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Call for Papers-Korea Legislation Research Institute

KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation, the international hub for legislative information and legal research and a Korea Citation Index (KCI) registered journal, is currently accepting manuscripts from legal scholars, researchers, practitioners, and governmental staff members. 


We welcome articles, book reviews, notes on general topics on law and legislation of Korea/Asia or of other parts of the world relevant to or in comparison with Korea/Asia. Each volume consists of two parts, the featured theme and general theme sections. The featured theme for Volume 14 Number 2 is 'Transfer of Laws.‘


Authors who wish to contribute an article to Volume 14 Number 2, 2024 must submit the first draft of the general article by June 30 (Sun), 2024. Articles on featured theme is due by July 31 (Wed), 2024.

After editorial screening and blind peer-review, selected articles will be published in Volume 14 Number 2 on November 30, 2024. Submissions made after the due will be considered for publication in the next issue.


All submissions must be made to the Managing Editor. For further guideline, please see the attached General Guideline. For more information on KLRI and its previous publications, please visit https://klri.re.kr/eng/sub03_04.do.


KLRI為本院加入之學術聯盟Asia Legal Information Network (ALIN)之秘書處,負責籌辦ALIN相關活動及提供行政支援;ALIN成立於2005年,旨在提供一個合作平台,以促進亞洲國家之間法律資訊的交流,並建立制度化的能力以促進亞洲發展更好的法律。

Expired | 10:30-12:00, June 11, 2024

Venue: Room 1502, College of Law NTU

Speaker: Prof. Joyman Lee

Moderator: Prof. Sieh-Chuen Huang

Expired | 14:30-16:00, May 22, 2024

Venue: 4th Conference Room, College of Law NTU

Speaker: Prof. Kenny Chng

Moderator: Prof. Sieh-Chuen Huang

Expired | 14:00-17:30, March 15, 2024

Venue: Room1701, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

第一場(刑法)14:10-15:40 主持人:川地宏行教授
第二場(智慧財產法)15:50-17:20 主持人:李素華教授






※ 報名連結:https://forms.gle/mDpc6Kd3D4oiksDk6
※ 會議語文:中、日文,有逐步口譯。
※ 提供碩博士演講時數、大學服務學習(甲/二)時數
※ 聯絡方式:鍾小姐 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


14:00-14:10  開幕:王皇玉院長致詞

第一場(刑法)14:10-15:40  主持人:川地宏行教授

14:10-14:30  古島靖也「對複數故意共同正犯的單一結果歸屬與回溯禁止論」

14:30-14:50  黃紋綦「國際刑事法院羅馬規約與臺灣之因應」

14:50-15:05  中空壽雅教授評論

15:05-15:20  謝煜偉教授評論

15:20-15:40  綜合討論

15:40-15:50  休息

第二場(智慧財產法)15:50-17:20  主持人:李素華教授

15:50-16:10  飯野友香理「日德條約修正談判與外國人商標權」

16:10-16:30  黃婉婷「圖書定價制之研究——以公平交易法第19條限制轉售價格規範為中心」

16:30-16:45  佐佐木秀智教授評論

16:45-17:00  李素華教授評論

17:00-17:20  綜合討論

17:20-17:30  閉幕:中空壽雅研究科長致詞


Thursday, 22 February 2024 15:21

Law Day Out

Registration Open | Law Day Out

Friday, 02 February 2024 16:16

Europe, Social Security and Democracy

Expired | 10:00-12:00, May 3, 2024

Venue: Multimedia Classroom 1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker:Prof. Danny Pieters

Panelist: Prof. Jen-Der Lue

Friday, 02 February 2024 16:08

Climate Litigation - A Global Phenomenon

Expired | 15:30-17:30, March 13, 2024

Venue: Multimedia Classroom 1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Marc-Philippe Weller

Coordinator:Prof. Dr. Kuan-Ling Shen(沈冠伶教授)

Expired | 10:00-11:00, January 8, 2024

Venue: Room1701, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Caryn M. Voland
(Assistant Dean at Georgetown Law School)

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