Weitseng CHEN 陳維曾(Singapore)

  • 所屬機構: National University of Singapore
  • 來訪期間: 2015.05-06
  • 教授課程: 東亞與中國的法律、社會與經濟發展新課

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Weitseng Chen specializes in comparative Asian law with an emphasis on property law and financial institutions in East Asia—particularly China and Taiwan. He received his JSD from Yale Law School where he was a Fulbright scholar. Thereafter, he worked for Stanford University as a Hewlett Fellow of the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL), conducting research on transitional economies and rule of law reforms. Immediately before he entered academic and joined NUS Faculty of Law, Weitseng Chen worked as a corporate associate at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP. He specialized in cross-broader transactions and represented top-tier investment banks and multinational companies in capital markets deals in the greater China area and Southeast Asia.

Professor Chen will teach the course “Law, Society and Economic Development: China and East Asia “as a visiting professor in College of Law, National Taiwan University in 2015.