Wen-Yeu Wang

  • Tel: 886-2-3366-8943
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Research Interests: Corporation Law, International Economic Law, International Financial Law.
  • Courses: American Legal Writing, International Finance Law, International Public Law, Civil and Commercial Law Economic Analysis, Seminar on Corporation Law, Modern Civil and Commercial Law.
  • Education: J.S.D., Stanford University (U.S.A.)

Professor Wang, LL.B (NTU), LL.M (NTU), LL.M (Columbia University), J.S.D. (Stanford University), has been teaching at NTU since 1995. Previously, he had practiced corporate and commercial law at Lee and Li, Taipei, and Sullivan & Cromwell, New York City, for more than 6 years. He is currently Director of the Center for Corporate and Financial Law at NTU. Principal research areas include business associations, financial regulation, business transactions, and economic analysis of law.

Professor Wang has authored 10 books and over 100 papers in the areas of corporate, financial and economic laws. Over a dozen articles have been published by reputable academic journals such as Washington Law Review, NTU Law Review, and Columbia Journal of Asian Law. His research projects have been sponsored by the National Science Foundation of Taiwan as well as the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics. He has been invited to attend many international conferences held by well known institutions such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Professor Wang formally offered and taught seminars at Stanford Law School (Spring, 1995-96) and Columbia Law School (Fall, 2007), respectively; delivered lectures at Peking University, Tokyo University, and National University of Singapore; and visited Hamburg University as an exchange scholar. From 2004 to 2006, he had been on leave and served as a commissioner at the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) of the Taiwan government. In February 2006, he represented FTC for an official “Peer Review” held by the Competition Committee of OECD, fielding questions from more than 60 national representatives.

Currently, professor Wang serves the following positions: Chairman of the national committee of Taiwan, International Academy of Comparative Law; president, Asian Law and Economics Association; member of the advisory editorial board, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (Oxford U.P.); and director, Research Center for Corporate and Financial law (College of law, National Taiwan University).