Christopher Chao-hung Chen

  • Name: Christopher Chao-hung CHEN
  • Title: Associate Professor
  • Tel: +886 2 33668960
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Research Interests: Corporate law and corporate governance, law of financial derivatives, financial regulation, financial transactions, financial technology and law
  • Courses: Financial law, International Commercial Contracts, Law of Financial Derivatives
  • Education: Ph.D. (London 2008); LL.M. (Michigan 2003); LL.M. (NTU 2000); LL.B. (NTU 1998)
Other information

Dr Christopher Chao-hung Chen received his PhD from University of London (UCL). Dr Chen is currently Associate Professor of Law in the College of Law, National Taiwan University. Before 2021, Dr Chen was a faculty member of Singapore Management University for over 10 years. Dr Chen specialises in corporate law, law of financial derivatives, financial law and regulations, and legal empirical studies.

       Selected Publication in English: Journal articles and Books

  1. Chen, ChristopherGuo, Re-Jin, and Lin, Lauren Yu-Hsin. 2023. “The Effect of Political Influence on Corporate Valuation: Evidence from Party Building Reform in China.” International Review of Law and Economics 73, 106120. Available online from 27 December 2022: or
  2. Chen, Christopher. 2022. Evolution of Law Against Payment Frauds. Routledge.
  3. Chen, Christopher, and Lin, Yu-Hsin. 2021. “Foreign Political Interference in the Governance of Listed Companies: A Market and Behavioral Analysis.” Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 31: 301-349
  4. Lin, Lin, and Chen, Christopher. 2020. “The Promises and Perils of InsurTech.” Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 2020: 115-142
  5. Wan, Wai Yee, Chen, Christopher, and Goo, Say. 2019. “Public and Private Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Laws: An Empirical Comparison of Hong Kong and Singapore.” European Business Organisation Law Review 20(2): 319-361
  6. Chen, Christopher. 2019. “A One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Corporate Governance Codes and Compliance by Smaller Listed Firms: An Examination of Companies Listed in Hong Kong and Singapore.” Berkeley Business Law Journal 15(2): 337-364
  7. Chen, Christopher, Wan, Wai Yee, and Zhang, Wei. 2018. “Board Independence as a Panacea to Tunneling? An Empirical Study of Related Party Transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore.” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 15(4) 987-1020
  8. Wan, Wai Yee, Chen, Christopher, Xia, Chongwu, and Goo Say H. 2018. “Managing the Risk of Corporate Fraud: The Evidence from Hong Kong and Singapore.” Hong Kong Law Journal 48(1): 125-166
  9. Chen, Christopher. 2017. “Extraterritoriality of the Regulations and Interconnections of the Derivatives Market: Legal Implications for East and Southeast Asia.” Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology 11(2): 323-350
  10. Chen, Christopher, Zhang, Wei, and Wan, Wai Yee. 2018. “Regulating Squeeze-outs and Delistings by Controlling Shareholders: the Divergence between Hong Kong and Singapore.” Journal of Corporate Law Studies 18(1): 185-216
  11. Niu, Zihan, and Chen, Christopher. 2017. “Social Capital of Directors and Corporate Governance: A Social Network Analysis.” Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 11(2): 343-376
  12. Gao, Simin, and Chen, Christopher. 2017. “Financial Transnationalism and Financial Regulation Change: A Case Study of Derivatives Markets.” European Business Organisation Law Review 18(1): 193-233
  13. Chen, Christopher. 2017. “OTC Derivatives Regulation in Hong Kong and Singapore.” Brill Research Perspectives in International Banking and Securities Law 1(4): 1-50
  14. Chen, Christopher. 2016. “Solving the Puzzle of Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: The Path of the Temasek Model in Singapore and Lessons for China.” Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 36 (2): 303–70
  15. Chen, Christopher. 2014. “Judicial Inactivitism in Protecting Financial Consumer against Predatory Sale of Retail Structured Products: A Reflection from Retail Structured Notes Lawsuits in Taiwan.” Columbia Journal of Asian Law 27: 165–220
  16. Chen, Christopher. 2014. “Measuring the Transplantation of English Commercial Law in a Small Jurisdiction: An Empirical Study of Singapore’s Insurance Judgments between 1965 and 2012.” Texas International Law Journal 49 (3): 469–505

    Selected Publication: Book Chapters

  17. Chen, Christopher. 2023. "Regulation of the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Investment in the Insurance Industry." In The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Sector: Opportunities and Regulatory Changes, edited by Nydia Remolina and Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez, 271-293. Edward Elgar.
  18. Chen, Christopher Chao-hung. 2023. “Chapter 3 Corporate Meetings Post-Covid-19 in the Digital Era.” In COVID-19 and International Business and Economic Law: China and Changing World, edited by Kun Fan and Charlie Xiao-chuan Weng, 62-79. Academy Publishing
  19. Chen, Christopher. 2022. “Data Governance by Insurance Companies in Singapore.” In Data Governance in AI, FinTech and RegTech: Law and Regulation in the Financial Sector, edited by Joseph Lee and Aline Darbellay. 145-168. Edward Elgar
  20. Chen, Christopher. 2022. “Corporate Governance Standards for Insurers in Singapore.” In The Governance of Insurance Undertakings, edited by Pierpaolo Marano and Kyriaki Noussia, 117-138. Springer
  21. Chen, Christopher. 2022. “Nudging Technology Companies Toward Better ESG: A Commentary on Taiwan’s Voluntary Approach.” USAII East-West Studies 2(7):
  22. Chen, Christopher. 2020. “Rethinking the Regulatory Sandbox for Financial Innovation: An Assessment of the UK and Singapore.” In Regulating FinTech in Asia: Global Context, Local Perspectives, edited by Mark Fenwick, Steven Van Uytsel, and Ying Bi, 11–30. Springer
  23. Chen, Christopher. 2020. “Regulation of Derivatives in Asia: When Technology Meets Financial Engineering.” In Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law, edited by Arner et al., 101-121, Edward Elgar
  24. Chen, Christopher. 2019. “Transparency of Insurance Contract Law in Singapore.” In Transparency in Insurance Contract Law, edited by Pierpaolo Marano and Kyriaki Noussia, 633-653. Springer
  25. Gao, Simin, and Chen, Christopher. 2019. “Transnational Business Governance Interactions and Financial Regulation Change: A Case of Asian Financial Markets.” In Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Advancing Marginalized Actors and Enhancing Regulatory Quality, edited by Stepan Wood et al., 275-293, Edward Elgar
  26. Chen, Christopher. 2019. “Taiwan.” In Comparative Corporate Governance in Asia: A Comparative Approach, edited by Bruce Aronson and Joongi Kim, 325-352. Cambridge University Press
  27. Chen, Christopher. 2018. “ASEAN Financial Integration and the Belt and Road Initiative: Legal Challenges and Opportunities for China in Southeast Asia.” In International Governance and the Rule of Law in China under the Belt and Road Initiative, edited by Yun Zhao, 163–96. Cambridge University Press

Research Projects

2023-2025    國家科學及技術委員會(National Science and Technology Council),專題研究計畫:「比較訴訟及金融消費評議中心之紛爭解決成效:反思金融消費者保護法制」(A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Dispute Resolution between Financial Ombudsman and Civil Actions: Reflection on Financial Consumer Protection Regimes)(Project Number: 112-2410-H-002-030-MY2)(1 August 2023 to 31 July 2025)(擔任計畫主持人, Principal investor)

2022-2023    國家科學及技術委員會(National Science and Technology Council),專題研究計畫:「上市企業溫室氣體排放資訊揭露法制之比較研究」(A Comparative Study of the Disclosure of Information regarding Carbon Emission by Listed Companies)(Project Number: 111-2410-H-002-274-)(1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023)(擔任計畫主持人, Principal investor)

2020-2022    Co-investigator. Hong Kong General Research Fund (GRF)(Hong Kong). Project title: The Politics of Corporate Governance in Chinese Firms (1 Sep 2019 to 31 Aug 2022)(Project number: 11605519)

2018-2019    Principal investigator. MOE Tier 1 Research Grant (Singapore). Project title: Political Interference in the Governance of State-owned Enterprises in China and Foreign Investor Protection: An Examination of China Community Party Control over Dually-Listed Chinese Companies (September 2018 to August 2019)(Approval number: 18-C234-SMU 002)

2016-2018    Co-investigator. MOE Tier 2 Research Grant (Singapore). Project title: Legal Transplantation of Corporate and Securities Law in Singapore and Hong Kong (January 2016 to December 2018) (MOE’s official grant number MOE2015-T2-1-142)  

2014-2015    Principal investigator. MOE Tier 1 Research Grants (Singapore). Project title: The Role of Law in Achieving Good Corporate Governance of State-owned Enterprises: A Comparative Study of the Legal Framework in Singapore and Taiwan (March 2014 to February 2015)

2012-2013  Principal investigator. MOE Tier 1 Research Grants (Singapore). Project title: An Empirical Study of the Citation of Case Law by Singapore Courts in Reported Judgments regarding Insurance Disputes (March 2012 to February 2013)