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Derivatives Documentation, Termination and Valuation—Lessons Learned from 25 years of Market Experience



[主講人]: Mr. Rick Grove (Chief Executive Officer of Rutter Associates LLC)

[時間]: 2016/10/19(三)12:20~13:20

[地點]: 臺大法律學院 霖澤館7樓第一會議室


● History of OTC Derivatives and the reasons for the growth of the market in the past 30 years

● Derivatives documentation problems and errors

● Issues arising from the early termination of derivatives transactions

● Valuation issues in derivatives disputes and terminations

● Ways to prevent, or at least mitigate, the expense of derivatives litigation







美國哥倫比亞大學法學院中國法律研究中心主任Benjamin L. Liebman於7/20午間受邀至本院演講,主題為「Methodological Challenges in Studying Chinese Law — An Informal Conversation」, Liebman教授從自身從事中國司法研究的經驗談起,推及美國從事中國司法研究的歷史脈絡與當代所面臨的方法論挑戰。本次講座由院長詹森林教授主持,曾宛如教授、邵慶平教授參與與談,共同分享台灣、中國司法研究之現況。



Wednesday, 10 August 2016 00:00

Hsiao-Ming Wang-王曉明

Prior to his academic career, Dr. Hsiao-Ming Wang served as a law enforcement officer in the field for more than 15 years in Taiwan. His final position was the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Yun-Lin Field Station. Dr. Wang's solidly practical experiences inevitably shape his research focusing on comparative criminal justice systems, policing, and security management.

Dr. Wang has received UHD Faculty Award in 2015 and been recognized by the UHD Provost Office in 2012 for his excellent service in Bayou Connection, an international program to promote and facilitate academic cooperation between UHD and its counterparts in Taiwan. He also received a grant from the Harris County Sheriff's Office for the project entitled "HCSO Contract Deputy Program Community Survey" in the amount of $35,000 in 2014.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016 00:00

James Keng-Hui Lin-林耕暉

Mr. Lin has extensive experience in international human rights and transitional justice spanning over 25 countries. At the IRCT, he leads its global programme on the forensic investigation and documentation of torture. Prior to the IRCT, Mr. Lin was Head of the Asia Desk for Southeast Asia of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and directed its advocacy in the region. Mr. Lin has also served as Country Director for the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative’s offices and programs in Nepal and Thailand. There, he worked together with government and civil society stakeholders to address the conflict and post conflict situation. In addition, Mr. Lin has held several legal posts in Bosnia-Herzegovina with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and collaborated closely with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. He has authored dozens of public reports on international crimes and justice. He has a Juris Doctorate and a Bachelor of Anthropology and is admitted to practice law in the U.S.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016 00:00

Carlos Aurelio Esplugues Mota-艾斯普卡羅

Prof. Mota holds a LLM in Harvard University and a MSc in the University of Edinburgh. He is now a full University Professor of International Law of the Universitat de València as well as the director of the Master’s degree in Law, Business and Justice of the UV. He also served as President of the Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations since 2013.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016 00:00

Johannes-Bernhard Schäfer-蕭喬本

Prof. Dr. Hans-Bernd Schäfer is a German economist and a pioneer in the field of law and economics in Germany and Europe. He is professor emeritus at the University of Hamburg and former director of the Institute of Law & Economics. Currently he is an affiliate professor at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany. He has been visiting professor at various universities abroad, including the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University faculty of law, George Mason University School of Law (distinguished visiting professor from 2002–2009), and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research. He was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. He served as President of the European Association of Law & Economics from 2004–2007 and was Director of the European Master Programme in Law & Economics from 2004–2008. In 2012 the faculty of law of the Universidad de San Martín de Porres in Lima awarded him the title of an honorary professor, whilst in 2013 he was awarded the scholar prize of the European Association of Law and Economics.

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