Academic Events

Incomming | 12:30-14:00, November 01, 2024

Venue: The 1st Conference Room, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Julien Chaisse

Moderator: Prof. Yueh-Ping (Alex) Yang

Economic Warfare and Collateral Damage: The Adverse Impact of U.S. Laws on Allied Nations

Incomming | 15:30-17:30, October 24, 2024

Venue: The 1st Conference Room, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Professor Dr. Martin Spitzer and Dr. Dominik Schindl

Moderator: Distinguished Professor Kuan-Ling Shen

Mass Claims and Collective Redress: Status quo and Prospective Developments in Austria

Incomming | 10:00-12:00, October 15, 2024

Venue: The 1st Conference Room, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Dr Garry A. Gabison, JD-PhD

Coordinator: Prof. Christopher Chao-Hung Chen

Regulating Artificial Intelligence: A Law & Economics Approach to Automated Vehicle Regulation

Expired | 10:00-12:00, September 20, 2024

Venue: Multimedia Classroom 1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Frank Saliger

Coordinator: Prof. Heng-Da Hsu

Vermögensabschöpfung in Deutschland – Überblick und Probleme

Expired | 10:30-12:00, June 11, 2024

Venue: Room 1502, College of Law NTU

Speaker: Prof. Joyman Lee

Moderator: Prof. Sieh-Chuen Huang

The Law of Express Trusts in Japan and Taiwan: Comparisons with Common Law and Quebec

Expired | 14:30-16:00, May 22, 2024

Venue: 4th Conference Room, College of Law NTU

Speaker: Prof. Kenny Chng

Moderator: Prof. Sieh-Chuen Huang

Defining Marriage in the Constitution: A Perspective from Singapore

Expired | 14:00-17:30, March 15, 2024

Venue: Room1701, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

第一場(刑法)14:10-15:40 主持人:川地宏行教授
第二場(智慧財產法)15:50-17:20 主持人:李素華教授


Expired | 10:00-12:00, May 3, 2024

Venue: Multimedia Classroom 1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker:Prof. Danny Pieters

Panelist: Prof. Jen-Der Lue

Europe, Social Security and Democracy

Expired | 15:30-17:30, March 13, 2024

Venue: Multimedia Classroom 1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Marc-Philippe Weller

Coordinator:Prof. Dr. Kuan-Ling Shen(沈冠伶教授)

Climate Litigation - A Global Phenomenon

Expired | 10:00-11:00, January 8, 2024

Venue: Room1701, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Caryn M. Voland
(Assistant Dean at Georgetown Law School)

Studying Law in the United States: Some Factors to Consider.

Expired | 13:30-14:30, December 14, 2023

Venue: Room1701, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Ioannis Kokkoris

Coordinator: Prof. Chris Chao-Hung Chen (陳肇鴻教授)

Digital Markets Regulation

Expired | 12:30-14:00, November 2, 2023

Venue: Room1701, 7F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Peter Van den Bossche

Coordinator: Prof. Yueh-Ping (Alex) Yang (楊岳平教授)

Rules-Based International Trade in Times of Crisis?
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