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admin law

Monday, 13 March 2017 00:00

Hanno Kube-古博諾

Professor Hanno Kube will be a visiting professor at the College of Law, National Taiwan University, in April, 2017.

During the visit, he will teach intense course on Introduction to German Constitutional Law.

Monday, 13 March 2017 00:00

2017 Visiting Scholars


Research Interests
Visiting Period
Faculty Office
China Dalian Maritime University Family Law 2017/3/1-2017/3/30 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
(Feng Yi-Meng)
Germany Osnabrück University Commercial Law, Economical Adiminstrative Law 2017/3/1-2017/5/31 Room 840, College of Social Science


Salvatore Casabona Italy University of Palermo Political Science 2017/4/2-2017/9/20 Room 839, College of Social Science #67340
(Zhu bing)
China Tongji University Property Law, Real Estate Law, Land Law 2017/5/4-2017/7/31 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
Alison Wayne Conner USA University of Hawaii at Manoa Law in Chinese Film, Legal education in China, Chinese Legal History 2017/6/12-2017/7/11 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
Margaret Lewis USA Seton Hall University Law in Contemporary China, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Transnational Law, International Human Rights and Criminal Justice, Introduction to Lawyering 2017/8/1-2018/6/1 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
(Diny Yan)
China Qingdao University Corporate Law, Bankruptcy Law, Financial Law 2017/8/15-2018/2/10 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
(Zhai  Xiangjuan)
China Huaqiao University Economic Law, Market Regulation Law 2017/8/20-2018/2/17 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
(Li Yang)
China Intellectual Property Law Intellectual Property Law 2017/9/1-2018/2/28 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
Thursday, 09 March 2017 00:00

2016 Visiting Scholars


Research Interests
Visiting Period
Faculty Office
Valérie Junod Switzerland University of Lausanne Commercial Law, Biomedical Law, Public Health Act Spring 2016 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
Colin Hawes China University of Technology Sydney Corporate Law, Legal System of East Asia Fall 2016 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
Alison Conner Canada University of Hawaii at Manoa Asia Legal Education、Mandarin Movie Law Spring 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
黃韜 China Shanghai Jiao Tong University International Finance Spring 2016 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
張臏心 China Xiamen University International Law Spring 2016 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
張旭東(Zhang Xu-Dong) China Fuzhou University Civil Procedire Law Spring 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
周璐(Zhou-Lu) China Xiamen University Patent Law Spring 2016 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
徐紅菊(Xu Hong-Ju) China Dalian Maritime University Intellectial Property Law、International Economic Law Spring 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
龐凌(Pang-Ling) China Soochow University Wang Jian College of Law Public Law Fall 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
許小亮(Xu Xiao-Liang) China Soochow University Wang Jian College of Law Jurisprudence、Human Rights Law Fall 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
李鳳鳴(Li Feng-Ming) China Nanjing Tech University Legal History、Procedure Law Fall 2016 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
莊勁(Zhuang Jin) China Sun Yat-Sen University Criminal Law Fall 2016 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
河明鎬(Ha Myeong-Ho) Korea Korea University Administrative Legislition Fall 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
葛祥林(Georg Gesk) Germany Osnabrück University Legal Methodology Fall 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
Uriel Moeller Germany Osnabrück University Legal Methodology Fall 2016 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
Thursday, 09 March 2017 00:00

2015 Visiting Scholars


Research Interests
Visiting Period
Faculty Office

Zhejiang Gongshang University School of Law

Criminal Law
Room 839, College of Social Science
Huzhou Teachers University

Commercial Law,

Civil Law
Room 839, College of Social Science
陳斌彬 China Huaqiao University

Financial Law,

International Economics Law
2015/3/15-9/10 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
Sakaguchi Kazushige Japan Osaka University Comparative Law 2015/7/23-8/29 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
Zhu, KongWu China Guangdong University of Finance & Economics

Taxation Law

Constitutional Law
2015/4/18-7/16 Room 839, College of Social Science #68340
張世君 China Capital University of Economics & Business Commercial Law, Banking Law, Bankruptcy Law 2015/7/23-10/31 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
朱美雲 China Jiangsu Normal University

International Law,

International Private law
2015/8/30-2016/2/5 Room 840, College of Social Science #68341
David Ruether
The University of Bonn

Comparative Law,
Patent Law,

Bankruptcy Law
Room 840, College of Social Science






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臺大法律學院 敬啟


Wednesday, 08 March 2017 00:00

Charles Wharton-查理斯華頓

 Charles Wharton graduated from Harvard Law School (J.D. cum laude) in June 2012.
His stay as a visiting assistant professor at the College of Law, National Taiwan University started from August 2014

Wednesday, 08 March 2017 00:00

William Swadling-思沃德林

Professor William Swadling, MA (Oxon), LLM (Lond) is Reader in the Law of Property and the Senior Law Fellow at Brasenose College. He chairs the faculty's teaching groups in Restitution and Personal Property. Before coming to Oxford, he held posts at a number of other universities, including University College London and Trinity College, Cambridge. He is the editor of a number of books, including The Quistclose Trust: Critical Essays. He is particularly interested in the intersection between trusts/property and restitution, and a number of his articles on this topic have been cited in the English courts, most notably in Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington LBC [1996] AC 669. He is a contributor to Halsbury's Laws of England (4th ed, reissue), and wrote the section entitled 'Property' in Burrows (ed), English Private Law (3rd ed, 2013). He is a founding editor of the Restitution Law Review and has held visiting professorships at the University of Hamburg, Seoul National University, the National University of Singapore, University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), and the University of Leuven. He is an academic associate at One Essex Court (chambers of Lord Grabiner QC), a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne, an elected member of the American Law Institute, and an academic member of the Chancery Bar Association.

 Professor William Swadling will be a visiting professor at the College of Law, National Taiwan University, from March to April in 2017. During the visit, he will teach intense course on Introduction to the Common Law Trust.

Wednesday, 08 March 2017 00:00

Kuniki Kamano-鎌野邦樹

 Professor Kuniki Kamano will be a visiting professor at the College of Law, National Taiwan University, in March, 2017. During the visit, he will teach intense course on Seminar on Japanese Law.

Wednesday, 08 March 2017 00:00

Mindy Chen-Wishart-陳明渝

Mindy Chen-Wishart is a Professor of the Law of Contract at Oxford University and a Tutorial Fellow in Law at Merton College. She was formerly a Senior Lecturer at Otago University in New Zealand and a Rhodes Visiting Research Fellow at St. Hilda's College before taking up her current position. She has taught Contract, Restitution, Torts and Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Consumer Protection Law and Introduction to Law. She is involved in graduate teaching in Philosophical Foundations of the Common Law and Private Law and Fundamental Rights. She is author of Contract Law (5th ed), and is leading a large project on the Contract Laws of Asia, to be published with OUP. She holds a fractional Professorship at the National University of Singapore and a Visiting Professorship at Hong Kong University. She is the the Associate Dean of Taught Graduate Studies at Oxford Law Faculty. She delivered the Fourth Annual International and Comparative Quarterly Lecture as author of the best paper in 2013, has lectured to the Judicial College in the UK, Hong Kong and Taiwan and is an Editor of Chitty.

Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart will be a visiting professor at the College of Law, National Taiwan University, from March to April in 2017. During the visit, she will teach intense course on Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law.

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