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admin law

Thursday, 26 May 2016 00:00

Charles Wharton-查理斯華頓

Charles Wharton graduated from Harvard Law School (J.D. cum laude) in June 2012.

He is a former assistant professor of comparative jurisprudence at Renmin University of China Law School. His research interests are at American law, Comparative law, Constitutional law, and Legal Writing.

His stay as a visiting assistant professor at the College of Law, National Taiwan University started from August 2014 .

Thursday, 26 May 2016 00:00

Samuel Grayson Wilson-威爾遜薩默

Samuel Grayson Wilson serves as the Judge of the United State District Court for the Western District of Virginia. His area of expertise is Criminal Law.

Judge Wilson will be a visiting scholar at the College of Law, National Taiwan University from August 2014 to July 2015. During the visit, he will teach intense course on Understanding the American Criminal Justice System, Seminar on Comparative Study of the United State and Taiwanese Criminal Justice System.

For more his information of staying in NTU LAW, please refer:  

Thursday, 19 May 2016 08:00




2.請客座填寫本院申請表, 並寄回給院辦國際交流中心劉欣宜小姐










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Professor Bok-gi Kim from the School of Law at Seoul National University (SNU Law) gave a speech at NTU Law on the topic: “Social Security Law as a Portrait of a Society –Three Episodes from the Republic of Korea.” Professor Kim explained the Korean social security law from three aspects: public assistance, social insurance, and social welfare. He then focused on the aspect of public assistance, and raised three key issues faced by the Korean society today.

The first issue is “lonely death.” Professor Kim pointed out that the traditional value of looking after the elderly is declining in the society. He subsequently explained the circumstances under which families are required to take care of their elderly, in accordance with the Korean laws protecting the fundamental right to survival.

The second problem is “the aging society.” According to Professor Kim, Korea now faces the challenges of an aging population, low birth rates and slow economic growth, all of which call for a sustainable social welfare system. He suggested the government to reform the national pension system and encourage child birth, as well as take the initiative to provide elderly care and promote youth employment. However, there are certainly obstacles to overcome. Reforming the pension system may lead to fiscal crises, violate the constitution, or restrict the freedom of legislation. To address youth unemployment, Korea has passed an act, which mandates that at least 3% of the employees hired by the government-owned organizations should be formerly jobless young people. This act, however, faced a constitutional challenge. The court eventually decided that it does not conflict with the constitution as it aims to promote economic growth and social security.

Finally, Professor Kim mentioned the issue of “affirmative action,” discussing the concepts of substantive equality and reverse discrimination. The example he raised was the Korean act protecting the right to employment of the visually impaired. Under this act, only those with visual impairments are qualified for the massage therapist certification. There were constitutional disputes over whether this act violates people’s right to free choice of employment. The court, however, decided that this act is constitutional in 2008. The reasoning behind the ruling is that massage therapist is the only possible occupation for the visually challenged, and thus the act can protect their livelihood as well as achieve substantive equality.

How is the Korean society going to meet all these challenges? Professor Kim believes that the government should first address the problems of polarizing age groups of the Korean population, and further establish a social welfare system that is sustainable in an aging society. The speech ended with an interesting discussion between Professor Kim and the panelist Professor Sieh-chuen Huang on the challenges faced by families in Taiwan, Korean as well as many other countries with an aging population.

首爾國立大學法學院金福基教授於5/6來本院演講,主題為「Social Security Law as a Portrait of a Society –Three Episodes from the Republic of Korea」,從公共援助、社會保險、社會福利三個方面,深入淺出地介紹了韓國的社會安全法,並針對公共援助的部分提出韓國所面臨的三個重大議題。






Sunday, 15 May 2016 00:00

NTU Law Summer Program 2017



Congrats! College of Law ranks third of institute level group in National Taiwan Unervisity 2nd English Web Contest Below is the winners list:
Category College Department Rank
University level Office of International Affairs   1

University level

NTU Library   2

University level

Computer and Information Networking Center   3

Institute level

NTU Hospital Hospital 1

Institute level

College of Liberal Arts Foreign Language Teaching & Resource Center 2

Institute level

College of Law College of Law 3

Department level

College of Liberal Arts Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science 1

Department level

College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering 2

Department level

College of science Department of Chemistry 3

Department level

College of science Department of Geosciences 4

Department level

College of Engineering Department of Material Science and Engineering 4

Department level

College of science Department of Phychology 4

Department level

School of Pharmacy School of Pharmacy 4

Department level

College of BioResources and Agriculture Department of Entomology 4

Department level

College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering 4

國立臺灣大學第6次跨領域交流會 社會科學院暨法律學院合辦 
日期:105年3月25日(星期五) 17:00~20:30 


17:00~17:10  楊校長、陳副校長、蘇院長及詹院長致詞

17:10~17:30   社科學院-風險社會與政策研究中心


17:30~17:50  社科學院-社會工作學系

林萬億教授講題 「高齡社會的來臨:為2015年的臺灣社會預作規劃」

17:50~18:10   法律學院


18:10~18:30   法律學院

吳英傑助理教授講題 「信託 (Trust) - The Ugly Duckling






Sunday, 15 May 2016 08:00


本院國際暑期課程(NTU Summer+ Programs)自2013年開辦以來,受到熱烈的迴響與支持,讓我們有動力繼續規劃更精緻、充實與多元化的課程提供給世界各地的學子們。

2016 年,本院特別為國際學生開設兩門暑期班課程,分別是:

本課程主要授課內容有國際貿易組織法(WTO law)、東亞自由貿易區(Free Trade Agreements in East Asia)、 東亞雙邊投資協定(Bilateral Investment Treaties in East Asia)、東亞商務仲裁(Arbitration in East Asia),由本院教授與其他國內外大學法律系教授共同授課。學員透過課程學習及實例討論,可以在短期內瞭解東亞國際經貿與商務爭端解決的運作模式及法制精髓,並有利於未來從事國際經貿法律工作。


報名網址 (2016.2.20-2016.4.30):

2016 年起,本院特別為國際學生設計「東亞法治系列」,2016年為「民法系列」,未來將邀請各國教授陸續講授刑法、公司法等課程。此課程將邀請日本東京大學沖野教授講授日本民法、香港城市大學陳磊教授講授中國法、臺灣大學詹森林院長講授臺灣民法,本院吳英傑教授講授韓國民法,課程內容以比較法的面向,為學員介紹各國民法的重要概念與實行。



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