Academic Events

Expired | 15:30-17:30, October 18, 2023

Venue: Room1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Tilman Repgen

Coordinator: Prof. Kuan-Ling Shen (沈冠伶教授)

藉由比較法實現世界法?Ernst Zitelmann (1852-1923)的觀點

Expired | 10:20-13:10, September 18, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall


Joint Seminar of Students from Four Universities

Expired | 10:00-12:00, September 22, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Martin Franzen

Interpreter: Prof. Yi-Wen Chang 張譯文教授

Regelungskonzepte für den arbeitsrechtlichen Kündigungsschutz

Expired | 13:30-15:30, September 11, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Hiroto Dogauchi

Coordinator: Prof. Tsung-Fu Chen 陳聰富教授

Research and Interpretation of Civil Law

Expired | 10:00-18:00, September 05, 2023

Venue: International Conference Hall, 1F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Re-Blooming of Tourism in Asia: Legislation and Policy for Promoting Tourism Industry

Expired | 15:00-16:30, June 02, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Carlos Esplugues Mota

Coordinator: Prof. Ching-Ping Shao 邵慶平教授

Control of foreign direct investment and national security: new-old times?

Expired | 10:20-12:10, May 29, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Thomas Pfeiffer

Coordinator: Prof. Kuan-Ling Shen 沈冠伶教授

New York‘s little sister – The Singapore Convention on Mediation

Expired | 13:30-15:00, May 02, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Paul Bovend’Eert

Coordinator: Prof. Hui-Chieh Su 蘇慧婕教授

Developments in Constitutional Monarchies in Western Europe, Especially in the Kingdom of the Netherlands & the United Kingdom

Expired | 14:00-15:30, April 07, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Hanno Kube

Coordinator: Prof. Ke-Chung Ko 柯格鐘教授

Digitization of Law in Germany – Status and Prospects

Expired | 13:30-15:00, March 14, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Tatsuhiko Inatani

Coordinator: Prof. Yu-Wei Hsieh 謝煜偉教授

Criminal Justice in the Digital Era: Its Promise and Peril

Expired | 10:00-12:00, March 07, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Helmut Satzger

Coordinator: Prof. Yu-Hsiung Lin 林鈺雄教授

Klimastrafrecht – die Rolle des Strafrechts in der Klimakrise

Expired | 13:00-15:00, March 06, 2023

Venue: Room1710, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall


Coordinator: Prof. Tay-sheng Wang 王泰升教授

「 引進法科大學院對日本法律實務及法學之影響 」國際研討會
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