
【國際專題演講】9/20 德國沒收法制:概覽與問題 Vermögensabschöpfung in Deutschland – Überblick und Probleme



Vermögensabschöpfung in Deutschland – Überblick und Probleme


時間:民國113年9月20日(週五)上午10:00 - 12:00


演講人: 薩利格教授(慕尼黑大學法律學院)



※ 講座以德文進行 ,現場提供中文翻譯

※ 報名連結:https://forms.gle/3VooxcLUMP5D7f6eA

※ 參與報名人數限制為100人,人數額滿將提前關閉表單

※ 提供大學部、碩士及博士班的學習時數,僅限於現場參與者。

※ 聯絡方式:陳泰榮 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2024 Tsai Tun-Ming Law Chair Lecture

Vermögensabschöpfung in Deutschland – Überblick und Probleme


 Date: 20 September 2024 (Friday)

Time: 10:00-12:00

Venue: Multimedia Classroom 1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall

Speaker: Prof. Frank Saliger (Faculty of Law, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Coordinator: Prof. Heng-Da Hsu (College of Law, National Taiwan University)


※ This public lecture will be held in German with on-site Chinese translation.

※ Registration link: https://forms.gle/3VooxcLUMP5D7f6eA

※ Attendees are eligible to earn for service learning or graduation hours to both undergraduates and postgraduates

※ Please remember to bring your service-learning card, stamping after the public lecture will not be available

※ The registration for attendance is limited to 100 people. The form will be closed once the maximum capacity is reached.

※ Contact Person: Satit Thitayarak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)