許多中英文著作的出版,近期的英文專書著作有 Gender, Sexuality and Constitutionalism in Asia, with  Kelley Loper, Mara Malagodi and Ruth Rubio-Marin (Bloomsbury Hart Publishing, 2023), Asian Courts in Context, with Jiunn-rong Yeh (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 及 Constitutionalism in Asia: Cases and Materials, with Li-ann Thio, Kevin YL Tan & Jiunn-rong Yeh (Hart Publishing, 2014).


起始時間 結束時間 工作單位
2022 2026 Executive Committee Member and Global Scholar, International Association of
Constitutional Law
2023-09 2026-09 懲戒法院參審員
2023 2023 全國律師聯合會第2屆能源發展法制委員會顧問
2022-12 2024-11 考試院法規委員會委員
2022-08 2024-07 國立臺灣大學法學論叢編輯委員
2022-08 2024-07 監察院諮詢委員會委員
2022-04 2024-03 司法官學院司法官訓練委員會委員
2022 2022 行政院2022年傑出科技貢獻獎審議委員
2022-02 2024-01 國立陽明交通大學科技法律學院合聘教授
2021-02 2022-01 國立陽明交通大學科技法律學院教授兼院長
2022-01 迄今 Board Member, Asian Law and Society Association
2021-01 迄今 中研院歐美季刊編輯委員會委員
2019-02 2021-01 國立交通大學科技法律學院教授兼院長
2019-08 2019-09 新加坡國立大學法學院客座教授
2019-01 2020-12 中研院歐美季刊編輯委員會委員
2018-01 2018-01 以色列特拉維夫大學法學院客座教授
2018 迄今

Advisor, Oxford Book Series in Comparative Constitutionalism 

2017-01 2024-12 Member of Editorial Board, Cambridge Journal of Global Constitutionalism: Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
2017 2019 環境權保障基金會董事
2017 2017 科技部人文及社會研究發展司法律學門複審會複審委員
2017 2017 總統府司法改革國事會議第1分組委員
2016-09 2019-08 內政部政黨審議委員會第9屆委員
2016-09 2018-08 內政部第1屆聽證主持人
2016-08 2018-07 國立臺灣大學法學論叢編輯委員
2016-08 迄今 國立臺灣大學氣候變遷國際碩博士學位學程教授
2016-08 2019-01 國立臺灣大學法律學院環境永續政策與法律中心主任
2016-08 2018-08 衛生福利部身心障礙者權益保障推動小組第5屆委員
2016-06 2017-12 教育部公費留學諮詢委員會委員
2016-05 迄今 總統府人權諮詢委員會委員



以色列Interdisciplinary Center Radzyner Law School客座教授

2016-02-20 2016-02-24 美國聖路易華盛頓大學法學院William C. Jones講座
2015-01-01 迄今 Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Editor
2014-08 2016-07 國立臺灣大學法律學院公法中心主任
2014-01-01 2015-12-31 國家發展委員會訴願審議委員會委員
2013-10-01 2014-07-31 國立臺灣大學性騷擾防治委員會委員
2013-08-01 2014-07-31 國立臺灣大學圖書委員會委員
2013-08-01 迄今 International Society of Public Law, Council Member
2013-04-01 2019-03-31 國立臺灣大學理學院全球變遷研究中心諮詢委員會委員
2013-01-01 迄今 中華民國憲法學會理事
2013-01-01 2017-12-06 環境法律人協會理事
2012-10-01 迄今 International Journal of Constitutional Law, Board of Editors
2012-10-01 2014-07-31 國立臺灣大學工作場所性別歧視申訴委員會委員
2012-08-01 迄今 National Taiwan University Law Review, Editor
2012-07-01 2012-07-31 2012 Annual Meeting of American Law and Society Association Program Committee Member
2012-06-01 2014-06-30 國立臺灣大學教師申訴評議委員會委員
2012-05-01 2013-04-30 法務部人權工作小組委員
2012-04-01 2014-03-31 國立臺灣大學寫作教學中心教學諮詢委員會委員
2012-04-01 2012-04-30 總統府人權諮詢委員會「公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利公約中華民國初次報告國際審查會秘書處」諮詢委員
2012-01-01 迄今 臺灣人權學刊編輯委員
2011-07-01 2011-07-31 美國杜克大學法學院亞美跨國法中心香港學程教授
2011-06-01 2013-06-30 International Journal of Constitutional Law, Scientific Advisory Board
2011-05-01 2013-12-31 行政院研究發展考核委員會法規委員會委員
2011-01-01 2011-02-28 新加坡國立大學法學院ASLI訪問學者
2011-01-01 2013-12-31 台灣法學會監事
2010-10-01 2014-12-31 國家發展研究期刊編輯委員
2010-09-01 2013-12-31 行政院環境保護署國家賠償事件處理委員會委員
2010-09-01 2014-07-31 國立臺灣大學性別平等教育委員會委員
2010-07-01 2013-12-31 行政院研究發展考核委員會訴願審議委員會委員
2009-12-01 2010-06-30 美國芝加哥大學法學院訪問學者
2009-06 迄今 國立臺灣大學法律學院環境永續政策與法律中心成員
2009-05-01 2013-12-31 行政院環境保護署法規委員會委員
2009-04-01 2010-12-31 國立臺灣大學寫作教學中心教學諮詢委員會委員
2008-06-01 2012-07-31 National Taiwan University Law Review, Editor-in-Chief
2007-01-01 2008-12-31 國立臺灣大學經費稽核委員會委員
2006-10-01 2008-02-29 國立臺灣大學性騷擾防治委員會委員
2006-10-01 2009-08-31 國立臺灣大學性別平等教育委員會委員
2006-07-01 2007-06-30 國立臺灣大學校務會議代表
2006-04-01 2007-03-31 行政院新聞局訴願審議委員會委員
2006-02-01 2006-12-31 國立臺灣大學組織規程研修小組委員
2006-02-01 2008-02-29 國立臺灣大學性騷擾申訴評議委員會委員
2006-01-01 2009-12-31 台灣法學會理事
2005-07-01 2007-06-30 內政部法規委員會委員


2005-09-30 行政院研究發展考核委員會「中華民國憲政檔案展」訪查小組委員


期刊論文名稱 出版日期

Wen-Chen Chang, 2023.04, Social and political dynamics in the feminization of judiciary, 21 (2) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 700-706 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1093/icon/moad043 (SSCI)


Yi-Li Lee & Wen- Chen Chang, 2023.01, A Contextual Analysis of the Evolution of Transitional Justice: The Story of Taiwan, 27 (4) The International Journal of Human Rights 485-709 (2023),  https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2022.2153120 (SSCI)




Yi-Li Lee & Wen- Chen Chang, 2022.11, Mixed Constitutions in East Asia: South Korea and Taiwan as Examples, 16 (2) Law & Ethics of Human Rights 273-294 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1515/lehr-2022-2008


Mark L. Shope & Wen-Chen Chang, 2022.01, Civil Society and Regional Human Rights Development in Asia: Lessons from the Asian Human Rights Court Simulation, 29 (1) Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 59-84 (2022).


Wen-Chen Chang, 2021, The limited function of law in transforming rule of law: a reply to Ruiping Ye, International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI) (2021.03 accepted)

張文貞,2021.11,〈監察院憲政轉型的契機與挑戰〉,《月旦法學》,318期,頁88-101。  2021-11
張文貞,2021.05,〈COVID-19與國際人權〉,《月旦法學》,312期,頁8-22。 2021-05
張文貞,2020.05,〈婚姻、隱私與性別平等—通姦罪違憲的憲法與國際人權法基礎〉,《臺灣法學雜誌》,392期,頁19-31。 2020-05
張文貞著,申惠丰翻譯,2019.10, 〈 台湾の人権実施法:国内受容の良いモデルか? 〉 ,《 国際人権》 ,30号,頁25-31。 2019-10
Wen-Chen Chang, 2019.04, Back into the Political? – Rethinking Judicial, Legal, and Transnational Constitutionalism, 17 (2) International Journal of Constitutional Law 453-460 (2019). (SSCI)
Wen-Chen Chang, 2019.01, Asian exceptionalism? Reflections on “Judicial Review in the Contemporary World”: Afterword to the foreword by Doreen Lustig and J.H.H. Weiler, 17 (1) International Journal of Constitutional Law 31-39 (2019). (SSCI) 2019-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.08, Book Review of Jaclyn L Neo ed, Constitutional Interpretation in Singapore: Theory and Practice, Australian Journal of Asian Law, Vol. 19, No. 1, article 12, 2018. (Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3239324)

Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.01, Book Review: Po Jen Yap, Constitutional Dialogue in Common Law Asia, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol.15, No.1, pp.264-268. (SSCI)



張文貞,2016.06,〈超越繼受、立足臺灣、邁向國際的法學研究前景〉,《人文與社會科學簡訊》,173期,頁97-100 2016-06
張文貞,2015.06,〈死刑釋憲:引領公共論辯及共識形成的模擬憲法法庭〉,《全國律師》,6月號,頁13-19 2015-06
Wen-Chen Chang, 2015.05, Peaceful but “Illegal” Assemblies? – Comparisons between Taiwan’s Constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 45, Part 1, pp. 295-313. (SSCI) 2015-05
張文貞,2015.03,〈CEDAW國內法化:CEDAW施行法〉,《性別平等教育季刊》,70期,頁37-42(匿名審查) 2015-03
張文貞,2014.11,〈性別平等之內涵與定位:兩公約與憲法之比較〉,《台大法學論叢》,43卷特刊,頁771-839(TSSCI) 2014-11
張文貞,2013.11,〈2012年憲法發展回顧〉,《台大法學論叢》,42卷特刊,頁933-965(TSSCI) 2013-11
張文貞,2013.06,〈兩公約國際審查的困局:法務部作為秘書處的定位失當〉,《台灣人權學刊》,21期,頁141-150 2013-06
張文貞,2013.04,〈台灣政府,能不慚愧嗎?-非政府組織在兩公約國家報告國際審查的角色與定位〉,《司法改革雜誌》,95 ,頁26-27。
葉俊榮、張文貞,2012.12,〈東亞憲政主義的興起與發展:主要的特徵〉,《憲政時代》,374期,頁1-50。(匿名審查) 2012-12
張文貞,2012.12,〈兩公約實施兩週年的檢討:以司法實踐為核心〉,《思與言》,504期,頁7-43。(THCI Core 2012-12
張文貞,2012.06,〈演進中的法:一般性意見作為國際人權公約的權威解釋〉,《台灣人權學刊》,12期,頁25-43。(匿名審查) 2012-06
張文貞著、娜仁花翻譯、東澤靖翻譯監修,2012.05,〈国際人権規範の実現への待望台湾における両規約実施2年目における検討〉,《法律時報》,845号通巻1046号,頁81-85 2012-05
張文貞,2012.03,〈國際人權法與內國人權保障的匯流:積極以CEDAW來落實婦女人權及性別平等〉,《台灣人權促進會季刊—CEDAW專輯》,春季號,頁3-6 2012-03
張文貞、呂尚雲,2011.12,〈兩公約與環境人權的主張〉,《台灣人權學刊》,11期,頁69-102。(匿名審查) 2011-12
David S. Law & Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.10, The Limits of Global Judicial Dialogue, Washington Law Review, Vol. 86, No.3, pp. 523-577. (SSCI) 2011-10
Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.07, The Emergence of East Asian Constitutionalism: Features in Comparison, American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 59 No. 3, pp.805-840. (SSCI) 2011-07
Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.05, The Convergence of Constitutions and International Human Rights: Taiwan and South Korea in Comparison, North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulations, Vol.36, No.3, pp.593-624. (reviewed journal) 2011-05
Wen-Chen Chang, 2010.12, Strategic Judicial Responses in Politically Charged Cases: East Asian Experiences, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol.8, No.4, pp.885-910. (SSCI) 2010-12
張文貞,2010.04,〈哥本哈根之後:全球氣候變遷規範機制的分與合〉,《在野法潮》,5期,頁12-14 2010-04
張文貞,2010.03,〈國際人權法與內國憲法的匯流—台灣施行兩大人權公約之後〉,《台灣人權促進會季刊—兩公約專輯》,春季號,頁12-22 2010-03
張文貞,2010.03,〈人權保障的司法審查—台灣施行兩大人權公約之後〉,《台灣人權促進會季刊—兩公約專輯》,春季號,頁46-49 2010-03
張文貞,2010.01〈跨國法院的權力爭逐與對話—歐洲人權法院及歐洲法院二件判決評析〉,《台灣法學雜誌》,143期,頁73-91。(匿名審查) 2010-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2009.12, An Isolated Nation with Global-minded Citizens: Bottom-up Transnational Constitutionalism in Taiwan, National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 203-235. (TSSCI) 2009-12
張文貞,2009.05,〈人權保障與憲法解釋:對司法院大法官釋憲的期許〉,《台灣法學雜誌》,127期,頁94-98 2009-05
Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2009.03, The Changing Landscape of Modern Constitutionalism: Transitional Perspective, National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.145-183. (TSSCI) 2009-03
Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2008.09, The Emergence of Transnational Constitutionalism: Its Features, Challenges and Solutions, Penn State International Law Review, Vol. 27, No.1, pp.89-124. (reviewed journal) 2008-09
Wen-Chen Chang, 2008.09, East Asian Foundations for Constitutionalism: Three Models Reconstructed, National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.111-141. (TSSCI) 2008-09
張文貞,2007.11,〈跨國憲政主義的合縱與連橫:歐洲人權法院與內國憲法法院關係初探〉,《月旦法學》,150期,頁57-70 2007-12
葉俊榮、張文貞,2006.12,〈路徑相依或制度選擇?--論民主轉型與憲法變遷的模式〉,《問題與研究》,456期,頁1-31。(TSSCI 2006-12
張文貞,2006.09,〈積極面對全球重整:台灣以憲改工程與國際接軌〉,《新世紀智庫論壇》,35期,頁47-52 2006-09
張文貞,2006.06,〈公民複決修憲在當代憲政主義上的意涵〉,《台灣民主季刊》,32期,頁87-118。(TSSCI 2006-06
張文貞,2006.03,〈書評:司法違憲審查的政治起源?--科技整合取向的探討〉,《台灣民主季刊》,31期,頁137-142。(TSSCI 2006-03
Wen-Chen Chang, 2005.12, The Role of Judicial Review in Consolidating Democracy: the Case of Taiwan, Asia Law Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.73-88. (reviewed journal) 2005-12
Wen-Chen Chang, 2005.12, Constructing Federalism: The EU and US Models in Comparison, EurAmerica《歐美研究》, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp.733-773. TSSCI 2005-12
張文貞,2005.01,〈當科技遇上憲法:憲政主義的危機與轉機〉,《月旦法學》,116期,頁176-190 2005-01
張文貞,2004.12,〈新世紀台灣憲改的制度選擇:論監察院、考試院與國民大會的存廢〉,《月旦法學》,115期,頁209-225 2004-12
張文貞,2004.06,〈邁向整合的崎嶇路—美國最高法院對聯邦權限的緊縮〉,《歐美研究》,342期,頁1-41。(TSSCI 2004-06
張文貞,2004.06,〈打開潘朵拉的盒子之後:基因篩檢的挑戰〉,《科學月刊》,378期,頁12-21 2004-06
張文貞,2003.11,〈中斷的憲法對話:憲法解釋在憲法變遷脈絡的定位〉,《台大法學論叢》,326期,頁61-102。(TSSCI 2003-11
張文貞、牛惠之,2003.07,〈淺談人類基因專利:科技發展、倫理與法律的三角習題〉,《應用倫理研究通訊》,27期,頁42-47 2003-07
葉俊榮、張文貞,2002.12,〈轉型法院與法治主義:論最高行法院對違法行政命令審查的積極趨勢〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,144期,頁515-559。(TSSCI 2002-12
張文貞,2002.03,〈憲政主義與選舉制度:「新國會」選制改革芻議〉,《新世紀智庫論壇》,17期,頁17-32 2002-06
張文貞,2002.03,〈美國司法規則制定權的理論與實際:兼評大法官釋字第五三O號解釋〉,《台灣本土法學雜誌》,32期,頁70-81 2002-03


研討會論文名稱 出版日期

Yi-Li Lee and Wen-Chen Chang, 2022.12, “Policy Directive, Socioeconomic Rights and Proportionality Principle: The Case of South Korea and Taiwan”, paper presented at the World Congress of Constitutional Law, at the University of Johannesburg’s Auckland Campus, December 5-9, 2022.


Yi-Li Lee and Wen-Chen Chang, 2021.05, “Mixed Constitutions in East Asia: South Korea and Taiwan as Examples”, paper presented at the 16th International Human Rights Researchers’ Online Workshop, held by College of Law and Business, Israel, Faculty of Law, Hong Kong University, and ITAM, May 2-4.



Wen-Chen Chang & Chun-Yuan Lin, 2020.12, “COVID-19 in Taiwan: Democracy, Technology, and Civil Society”, paper presented at the Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM Virtual 2020) entitled Tropical Disease Control amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, held by Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, December 15-16, Bangkok, Thailand. 2020
Wen-Chen Chang & Mark Shope, 2020.11, “Civil Society in Asia: Lessons from the Asian Human Rights Court Simulation”, paper presented at the 17th Asian Law Institute Conference (Virtual) entitled Law and Justice in Asia , held by National Law University, Delhi, November 7-9, India. 2020
Wen-Chen Chang, 2019.07, “Constitutional Court and Civil Society in Constitutional Governance: South Korea and Taiwan in Comparison”, paper presented at the ICON·S 2019 Conference on “Public Law in Times of Change”, July 1-3, Santiago, Chile. 2019
Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.11, “Taiwan’s Human Rights Implementation Acts: A Model for Successful Incorporation?”, paper presented to the Annual Conference of Japan’s International Human Rights Law Association, held by Meijo University, November 24-25, Nagoya, Japan. 2018
Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.10, “Constitutional Protection of Sex/Gender Equality: With the Focus on Taiwan Constitutional Court’s Leading Cases”, paper presented to the 2018 International Seminar of the Constitutional Court, held by the Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan, October 1-2, Taipei, Taiwan. 2018
Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.06, “War and Peace in Modern Constitutional Law: Asian Focus”, presentation for the plenary session of the World Congress of International Association of Constitutional Law, June 18-22, Seoul, South Korea. 2018
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2018.06, “The Role of External Actors in the Course of Constitutional Change: The Case of Taiwan”, paper presented at Workshop No. 24 [External Influences on Constitution Building Processes], the World Congress of International Association of Constitutional Law, June 18-22, Seoul, South Korea. 2018

Wen-Chen Chang & Yi-Li Lee, 2018.06, “The Use/non-use of International Law on Delayed Justice in Post-Conflict Settings: A Contextual Analysis of South Korea and Taiwan”, paper presented at Workshop No. 20 [The Influence of Foreign and International Legal Sources on Post-Conflict and in-Conflict Constitutional Law], the World Congress of International Association of Constitutional Law, June 18-22, Seoul, South Korea.

Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.03, “Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendment in Taiwan and Asia”, presentation at the Faculty Workshop of Maurer Law School, Indiana University, March 28, Bloomington, Indiana, Untied States. 2018
Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.12, “Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendment in Asia”, paper presented at the 7th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, held at Thammasat University, December 8-9, Bangkok, Thailand. 2017
Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.10, “Report on Taiwan”, paper presented at the second Melbourne Forum on Constitution Building in Asia and the Pacific, jointly sponsored by International IDEA and the Constitution Transformation Network and hosted by Political Science Department, University of the Philippines, October 3-4, Manila, the Philippines, text available at http://law.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/2536547/Taiwan-Chang.pdf 2017
Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.09, “Constitutional Court and Civil Society: The Experiences of Taiwan”, presentation as Global Challenge Visiting Researcher, held by Seoul National University School of Law, September 29, Seoul, South Korea. 2017
Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.07, “The Constitutional Court of Taiwan: An Evolving Strong Court against Contextual Dynamics”, paper presented at the ICON·S 2017 Conference on “Courts, Powers, Public Law”, July 5-7, Copenhagen, Denmark. Max Encyclopedia 2017
Wen-Chen Chang & David S. Law, 2017.06, “Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments: Taiwan”, paper presented at the International Conference on “Constitutionalism in Context”, held by University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, June 11-12, Hong Kong. CUP editor David 2017
Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.06, “The Constitutional Court of Taiwan: An Evolving Strong Court against Contextual Dynamics”, paper presented at the International Conference on Democratization and Constitution in East Asia: 30 Years of June Democracy Movement, held by Seoul National University Asia-Pacific law Institute, Seoul National University Law Research Institute and Korean Constitutional Law Association, June 9, Seoul, South Korea. 2017
張文貞,2016.12,〈國際人權入憲:下一波憲改的重要課題〉,發表於中華民國憲法學會105年度會員大會暨《經濟、社會、政治及國際人權之發展與憲法變遷》學術研討會,中華民國憲法學會主辦,1224日,台北。 2016
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2016.12, “Civic Movements and Constitutionalism: Recent Experiences in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong”, paper presented at ICON-S Symposium on The War on Japan’s Pacifist Constitution, held by International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), University of Tokyo, Center of Philosophy (UTCP) and Re:DEMOS, December 17-18, Tokyo, Japan. 2016
Wen-Chen Chang & Yi-Li Lee, 2016.10, “Constitutional Review by Multiple Final Courts: Competition and Collaboration”, paper presented at the Conference on Comparative Judicial Review, held by Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, October 7-8, Chicago, United States. Rosalind Dix Erin De… 2016
張文貞,2016.09,〈走向決策化的行政法院〉,發表於《「東亞法院與法律繼受」研究成果發表論壇》,臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院、臺灣大學法律學院,923日,台北。 2016
張文貞,2016.05,〈司法「決策化」:行政法院的功能演變〉,發表於《東亞法院論壇二十四》,東亞法院與法律繼受研究計畫,55日,台北。 2016
Wen-Chen Chang, 2016.03, “New Separation of Powers in an Uncertain World of Transnationalism”, paper presented at the Public Law and Human Rights Workshop, held by University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law, March 15, Jerusalem. 2016
Wen-Chen Chang, 2016.02, “Chinese Constitutionalism at the Crossroads: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects”, paper presented at the William C. Jones Lecture, held by Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute & the Program in East Asian Studies at the College of Arts and Sciences, Law, Washington University, February 22, St. Louis. 2016
Wen-Chen Chang & Yi-Li Lee, 2016.01, “Reexamining Transitional Justice in Taiwan: A Lost Opportunity?”, paper presented at the UW Trans-Pacific Comparative Public Law Roundtable, held by University of Washington School of Law, January 14-15, Seattle. 2016
張文貞,2015.12,〈行政命令的司法審查:以最高行政法院判決為中心〉,發表於《第十屆「憲法之理論與實務」學術研討會》,中研院法律學研究所,1217-18日,台北。 2015
張文貞,2015.12,〈國際人權公約與憲法解釋:匯流的模式、功能及台灣實踐〉,發表於《司法院大法官104年度學術研討會》,司法院及法官學院舉辦,125日,台北。 2015
張文貞,2015.11,〈死刑違憲與司法審查:三個關鍵思考點〉,發表於《蔡墩銘教授追思研討會:死刑違憲判決與違憲死刑判決暨鄭性澤案分析與評鑑》,第二屆模擬憲法法庭、國立台灣大學法律學院公法學研究中心等主辦,1127日,台北。 2015
張文貞,2015.11,〈環評的司法審查:台灣與南韓的比較〉,發表於《第15屆行政法理論與實務學術研討會》,國立台灣大學法律學院公法學研究中心及頂尖計畫辦公室主辦,1121日,台北。 2015
Wen-Chen Chang & Yi-Li Lee, 2015.07, “Judicial Strategies to Presidential Election Disputes: The Case of Taiwan”, paper presented at the Judicial Review of Elections in Asia Conference, held by University of Hong Kong, July 3, Hong Kong. Routledge 2015
Wen-Chen Chang, 2015.07, “New Separation of Powers in an Uncertain World of Transnationalism”, paper presented at the 2nd Plenary Session of the 2015 International Society of Public Law Conference, July 1-3, New York. 2015
張文貞,2015.04,〈政黨政治下的民主赤字:挑戰與回應〉,發表於《民主洗牌(變遷)與憲政體制的檢討》學術研討會,中華民國憲法學會及台北市政府法務局主辦,425日,台北。 2015
張文貞,2014.12,〈行政契約的總體實證研究:以最高行政法院裁判為核心〉,發表於《第14屆行政法理論與實務學術研討會》,國立台灣大學法律學院公法學研究中心主辦,1220日,台北。 2014
張文貞,2014.11,〈中華民國憲法制定下的東西方對話:以制憲者的背景考察為核心〉〈憲法制定の比較法学な対話:台湾における中華民国憲法を例にする〉,發表於《「東亞思想交流史」國際學術研討會》,臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院及名古屋大學高等研究院主辦,117-8日,台北。 2014
張文貞,2014.10,〈環境影響評估與民眾參與:從Hardy and Maile v. United Kingdom談起〉,發表於《歐洲人權學術研討會》,中央研究院歐美研究所及臺大法律學院人權與法理學中心主辦,1017-18日,台北。 2014
張文貞2014.09,〈行政契約的法院論證〉,發表於《法院的契約觀:華人社會的實踐》,東亞法院與法律繼受研究計畫、台大人文社會高等研究院、台大法律學院主辦,926日,台北。 2014
Wen-Chen Chang, 2014.06, “Comparative Discourse in Constitution-Making: The Case of the Republic of China Constitution in Taiwan”, paper presented at the 9th World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, June 16-20, Oslo, Norway. 2014
張文貞,2014.06,〈美國聯邦最高法院關於全民健保判決之評釋:以首席大法官的角色及其論述策略為核心〉,發表於《美國最高法院重要判決之研究:2010-2013》,臺大法律學院公法研究中心舉辦,66日,台北。 2014
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2014.05, “From International to Domestic: Legislative Models of Climate Change”, paper presented at the 11th Asian Law Institute Conference, held by Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, May 29-30, Malaysia. 2014
張文貞,2014.05,〈墨西哥氣候變遷法初探〉,發表於《氣候變遷下的永續環境治理(四):氣候變遷立法圓桌論壇》,臺大法律學院環境永續政策與法律研究中心舉辦,53日,台北。 2014
Wen-Chen Chang, 2014.02, “Report on Taiwan”, presented at the Workshop on Comparative Constitutional Reasoning Project, held by Institute for Legal Studies (Centre for Social Sciences) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, February 7-8, Budapest, Hungary. 2014
張文貞,2013.12,〈平等權之內涵與定位:國際人權法與憲法的比較研究〉,發表於《聯合國兩人權公約之內涵論證與國內實踐II》研究群組,中研院法律學研究所舉辦,1212日,台北。 2013
張文貞,2013.12,〈司法院大法官解釋意見書撰寫之實證研究〉,發表於《司法院大法官102年度學術研討會》,司法院及政大公企中心舉辦,127日,台北。 2013
Wen-Chen Chang, 2013.10, “Forms of Political Presentation in the Establishment of Constitutional Democracy: Comparisons in Asia”, paper presented at the Fifth Asian Constitutional Law Forum, held by College of Law, Tsinghua University, October 19-20, Beijing, China. 2013
Wen-Chen Chang, 2013.06, “Institutional Leverage of International Human Rights Discourse in the Age of Climate Change”, paper presented at the International Workshop on Human Rights and Climate Change: the Role of Courts, Tribunals and Supervisory Mechanisms, held by Faculty of Law, Aix-Marseille University, June 21, France. 2013
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2013.06, “Grounding Asian Constitutionalism in Contexts: the Inspiration of Confucianism”, paper presented at the International Conference on Confucianism, Democracy and Constitutionalism: Global and East Asian Perspectives, held by Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, June 14-15, Taipei. 2013
張文貞,2013.06,〈從中科四期系列判決省思我國行政法院發展的困局與轉機〉,發表於《東亞法院與法律繼受學術研討會(二)》,台大人文社會高等研究院與台大法律學院舉辦,67日,台北。 2013
Wen-Chen Chang, 2013.06, “The Emergence of Administrative Adjudication in Taiwan: The Model of Judicial Cooperation”, paper presented at the Workshop of Courts in Taiwan and Korea: A Comparative Perspective, held by College of Law & Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, June 1, Taipei. 2013
張文貞,2013.05,〈氣候變遷規範與決策機制模式初探:美國聯邦法制經驗的比較分析〉,發表於《氣候變遷下的永續環境治理:法律與政策的因應模式學術研討會(三)》,台大法律學院環境永續政策與法律中心主辦,517日,台北。 2013
張文貞,2012.12,〈環境基本法與兩公約:人權時刻對台灣環境運動的啟發〉,發表於《環境基本法十週年論壇》,環境法律人協會、臺大法律學院環境永續政策與法律研究中心主辦,127日,台北。 2012
Wen-Chen Chang, 2012.11, “Climate Change and Human Rights Litigation”, paper presented at the Workshop on Environmental Litigation and Environmental Liability, held by Shanghai Academy of Social Science, November 12, Shanghai, China. 2012
張文貞,2012.09,〈表意自由的保障:憲法與國際人權法的比較分析〉,發表於《聯合國兩人權公約之內涵論證與國內實踐》研究群組,中研院法律學研究所舉辦,913日,台北。 2012
張文貞,2012.06,〈我國司法院大法官及行政法院的治理功能〉,發表於《第一屆翁岳生教授公法學術研討會》,台大法律學院公法學研究中心主辦,616日,台北。 2012
Wen-Chen Chang & Li-Ju Lee, 2012.06, “Toward Juristocracy or Populism? Reexamining the Direction of Constitutional Development in New Democracies”, paper presented at the 2012 International Conference on Law and Society, held by Law and Society Association, June 5-8, Honolulu, Hawaii. 2012
Wen-Chen Chang, 2012.06, The Emergence of Administrative Adjudication in Asia: A Promising Sign?, paper presented at the International Conference of New Perspectives in East Asian Studies, held by College of Law & Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, June 1-2, Taipei. 2012
Wen-Chen Chang & Chinwen Wu, 2012.05, “Taiwan’s Report on Codification of Administrative Procedure”, prepared for “the 2012 International Congress of Comparative Law”, May 24-26, Taipei. 2012
張文貞,2012.05,〈氣候變遷納入環境影響評估的全球實踐:趨力的比較分析〉,發表於《氣候變遷下的永續環境治理:法律與政策的因應模式學術研討會(二)》,台大法律學院環境永續政策與法律中心主辦,512日,台北。 2012
張文貞,2012.05,〈從最高法院到憲法法院:美國聯邦最高法院的移審管轄及其運作實況〉,發表於《第二屆我國憲法訴訟制度之展望》,輔大法律學院公法學研究中心主辦,57-8日,台北。 2012
Wen-Chen Chang, Kuan-Ling Shen & others, 2012.03, Courts in Taiwan: Transformative Progress towards the Guardian of Constitutionalism and Rule of Law, paper presented at “the Conference of Asian Courts in Context”, held by College of Law & Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, March 23-24, Taipei. 2012
張文貞,2012.03,〈行政法院的治理功能:東亞視野與台灣觀點〉,發表於《東亞法院與法律繼受學術研討會》,台大人文社會高等研究院與台大法律學院舉辦,32日,台北。 2012
張文貞,2011.12,〈亟待急起直追:兩公約實施兩週年的檢討〉,發表於《兩岸三地人權發展研討會》,思與言雜誌、台北律師公會等舉辦,1211日,台北。 2011
張文貞,2011.12〈演進中的法:一般性意見作為兩公約的權威解釋〉,發表於《國際人權公約研討會》,法務部、東吳大學張佛泉人權中心等主辦,128-9日,台北。 2011
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.12, A Decade of Changing Constitutionalism in Taiwan: Transitional and Transnational Perspectives, paper presented at “the Fourth Asian Forum for Constitutional Law”, held by Faculty of Law, Hong Kong University, December 16-17, Hong Kong. 2011
張文貞,2011.10,〈環境影響評估作為國際法上的義務:國際法院 Pulp Mills (Argentina v. Uruguay) 判決評析〉,發表於《氣候變遷與國際環境法研討會》,台灣國際法學會與環境品質文教基金會主辦,1029日,台北。 2011
David S. Law & Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.09, The Limits of Global Judicial Dialogue, paper presented at the Second East Asian Law and Society Conference, held at School of Law, Yonsei University, September 30-October 1, Seoul, South Korea. 2011
Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.06, Judges as Discursive Agent: An Empirical Study on the Use of Foreign Laws by the Constitutional Court of Taiwan, paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Empirical Studies of Judicial Systems, held at Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academic Sinica, June 24-25, Taipei. 2011
David S. Law & Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.06, The Limits of Global Judicial Dialogue, paper presented at Law and Society Annual Meeting, June 2-5, San Francisco, U.S.A. 2011
Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.05, Environmental Impact Assessment in the Age of Climate Change: Some Introductory Notes, paper presented to “Law in a Sustainable Asia”, the 8th Asian Law Institute Conference, May 26-27, Kyushu, Japan. 2011
Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.01, The Convergence of Constitutions and International Human Rights: Taiwan and South Korea in Comparison, paper delivered at the International Symposium on “Pluralism in Asia: Exploring how Asian legal systems reflect, reinforce, and resist differences in identities and perspectives”, held by School of Law, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January 14, United States. 2011
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, 2010.12, Judges as Discursive Agent: the Use of Foreign Law and Its Relationship with Judges ’ Learning Backgrounds, paper presented to the 8th World Congress of International Association of Constitutional Law, December 8, Mexico City, Mexico. 2010
Wen-Chen Chang, 2010.11, Environmental Impact Assessment in the Age of Climate Change: Some Introductory Notes, paper presented to “Workshop on Global Climate Change and International Law” held by Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Law and Universite de paul cezanne aix-marseille 3, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires (CERIC/CNRS), Nov. 15, Shanghai, China. 2010
張文貞,2010.11,〈程序取向的行政行為司法審查—以中科三期環評判決為例〉,發表於《第十屆行政法實務與理論學術研討會》,最高行政法院、台北台中高雄高等行政法院及臺大法律學院公法研究中心共同舉辦,116日,台北。 2010
張文貞,2010.10,〈氣候變遷下的環境及政策影響評估初探〉,發表於《氣候變遷下的永續環境治理:法律與政策的因應模式》學術研討會,臺大法律學院環境永續政策與法律研究中心舉辦,109日,台北。 2010
Wen-Chen Chang, 2010.05, The Convergence of Constitutions and International Human Rights Law: East Asian Perspective, paper presented at Law and Society Annual Meeting, May 27-30, Chicago, U.S.A. 2010
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, 2010.04, The Explicit and Implicit Use of Foreign Precedents by the Constitutional Court in Taiwan, research paper in collaboration with the Interest Group on “Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges”, International Association of Constitutional Law, April 16-17, Siena University, Siena, Italy. 2010
Wen-Chen Chang, 2010.02, Strategic Judicial Responses in Highly Politically Charged Cases: East Asian Experiences, paper presented to the workshop on “The Changing Landscape of Asian Constitutionalism”, February 17-18, National University of Singapore Faculty of Law, Singapore. 2010
張文貞,2009.12,〈國際人權法與內國憲法的匯流—台灣實施兩大人權公約之後〉,發表於《台灣法學會2009年學術研討會》,台灣法學會主辦,1219日,台北。 2009
張文貞,2009.12,〈跨國憲法對話:大法官解釋引用外國法的總體實證研究〉,發表於《第七屆「憲法之理論與實務」學術研討會》,中研院法律學研究所籌備處、中華民國憲法學會主辦,1211-12日,台北。 2009
Wen-Chen Chang, 2009.09, An Isolated Nation with Global-minded Citizens: Bottom-up Transnational Constitutionalism in Taiwan, paper presented to “the third Asian Forum for Constitutional Law’, held by College of Law, National Taiwan University, September 25-26, Taipei, Taiwan. 2009
Wen-Chen Chang, 2009.08, Strategy for Legislative Reforms: Public-Interest Litigation in Taiwan, paper presented to “Public-Interest Litigation in Asia” Conference, held by Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, August 14, Hong Kong. 2009
張文貞,2009.06,〈NGO與跨國憲政主義的發展:以台灣加入國際人權公約的實踐為例〉,發表於《台大法律學院拔尖計畫〈東亞法治之形成與發展〉學術研討會》,台大法律學院主辦,610日,台北。 2009
Wen-Chen Chang, 2009.05, The Role of Domestic Nongovernmental Organizations in Transnational Constitutionalism: The Case of Taiwan, paper presented at the 6th Asian Law Institute Conference on “Dynamics of Change in Asia”, held by Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, May 29-30, Hong Kong. 2009
張文貞,2009.05, 〈跨國法院的權力爭逐與對話:歐洲人權法院及歐洲法院二件判決評析〉,發表於《第三屆歐洲人權裁判研討會》,台大法律學院主辦,515日,台北。 2009
Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2008.12, The Development of East Asia Constitutionalism: Prospects and Perils, paper presented at the International Conference on the New Horizons of East Asian Studies in the Age of Globalization, held by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, Dec. 13-14, Taipei. 2008
張文貞,2008.12,〈解釋法律的權威:當代行政法的挑戰與回應〉,發表於《第八屆行政法實務與理論研討會》,最高行政法院、台北台中高雄高等行政法院、台北市法規委員會、台大法律學院主辦,126日,台北。 2008
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, 2008.11, The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Constitutional Court in Taiwan, research paper in collaboration with the Interest Group on “Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges”, International Association of Constitutional Law, Nov. 15, London. 2008
Wen-Chen Chang, 2008.06, Judicial Governance? –Comparison between South Korea and Taiwan, paper presented at Workshop on Judicial Governance in East Asia? –Comparative Perspective from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, held by Public Law Center, College of Law, National Taiwan University, Jun. 13, Taipei. 2008
張文貞,2008.01,〈美國行政法發展的最新趨勢〉,發表於《各國行政法學發展之方向以德、法、日、美為中心》學術研討會,台灣行政法學會等主辦,126日,台北。 2008
張文貞,2008.01,〈憲法與國際人權法的匯流理論分析與我國大法官解釋之初步探究〉,發表於《第六屆「憲法解釋之理論與實務」暨釋憲六十週年學術研討會》,中研院法律學研究所籌備處、中華民國憲法學會主辦,111-12日,台北。 2008
張文貞,2007.12,〈見證臺灣民主憲政轉型的一位憲法維護者:翁岳生教授與臺灣的憲法解釋〉,論文發表於《臺灣大學法律學院翁岳生教授榮退演講暨學術研討會》,台大法律學院主辦,1219日,台北。 2007
張文貞、林春元,2007.11,〈行政一體與獨立機關:兼評司法院大法官釋字第613號解釋〉,論文發表於《第八屆行政法實務與理論研討會》,最高行政法院、台北台中高雄高等行政法院、台北市訴願審議委員會、台大法律學院主辦,1110日,台北。 2007
Wen-Chen Chang, 2007.10, Constrained Justice: Judicial Roles in Transitional Justice and Democratization in Taiwan, paper presented at the Conference on Law and Democratization in Taiwan and South Korea: Twenty Years Experience, Oct. 19-20, University of Wisconsin law School, Madison, U.S.A. 2007
Wen-Chen Chang, 2007.09, Transnational Norms and Local Courts: Reflections from East Asia Perspective, paper presented at the Asian Forum for Constitutional Law 2007, Nagoya University, Sep. 22-23, Nagoya, Japan. 2007
Wen-Chen Chang, 2007.08, East Asian Foundations for Constitutionalism: Resistance or Reconstruction?, paper presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law, Humboldt University, July 25-28, Berlin, Germany. 2007
Wen-Chen Chang, 2007.06, Changing Faces of Deliberating Citizens: A Thesis for Social Groups, paper presented at the 7th World Congress of Constitutional Law, held by the International Association of Constitutional Law & the Association of Greek Constitutionalists, June11-15, Athens, Greece. 2007
張文貞,2007.04,〈跨國憲政主義的合縱與連橫:歐洲人權法院與內國憲法法院關係初探〉,論文發表於《第2屆歐洲人權裁判研討會》,台大法律學院人權研究中心主辦,428日,台北。 2007
Wen-Chen Chang, 2007.04, Constitutional Identity in the Process of Constitutional Reform: Perspective from a New Democratic Taiwan, paper delivered at “Asia Week 2007: Symposium on Taiwan’s Democratic Culture”, April 6-7, Austin College, Texas, U.S.A. 2007
張文貞,2007.03,〈憲政改造與臺灣的國家主權運動:開創性與侷限性〉,論文發表於《憲政變遷與憲政改造國際研討會》,臺灣法學會、財團法人台灣智庫、財團法人臺灣民主基金會、臺灣大學法律學院主辦,317日,台北。 2007
張文貞,2007.03,〈憲法解釋與國際人權公約:一個初步的考察〉,論文發表於《第2屆日台憲法共同研究會》,臺灣大學法律學院主辦,34-5日,台北。 2007
張文貞,2007.01,〈憲法解釋不同意見之制度與風格脈絡:美國與臺灣的比較考察〉,論文發表於《我國憲法訴訟制度之展望學術研討會》,輔大法律系、中華民國憲法學會主辦,18-9日,台北。 2007
張文貞,2006.11,〈審議民主的憲法理論基礎:以美國制憲經驗為探討核心〉,論文發表於《憲政基本價值學術研討會》,中研院人文社會科學研究中心政治思想研究專題中心主辦,1123-24日,台北。 2006
Wen-Chen Chang, 2006.07, Empowering or Disempowering?—A Local Study on Judicial Use of Transnational Norm, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Law and Society Association, July 6-9, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. 2006
張文貞,2006.05〈積極面對全球重整:台灣以憲改工程與國際接軌〉,論文發表於《學術界憲改進展與願景》研討會,台灣新世紀文教基金會主辦,527日,台北。 2006
張文貞,2006.05,〈法律人的大法官或經濟學家的大法官?--釋字第606號解釋評析〉,論文發表於《憲法學研究之科技整合》學術研討會,台大法律學院科際整合研究所、台大法律學院及台灣法學會共同主辦,520日,台北。 2006
張文貞,2006.03,〈直接民主的反思:台灣實踐與全球脈絡〉,論文發表於《日台憲法共同研究會》,34-5日,東京,日本。 2006
Wen-Chen Chang, 2005.10, Alternative Agenda in Constitutional Reengineering: Ensuring the Rule of Law and Political Trust in Taiwan, paper presented to “Constitutional Reengineering in New Democracies: Taiwan and the World”, held by Research, Development & Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan & National Taiwan University, College of Law, Public Law Research Center and Human Rights Research Center, October 28-29, Taipei, Taiwan. 2005
張文貞,2005.10,〈公民複決修憲的意義與願景〉,論文發表於《2005年台灣憲改對國家發展之影響》學術研討會,財團法人台灣民主基金會主辦,1015日,台北。 2005
Wen-Chen Chang, 2005.09, The Role of Judicial Review in Consolidating Democracies: The Case of Taiwan, paper presented to “the 1st Asian Forum for Constitutional Law”, held by Seoul National University College of Law, September 23-24, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 2005
張文貞,2005.04,《民主憲法的性別圖像:理論考察與在地觀點》,論文發表於第一屆《女性主義法學的理論與實踐》研討會,台大科際整合法律研究所主辦,429日,台北。 2005
Wen-Chen Chang, 2005.01, The Role of Public Referendum in the Process of Constitution Making: A Taiwan Perspective, paper presented to “International Conference on a New Constitution for Taiwan”, held by New Century Institute of New York, January, 14, New York, U.S.A. 2005
張文貞,2004.12,〈民眾直接參與憲法變遷:公民複決作為機制〉,論文發表於《憲政主義與台灣憲政發展》座談會,台大政府與公共事務研究中心舉辦,1213日,台北。 2004
Wen-Chen Chang, Hsiu-I Yang, & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, 2004.11, Bridging the Gap between Bioethics and Bio-law: A Due-Process Approach, paper presented to “the 7th International Congress of Bioethics”, held in New South Wales University, Nov. 9-12, Sydney, Australia. 2004
張文貞,2004.10,〈憲改的正當程序:從國民主權與民主原則的面向來分析〉,論文發表於《新世紀台灣憲改學術研討會》,行政院研考會及台大法律學院公法研究中心共同舉辦,1031日,台北。 2004
張文貞,2004.08,〈性別主流化的內國實踐與國際參與:台灣加入〈消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約〉作為開端〉,論文發表於《推動聯合國「消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約」國際研討會》,台灣婦女團體全國聯合會主辦,85-6日,台北。 2004
Wen-Chen Chang, 2004.06, Beyond Informed Consent: A Contextualized Approach to Genetic Information Regulation, paper presented to “the 4th International Conference of Bioethics: Biotechnology, Family and Community”, held by Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Central University & National Taiwan University, June 24-26, Taipei, Taiwan. 2004
Wen-Chen Chang, 2004.05, Judicial Activism & Human Rights: A Comparative Approach in the Context of Transition, paper to be presented to “2004 Law and Society Annual Meeting: Law, Power and Injustice: Confronting Legacies of Sociolegal Research”, May 27-30, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 2004
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, 2004.02, Beyond Informed Consent: A Complex Model for Genetic Information Regulation, paper presented to “5th Asian Bioethics Conference”, Feb. 13-16, Tsukuba Science City, Japan. 2004
李立如、張文貞,2004.01,〈社會變遷與憲法變遷〉,論文發表於《部門憲法》講座,國立政治大學法律學院,15日,台北。 2004
Wen-Chen Chang, 2003.12, Constitutional Federalism in Comparison: Implications for Future Regional Integration, paper presented to “Joint International Conference on The Constitutionalization of the EU”, Dec. 12-13, IEAS, Academia Sinica. 2003
張文貞,2003.11,〈當科技遇上憲法:當代憲政主義的危機與轉機〉,論文發表於《部門憲法》講座,國立政治大學法律學院,113日,台北。 2003
張文貞,2003.10,〈政府改造與行政法人:在文化與理念間擺盪的行政法〉,論文發表於《台灣行政法學會年會》,104日,台北。 2003
張文貞、葉俊榮,2003.09,〈邁向憲政主義:憲政體制的變遷與解釋〉,論文發表於《第4屆憲法解釋之理論與實務》,中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所,926-27日,台北。 2003
Wen-Chen Chang, 2002.12, Globalization and World Constitutionalism: The Impacts on Taiwan and the Third World, paper presented to “the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association of the Third World Studies on The Effects of Globalization in Taiwan and the Third World” held by Association of The Third World Studies, Mississippi State University & National Taiwan University, December 29-30, Taipei, Taiwan. 2002
張文貞、葉俊榮,2002.11,〈職權命令與三權政治:以行政程序法第一百七十四條為中心〉,論文發表於《第二屆行政法實務與理論學術研討會》,台北高等行政法院、台灣行政法學會及台大法律學院公法研究中心共同舉辦,119-10日,台北。 2002
Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2002.10, Judicial Empowerment: The Changing Role of the Council of Grand Justices, paper presented to “International Workshop on Challenges to Taiwan’s Democracy in the Post-Hegemonic Era” held by Institute for National Policy Research, Taiwan & Hoover Institution, Stanford University, October 28-29, Palo Alto, California, U.S.A. 2002
張文貞,2002.10,〈中斷的憲法對話:論大法官解釋在憲法變遷脈絡中的定位〉,論文發表於《第一屆憲法實務與理論學術研討會》,台灣法學會及台大法律學院公法研究中心共同舉辦,1019-20日,台北。 2002
Wen-Chen Chang, 2002.09, Interpretative Politics: Judicial Avenue to Constitutional Transformation, paper presented to “Zweites Deutsch-Taiwanesisches Kolloquium: Die Rolle der Verfassungsrechtswissenschafts im demokratishen Verfassungstaat” held by National Science Council, National Taiwan University, & National Chengchi University, September 26-27, Taipei, Taiwan. 2002
張文貞,2002.08,〈邁向整合的崎嶇之路:美國聯邦最高法院面對聯邦原則與人權保障的兩難〉,論文發表《美國最高法院重要判決研究:一九九六至一九九九》,中研院歐美研究所主辦,816日,台北。 2002
Wen-Chen Chang, 2002.05, A Paradoxical Relationship between Democratization, Constitutional Reforms, and Judicial Empowerment: A Taiwanese Example, paper presented to “The Symposium Conference on the Reach of Law in the Pacific Rim” held by the Association of Law and Society and the Canadian Law and Society Association, May 28-29, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2002
葉俊榮、張文貞,2001.11,〈轉型法院與法治主義:論最高行政法院對違法行政命令審查的積極趨勢〉,《第一屆行政法實務與理論學術研討會》,台北高等行政法院、台灣行政法學會、國立台灣大學法律學院公法研究中心共同舉辦,111011日,台北。 2001




Chien-Chih Lin, Wen-Chen Chang, accepted, “The Cannon of “Constitutional Unamendability” and “Basic Structure Doctrine” in Global Constitutional Studies”, editor(s): Sujit Choudhry, Michaela Hailbronner, Mattias Kumm, Global Canons in an Age of Uncertainty.


Wen-Chen Chang, 2023, Gender, Sexuality, and Constitutionalism in Taiwan: A Successful Story in the Cooperation between Women’s Movement, the Constitution, and International Human Rights, in Gender, Sexuality, and Constitutionalism in Asia (Wen-Chen Chang, Kelley Loper, Mara Malagodi, and Ruth Rubio-Marin eds., 2023), Bloomsbury (Hart) Publishing.


Wen-Chen Chang, Kelley Loper, Mara Malagodi, Ruth Rubio-Marin, 2023, Gender, Sexuality, and Constitutionalism in Asia (Bloomsbury (Hart) Publishing), https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/gender-sexuality-and-constitutionalism-in-asia-9781509941919/










Wen-Chen Chang & Chun-Yuan Lin, 2022.05, Taiwan’s Effective Pandemic Control with Dialogic Constitutionalism, in Routledge Handbook on Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic (Joelle Grogan & Alice Donald eds.), Routledge Publishing (Joelle Grogan & Alice Donald eds.), Routledge Publishing 311-323.


Wen-Chen Chang, 2021.12, Asian values, Confucianism, and illiberal constitutions, in Routledge Handbook of Illiberalism (András Sajó, Renáta Uitz & Stephen Holmes eds.), Routledge Publishing, pp 82-93. https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-Illiberalism/Sajo-Uitz-Holmes/p/book/9780367260545


Wen-Chen Chang & Chun-Yuan Lin, 2020.12, COVID-19 in Taiwan: Democracy, Technology, and Civil Society, in COVID-19 in Asia (Victor V. Ramaj ed.), Oxford University Press. (reviewed contribution). DOI:10.1093/oso/9780197553831.003.0003 2020-12
張文貞,2020.08,〈行政命令的司法審查—以最高行政法院判決為中心〉,收於蘇彥圖主編:《憲法解釋之理論與實務第十輯》,台北:中央研究院出版,頁277-299。 2020-08
張文貞,2020.07,〈走向決策化的行政法院〉,收於虞平主編:《法治流變及制度構建:兩岸法律四十年—孔傑榮教授九秩壽辰祝壽論文集》,台北:元照出版,頁288-306。 2020-07
葉俊榮、張文貞、林春元主編,2020.06,《建構氣候轉型立法:比較立法與議題論述》,台北:新學林出版社。 2020-06
張文貞 (Wen-Chen Chang), 2020.01, Constitutional Protection of Sex/Gender Equality: With the Focus on Taiwan Constitutional Court’s Leading Cases, 釋憲七十週年國際學術研討會論文集 (In Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Constitutional Interpretation, 2018 International Conference, Taiwan Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan, Conference Proceedings), 台北:司法院大法官書記處出版,頁121-136。 2020-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2019.06, Taiwan’s Human Rights Implementation Acts: A Model for Successful Incorporation?, in Taiwan and International Human Rights: A Story of Transformation (Jerome A. Cohen, William P Alford & Chang-fa Lo eds.), Springer Publishing, pp 227-247. (reviewed contribution). 2019-06
Jiunn-rong Yeh and Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.12, Independence by Law or by Practice? Taiwan’s National Communications Commission and Central Bank, in Governance and Constitutionalism: Law, Politics and Institutional Neutrality (Bogdan Iancu & Elena Simina Tănăsescu eds.), Routledge Publishing, pp. 134-154. (reviewed contribution). 2018-12
Wen-Chen Chang and Yi-Li Lee, 2018.09, Competition or Collaboration: Constitutional Review by Multiple Final Courts, in Comparative Judicial Review (Erin F. Delaney & Rosalind Dixon eds.), UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.164-183. (reviewed contribution) 2018-09
Jiunn-rong Yeh and Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.09, An Evolving Court with Changing Functions: The Constitutional Court and Judicial Review in Taiwan, in Constitutional Courts in Asia: A Comparative Perspective (Albert H. Y. Chen & Andrew Harding eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.110-140. (reviewed contribution) 2018-09
Wen-Chen Chang and David S. Law, 2018.03, Constitutional Dissonance in China, in Comparative Constitutional Theory: Research Handbooks in Comparative Constitutional Law series (Gary Jacobson & Miguel Schor eds.), UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.476-514. (reviewed contribution) 2018-03
Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.03, Constitutional Court of Taiwan (Judicial Yuan), in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law [MPECCoL], Oxford Constitutional Law Online, available at http://oxcon.ouplaw.com/view/10.1093/law-mpeccol/law-mpeccol-e538 2018-03
Wen-Chen Chang, 2018.02, Institutional Independence of the Judiciary: Taiwan’s Incomplete Reform, in Asia-Pacific Judiciaries: Independence, Impartiality and Integrity (H.P. Lee & Marilyn Pittard eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 330-353. (reviewed contribution) 2018-02
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2017.12, The Impacts of Regional Integration on National Constitutional Laws in Asia, in New Developments in Constitutional Law: Essays in Honor of Andras Sajo (Iulia Notoc, Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque & Krzysztof Wojtyczek eds.), Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, pp. 21-40. 2017-12

Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.11, Canadian Rights Discourse Travels to the East: Referencing to Canadian Charter Case laws by Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal and Taiwan’s Constitutional Court, in Canada in the World: Comparative Perspectives on Canadian Constitution (Richard Albert & David R. Cameron eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 371-396. (reviewed contribution)

Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.04, The Constitutional Court of Taiwan, in Comparative Constitutional Reasoning (András Jakab, Arthur Dyevre & Giulio Itzcovich eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 641-678. (reviewed contribution) 2017-04
Wen-Chen Chang & Yi-Li Lee, 2017.03, Transitional Justice: Institutional Mechanisms and Contextual Dynamics, in Max Plank Encyclopedia of Public International law, Oxford University Law Online. (reviewed contribution) 2017-03
Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.03, The Right to Free Assembly and the Sunflower Movement, in Law and Politics of the Taiwan Sunflower and Hong Kong Umbrella Movements (Brian Christopher Jones ed.), London: Routledge, pp.30-48. (reviewed contribution) 2017-03
Wen-Chen Chang, 2017.01, Institutional leverage of International Human Rights: Discourse in the Age of Climate Change, in Climate Change Liability and Beyond (Jiunn-rong Yeh ed.), Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp. 139-174. (reviewed contribution) 2017-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2016.11, Comparative Discourse in Constitution Making: An Analysis on Constitutional Framers as Dialectic Agent, in Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal order (Chang-fa Lo, Nigel N.T. Li & Tsai-yu Lin eds.), Singapore: Springer, pp. 93-104. 2016-11
張文貞,2016.10,〈從中科四期系列判決省思我國行政法院發展的困局與轉機〉,收於葉俊榮主編:《變遷中的東亞法院:從指標性判決看東亞法院的角色與功能》,台北:台大出版中心出版,頁57-105。(匿名審查) 2016-10
張文貞,2016.06,〈憲改人權的新趨勢:國際人權入憲〉,收於蕭新煌、林敏聰、林宗弘等著:《二十年民主路台灣向前行》,台北:聯經出版,頁129-153 2016-06
Wen-Chen Chang & Yi-Li Lee, 2016.04, Judicial Strategies to Resolving Presidential Election Disputes: The Case of Taiwan, in Judicial Review of Elections in Asia (Po Jen Yap ed.), New York: Routledge, pp. 147-172. (reviewed contribution) 2016-04
張文貞,2015.12,〈美國聯邦最高法院關於全民健保判決之評釋─以首席大法官的角色與論述策略為核心〉,收於黃昭元主編:《美國最高法院重要判決之研究 2010-2013》,台北:新學林出版,頁43-68 2015-12
Wen-Chen Chang, 2015. 11, The Evolution of Administrative Adjudication in Taiwan: A Model of Judicial Cooperation, in The Functional Transformation of Courts: Taiwan and Korea in Comparison (Jiunn-rong Yeh ed.), Göttingen, Germany & Taipei, Taiwan: V&R unipress and National Taiwan University Press, pp. 65-92. (reviewed contribution) 2015-11-01
張文貞、官曉薇(編),2015.08,《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》,臺灣聯合國書庫叢書(9),台北:臺灣新世紀文教基金會出版。(匿名審查) 2015-08
張文貞,2015.08,〈反歧視與國家義務〉,收於張文貞、官曉薇主編:《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》,臺灣聯合國書庫叢書(9),台北:臺灣新世紀文教基金會出版,頁97-140。(匿名審查) 2015-08
Wen-Chen Chang, 2015.01, Courts and Judicial Reform in Taiwan: Gradual Transformation towards the Guardian of Constitutionalism and Rule of Law, in Asian Courts in Context (Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 143-182. 2015-01-01
Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2015.01, Introduction: Asian Courts in Context: Tradition, Transition and Globalization, in Asian Courts in Context (Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-74. 2015-01-01
Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2015.01, Conclusion: Challenges and Prospects for Asian Courts, in Asian Courts in Context (Jiunn-Rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 566-581. 2015-01-01
張文貞,2014.09,〈行政法院的治理功能:東亞視野與臺灣觀點〉,收於葉俊榮主編:《轉型中的東亞法院:基本形貌、紛爭解決與行政治理》,台北:臺大出版中心,頁303-337。(匿名審查) 2014-09-01
張文貞,2014.09,〈解釋法律的權威:行政法院的挑戰與回應〉,收於葉俊榮主編:《轉型中的東亞法院:基本形貌、紛爭解決與行政治理》,台北:臺大出版中心,頁339-376。(匿名審查) 2014-09-01
張文貞,2014.08,〈氣候變遷下的環境影響評估初探〉,收於葉俊榮主編:《氣候變遷的制度因應:決策、財物與規範》,台北:臺大出版中心,頁45-70。(匿名審查) 2014-08-01
張文貞,2014.08,〈氣候變遷納入環境影響評估的全球實踐:驅力的比較分析〉,收於葉俊榮主編:《氣候變遷的制度因應:決策、財物與規範》,台北:臺大出版中心,頁71-108。(匿名審查) 2014-08-01
Wen-Chen Chang, David T. Johnson, Saul Lehrfreund & Parvais Jabbar, 2014.06, The Death Penalty in Taiwan: A Report on Taiwan’s Legal Obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, The Death Penalty Project. 2014-06
張文貞、David T. Johnson, Saul Lehrfreund & Parvais Jabbar, 2014.06, 《臺灣死刑報告:簽署公民與政治權利公約後的國家義務》,死刑專案出版。 2014-06
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2014.04, A Decade of Changing Constitutionalism in Taiwan: Transitional and Transnational Perspectives, in Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-first Century (Albert H. Y. Chen ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 141-168. 2014-04-01
Wen-Chen Chang, Kevin YL Tan, Li-ann Thio & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2014.02, Constitutionalism in Asia: Cases and Materials, Oxford: Hart Publishing. 2014-01-24
張文貞,2013.12,〈司法院大法官解釋引用外國法及判決之實證研究:大法官留學背景作為引用的關鍵因素〉,收於張永健主編:《2011司法制度實證研究》,台北:中研院法律研究所出版,頁33-83。(匿名審查) 2013-12-01
張文貞,2013.06,〈我國司法院大法官及行政法院的治理功能〉,收於黃昭元主編:《法治的傳承與永續:第一屆翁岳生教授公法學研討會論文集》,台北:新學林出版,頁75-108 2013-06-01
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, 2013.03, Judges as Discursive Agent: The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Constitutional Court of Taiwan, in The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges (Tania Groppi & Marie-Claire Ponthoreau eds.), Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 373-392. 2013-03-01
Ruth Rubio-Marin & Wen-Chen Chang, 2012.12, Sites of Constitutional Struggle for Women’s Equality, in Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law (Mark Tushnet, Thomas Fleiner, & Cheryl Saunders eds.), New York: Routledge, pp. 301-312. 2012-12-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2012.06, Environmental Impacts Assessments in the Age of Climate Change: Some Introductory Notes, in Climate Change Law: International and National Approaches (He Weidong & Peng Feng eds.), Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, pp. 167-190. 2012-06-01
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-Rong Yeh, 2012.05, Internationalization of Constitutional Law, in Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Michel Rosenfeld & András Sajó eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 1166-1184. 2012-05-01
張文貞,2011.12,〈跨國憲法對話:大法官解釋引用外國法的總體實證研究〉,收於黃舒芃主編:《憲法解釋之理論與實務》第7輯,台北:中研院/元照出版,頁438-517。(匿名審查) 2011-12-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.06, Case dismissed: Distancing Taiwan from the international human rights community, in My Country Kills: Constitutional Challenges to the Death Penalty in Taiwan, Taipei: Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, pp.47-68. 2011-06-01
張文貞,2011.06,〈自外於國際人權規範的台灣司法─大法官不受理死刑釋憲之評析〉,收於《我的國家殺了人:廢死的釋憲故事》,台北:臺灣廢除死刑推動聯盟出版,頁35-50 2011-06-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2011.01, Public-Interest Litigation in Taiwan: Strategy for Law and Policy Reforms in Course of Democratization, in Public Interest Litigation in Asia (Po Jen Yap & Holning Lau eds.), New York: Routledge, pp. 136-160. (reviewed contribution) 2011-01-01
張文貞,2010.07,〈跨國法院的權力爭逐與對話:歐洲人權法院及歐洲法院二件判決評析〉,收於顏厥安、林鈺雄主編:《歐洲人權裁判研究(三)—人權之跨國性司法實踐》,台北:元照出版,頁49-81 2010-11-01
張文貞,2010.09,〈大法官不受理死刑釋憲之評析〉,收於財團法人民間司法改革基金會主編:《大法官,給個說法!3》,台北:新學林出版,頁347-366 2010-09-23
張文貞,2010.10,〈國際人權法與內國憲法的匯流:臺灣施行兩大人權公約之後〉,收於社團法人臺灣法學會主編:《臺灣法學新課題(八)》,台北:元照出版,頁1-26 2010-09-01
葉俊榮、張文貞,2010.08,《環境影響評估制度問題之探討》,行政院研究發展考核委員會委託研究報告(RDEC-RES-098-007),台北:行政院研究發展考核委員會編印。 2010-08-01
張文貞,2010.09,〈美國憲法〉,收於王澤鑑主編:《英美法導論》,台北:元照出版,頁159-185 2010-07-01
葉俊榮、姜皇池、張文貞(編),2010.06,《國際環境法:條約選輯及解說》台灣大學法律學院環境永續政策與法律中心(PLES)叢書,台北:新學林出版。 2010-06-01
張文貞,2009.11,〈全球化的憲政秩序〉,收於李炳南主編:《法的全球化與全球化的法》,台北:揚智文化,頁145-157 2009-11-01
葉俊榮、雷文玫、楊秀儀、牛惠之、張文貞,2006.07,《天平上的基因—民為貴、Gene為輕》,台北:元照出版。 2009-09-01
張文貞,2009.07,〈憲法與國際人權法的匯流兼論我國大法官解釋之實踐〉,收於廖福特主編:《憲法解釋之理論與實務》第6輯,台北:中研院/元照出版,頁223-272。(匿名審查) 2009-07-01
張文貞,2009,〈美國行政法發展的最新趨勢〉,《行政契約之法理∕各國行政法學發展方向》,台北:元照出版,頁286-298 2009-07-01
張文貞,2009.06,〈審議民主與國民主權之合致或悖離?美國制憲經驗的分析〉,收於蕭高彥主編:《憲政基本價值》,台北:中研院人文社會科學中心,頁31-60。(匿名審查) 2009-06-01
張文貞,2009.01,〈見證台灣憲政民主轉型的一位憲法維護者翁岳生教授與台灣的憲法解釋〉,收於葉俊榮主編:《法治的開拓與傳承翁岳生教授的公法世界》,台北:元照出版,頁15-32 2009-01-01
張文貞,2009.01,〈翁岳生教授與司法院定位之改革〉,收於葉俊榮主編:《法治的開拓與傳承翁岳生教授的公法世界》,台北:元照出版,頁149-179 2009-01-01
張文貞,2008.10,〈跨國憲政主義的合縱與連橫:歐洲人權法院與內國憲法法院關係初探〉,收於顏厥安、林鈺雄主編:《歐洲人權裁判研究(二)—人權之跨國性司法實踐》,台北:元照出版,頁121-142 2008-10-01
林子儀、葉俊榮、黃昭元、張文貞,2008.09,《憲法:權力分立》,修訂二版,台北:新學林出版。 2008-09-01
張文貞,2007.09,〈直接民主:臺灣實踐與全球脈絡〉,收於許志雄等主編:《現代憲法的理論與現實:李鴻禧教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集》,台北:元照出版,頁79-101 2007-09-01
張文貞,2006.04,〈憲政改造的方式與程序〉,收於行政院研究發展考核委員會主編:《憲改方向盤》,台北:五南出版,頁16-54 2006-04-01
李立如、張文貞,2005.11,〈認真看待社會變遷的憲法—變遷機制的初步探討〉,收於蘇永欽主編:《部門憲法》,台北:元照出版,頁125-150 2006-01-01
張文貞,2005.11,〈當科技遇上憲法—憲政主義的危機與轉機〉,收於蘇永欽主編:《部門憲法》,台北:元照出版,頁773-794 2006-01-01
葉俊榮、張文貞(編),2008.07,《新興民主的憲政改造:國際視野與台灣觀點》,台北:元照出版。 2005-12-01
張文貞,2005.06,〈邁向整合的崎嶇路—美國最高法院對聯邦權限的緊縮〉,收於焦興鍇主編:《美國最高法院重要判決之研究:一九九六~一九九九》,台北:中研院歐美研究所出版,頁1-40 2005-06-15
張文貞、葉俊榮,2005.05,〈邁向憲政主義—憲政體制的變遷與解釋〉,收於湯德宗主編:《憲法解釋之理論與實務》第4輯,台北:中研院/元照出版,頁411-460。(匿名審查) 2005-05-01
張文貞,2004.12,〈行政法人與組織改造:在文化與理念間擺盪的行政法〉,收於:台灣行政法學會主編《台灣行政法學會學術研討會論文集(2004)行政法人與組織改造、聽證制度評析》,頁131-161 2005-01-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2004, Interpretative Politics: Judicial Avenue to Constitutional Transformation, in Die Rolle der Verfassungsrechswissenshaft im demokratischen Verfassungsstaat (Christian Starck Hrsg.), pp.167-174, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 2004-01-01
林子儀、葉俊榮、黃昭元、張文貞,2003.10,《憲法:權力分立》,初版,台北:學林出版。 2003-10
葉俊榮、張文貞,2003.03,〈司法積極主義:論行政法院改制之後對於違法行政命令審查的積極趨勢〉,《台大法學論叢公法特刊—行政法實務與理論 I 》,台北:元照出版。 2003-03-01
張文貞,2002.07,〈面對全球化:台灣行政法發展的契機與挑戰〉,《當代公法新論(中):翁岳生教授七秩誕辰祝壽論文集》,台北:元照出版,頁1-26 2002-07-01
Wen-Chen Chang, 2001.06, Transition to Democracy, Constitutionalism and Judicial Activism: Taiwan in Comparative Constitutional Perspective (JSD Dissertation, Yale Law School) (Supervisor: Bruce Ackerman, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science) 2001-01-01



計畫類別 計劃名稱 結束日期 職稱 備註
國科會案件 公衛緊急事件下的國際人權與憲法治理:國際與比較觀點 2024-07-31 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 修憲與制憲的弔詭與辯證:比較研究 2021-07-31 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 民主深化的憲法治理:台灣與南韓的比較研究(II) 2018-07-31 主持人  
內政部工作案 我國因應國際海洋法及氣候變遷策略與人才培力研析工作案 2017-09-22 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 民主深化的憲法治理:台灣與南韓的比較研究(I) 2017-07-31 主持人  
校內補助案 東亞法院的治理功能:從發展型國家到管制型國家 2015-12-31 主持人 國立台灣大學優勢重點領域拔尖計畫,國立台灣大學人文社會高等研究院補助研究
校內補助案 東亞法院的治理功能:從發展型國家到管制型國家 2014-12-31 主持人 國立台灣大學優勢重點領域拔尖計畫,國立台灣大學人文社會高等研究院補助研究
科技部(原國科會)案件 亞洲價值與人權保障的辯證:憲法與國際人權法的匯流比較 2016-07-31 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 氣候變遷立法的人權面向 2015-07-31 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 氣候變遷下的決策程序機制(III) 2013-07-31 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 氣候變遷下的決策程序機制(II) 2012-07-31 主持人  
校內補助案 東亞法院的治理功能:從發展型國家到管制型國家 2012-07-31 主持人 國立台灣大學優勢重點領域拔尖計畫,國立台灣大學人文社會高等研究院補助研究
科技部(原國科會)案件 氣候變遷下的環境及政策影響評估:整合跨境與在地風險的決策機制(I) 2011-07-31 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 國際人權公約之內國法適用及其效力:國際人權法與憲法的比較分析 2013-07-31 主持人  
政府部門案件 環境影響評估制度問題之探討 2010-05-31 共同主持人 行政院研究發展考核委員會委託研究
政府部門案件 公害糾紛處理與環境損害責任之運作機制探討 2009-12-31 協同主持人 行政院環保署委託研究
校內補助案 憲法與國際人權法的對話:東亞脈絡的考察 2011-07-31 主持人 國立台灣大學優勢重點領域拔尖計畫,國立台灣大學人文社會高等研究院補助研究
科技部(原國科會)案件 憲法與國際人權法匯流之研究 2010-07-31 主持人  
校內補助案 東亞憲政秩序之建立、破壞與變遷 2008-07-31 主持人 國立台灣大學優勢重點領域拔尖計畫,國立台灣大學人文社會高等研究院補助研究
科技部(原國科會)案件 憲法變遷的公民審議:全球化脈絡下的台灣實踐 2007-07-31 主持人  
政府部門案件 台灣加入聯合國「消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約」之國內法律評估研究計畫 2006-11-30 主持人 外交部委託研究
科技部(原國科會)案件 憲法解釋的全球化趨勢:美國與台灣的比較研究 2006-07-31 主持人  
政府部門案件 史料與典籍經典研讀會:審議式民主--基礎理論與制度設計 2005-12-31 主持人 教育部人文社會科學改進計畫
科技部(原國科會)案件 從基因資訊與基因市場的面向來分析(III) 2005-08-31 主持人  
科技部(原國科會)案件 建構基因科技的制度典範:從基因資訊與基因場的面向來分析(II) 2004-04-30 主持人  


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