

週一, 30 十月 2023 14:46

Prof. Chung-Chia Huang


University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois, USA

■ J.S.D. Oct 2019 – Aug 2023

  ●Thesis:An Analysis of Precaution-Taking Behavior: Victims, Gatekeepers, and Online Copyright Enforcers

  ●Committee: Profs. Omri Ben-Shahar (chair), Lee Anne Fennell, and Daniel Jacob Hemel


Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

■LL.M. Aug 2017 – May 2018


National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

■LL.M., College of Law  Sep 2012 – Jul 2015

■LL.B., College of Law  Sep 2008 – Jun 2012

■B.B.A., Department of Finance, College of Management  Sep 2009 – Jun 2012

週一, 30 十月 2023 14:38

Prof. Chao-Lin Liu

Prof. Chao-Lin Liu is a professor of the Department of Computer Science of the College of Informatics, National Chengchi University. He joined the University as a faculty member since 1999, and was promoted to Distinguished Professor since 2009. He was a professor of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics during the 2014-2015 school year, and served as the associate dean of the College of Science, the associate dean of the College of Informatics, and the chairperson of the Department of Computer Science during the 2020-2022 school years, all at the National Chengchi University He actively participated in the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence, serving on the executive board and in the secretariat between 2003 and 2014; and retired from the board in 2015. Starting from 2009, he serves on the editorial board of IJCLCLP and on the executive board of the The Association for Computational Lingusistics and Chinese Language Processing. Starting from 2016, he served on the executive board of the Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities (TADH), the second TADH president (2019/Apr-2023/Feb), and switches to the supervisor board in 2023.

Interested in applying artificial intelligence and computing technologies to realistic and theoretical problems, he studies natural language processing, cognitive studies, automatic reasoning, machine learning, information retrieval and knowledge management, digital humanities, intelligent tutoring systems, intelligent transportation systems, decision support, planning, and diagnostic systems. Over the past many years, his works appeared in UAI, AAAI, IJCAI, ACL, COLING, DH (Digital Humanities), CogSci (cognitive science), PACLIC, ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems), ICAIL (AI & Law), IEEE ICALT (Advanced Learning Technologies), IEEE ITSC (Intelligent Transportation Systems), and IEEE ICEBE (E-Business Engineering).

He tries to contribute to the Taiwan society and the research communities, and has done the following: TaiwanDH (for digital humanities research), Harvest Seasons (for learning Chinese characters), Similar Chinese Characters (for Chinese spelling checkers), and OntoCL (for computational linguistics).

He received a doctoral degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the College of Engineering of the University of Michigan. He worked on approximate evaluation of Bayesian networks under the supervision of Professor Michael P. Wellman of the Decision Machine Group of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and completed a certificate program on Intelligent Transportation Systems at Michigan. Before going to Michigan, he received a Master of Science degree (also a Bachelor degree) from the Department of Electrical Engineering of the National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan, by working on the prepositional-phrase attachment problem with Professor Keh-Yih Su, who retired as a research fellow from the Academia Sinica in 2021.

After becoming a faculty member in Taiwan, he returned to the Univeristy of Michigan as a visiting scholar of the Strategic Reasoning Group (Director: Professor Michael P. Wellman) in 2010. He visited the Institute for Quantitative Social Science of the Harvard University as a visiting scholar of the China Biographical Database Project (CBDB) (Director: Professor Peter K. Bol) in 2014 with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Between 2016 and 2017, he rejoined Harvard as a Fulbright senior scholar and with the support of the Top University Strategic Alliance, Ministry of Education, Taiwan. In early 2023, he is a visiting scholar at the Center for Taiwan Studies of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

週一, 30 十月 2023 14:38

Dr. Kuo-Hua Fan


Doctor of Intellectual Property Law, School of Civil and Commercial Law, China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing, China),

University of California, Berkeley, (LLM),

European Union Law Studies, King's College London, UK (UK),

Bachelor of Laws (LLB), College of Law, National Taiwan University.



GIGABYTE Technology Co., Ltd. Vice President & Chief Legal Counsel (New Taipei)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Law, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Law, National Tsinghua University (Hsinchu)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Intellectual Property, Shih Hsin University (Taipei)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, Datong University (Taipei)



Business legal consultation related to international trade,

Global intellectual property rights layout and maintenance,

Intellectual property business layout and education and training of international trade and business law, legal affairs and management system establishment and introduction of patent and trademark affairs,

Estate planning, equity planning, intellectual property layout, and establishment of business contract templates for start-up companies.


週三, 25 十月 2023 13:34

Machine Learning and Econometrics

講題:Machine Learning and Econometrics

週一, 25 九月 2023 11:43


劉昭麟教授目前擔任國立政治大學 資訊學院 資訊科學系教授。於西元1999年起,服務於資訊科學系,擔任教職,於2009年起獲特聘教授職銜。於2014-2015學年度擔任 外國語文學院 語言學研究所教授,之後持續講授計算語言學相關課程。在資訊學院申辦與成立時期,於2020-2022學年度曾經擔任理學院副院長、資訊學院副院長與資訊科學系系主任。 在學術服務方面,他於2003到14年間參與中華民國人工智慧學會秘書處與理事會等服務工作。於2009年起參與中華民國計算語言學會的事務,擔任學會期刊編輯委員與理事會之服務工作;於2016年起擔任臺灣數位人文學會理事,於2019年四月到2023年二月擔任第二任理事長,為現任監事。

對利用計算技術,尤其是人工智慧的技術,來增進生活品質的研究均有興趣,包含自然語言處理、認知歷程、自動推理與機器學習理論、資訊檢索與知識管理系統、數位人文、智慧型教學系統、智慧型運輸系統、決策支援、規劃及診斷系統等。 在過去多年,研究成果主要散佈於幾個國際學術會議,包含 UAI、AAAI、 IJCAI、ACL、COLING、DH (Digital Humanities)、CogSci (cognitive science)、PACLIC、ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems)、ICAIL (AI & Law)、IEEE ICALT (Advacned Learning Technologies)、IEEE ITSC (Intelligent Transportation Systems) 和 IEEE ICEBE (E-Business Engineering)。所指導之碩士班研究生則大都參與 ROCLING、TAAI 和 DADH。


他師承美國密西根大學Michael P. Wellman教授國立清華大學蘇克毅教授 (已自中央研究院資訊科學研究所研究員退休),分別以貝氏網路的近似估算(abstraction and approximation)為博士論文和英文介系詞片語定位(PP attachment)問題為碩士論文獲得博士和碩士學位。在此之前,他完成了密西根大學智慧型運輸系統跨領域學程,並且畢業於國立清華大學電機工程學系

返國服務之後,在2010年再度回到密西根大學擔任訪問學者,參與 Strategic Reasoning Group(計畫主持人:Michael P. Wellman教授)。2014年,他在哈佛大學的 Institute for Quantitative Social Science 擔任訪問學者,參與中國歷代人物傳記資料庫 (CBDB) (計畫主持人:包弼德教授)的開發工作。2016到2017年的一年之間,透過美國傅爾布萊特資深學者獎助頂尖大學聯盟的補助,再度到哈佛大學訪學一年。2023年初,再度赴美,於加州大學聖塔芭芭拉校區台灣研究中心擔任訪問學者。



週一, 25 九月 2023 11:42


范國華律師為全國律師聯合會智慧財產權委員會副主任委員、台北律師公會中國大陸事務委員會副主任委員、台灣科技產業法務經理人協會常務理事、中國知識產權研究會常務副理事長單位代表。 范國華律師畢業於台灣大學法律系財經法組並取得中國政法大學民商法法學博士,在其擔任跨國企業法務長之期間,跑遍世界超過45個國家,替公司建立完善商標布局,跨國智財保護、合約人事等爭訟更是經驗豐厚。2013年底范律師離開企業界回歸律師本職,專注於律師事務所業務,專長跨國爭訟及國際商務法律,其專業領域包括企業跨國之商務、智權、投資、稅務談判、仲裁及訴訟之策略規劃,於智財獵場上,身經百戰。



美國加州大學柏克萊分校法學院 法學碩士



台灣科技產業法務經理人協會 理事長
台灣商標協會 副理事長
評律網/裁判家 董事總經理
眾律國際法律事務所 所長



週一, 25 九月 2023 11:41



林教授合著了在亞馬遜線上書店暢銷的機器學習入門教科書「Learning From Data」,並以此教科書為基礎,開設了兩門以中文授課的MOOCs課程「機器學習基石」及「機器學習技法」。林教授於任教之臺灣大學,獲得2011年「教學傑出教師獎」、2013年「優良導師獎」及2016、2017和2018年「教學優良教師獎」;並獲2012年ACM Taipei Chapter「李國鼎青年研究獎」,2013年國科會「吳大猷先生紀念獎」與2017年傑出人才基金會「年輕學者創新獎」。林教授另共同帶領了臺灣大學的團隊,在2010至2013年,連續獲得了四年(六座)的KDDCup世界冠軍。


週二, 12 九月 2023 16:02

Prof. Huang-Yu Wang (Dean)

Prof. Huang-Yu Wang, received her bachelor and master’s degrees in law from the College of Law at National Taiwan University. Served as a teaching assistant in the College of Law in 1991-1993; passed the bar exam and practiced as a public defense attorney in Taiwan in 1995-1997. In 1997, Professor Wang received a full scholarship from the ROC government to pursue advanced studies in Germany.

In March 1999, she received another Master’s degree (LLM) from Heidelberg University, and in May 2003, she received her doctorate (Ph. D), also from Heidelberg University. Her dissertation “ Drogenstraftaten und abstrakte Gefaehrdungsdelikte” (Drug-related crimes and the crimes constituted by abstract endangerment of legal interests) was published by Tenea Publication Inc. in Berlin in August 2003 (Juristische Reihe Tenea/www. Jurawelt .com, Bd. 40).

She started as a faculty member in the college of Law in 2003, and became a full-time professor in 2013. She is also the incumbent cheif editor of NTU Law Journal and Vice Dean of college of Law. 

Her research emphases are criminal laws, criminology, criminal policies, drug-related crimes, medical laws, aboriginal crimes, and the comparative study on criminal laws in Germany and Taiwan. She has published “Punishment and Social Disciplines-the Conflict between New and Old Thoughts on Criminal Sanctions in Taiwan and Its Transformation (April 2009)” and over ten academic papers. Her important book publications include the "General Principles of Criminal Law" published in 2014, and "General Principles of Criminal Law" Re-published in 2019.

Prof. Huang-Yu Wang also teaches courses in criminal law, criminology, and criminal policies at the College of Law. 

週二, 12 九月 2023 14:07

Prof. Sieh-Chuen Huang (Vice Dean)

Professor Sieh-Chuen Huang is a professor of civil law. She received her Bachelor Degree of Laws from NTU, Taiwan (2001) and the master and doctoral degree (Doctor of Juridical Science) from Hokkaido University, Japan (2004 and 2006). Professor Huang has been an assistant professor of law at Hokkaido University (2006-2009), and a visiting scholar at East Asian Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School (2008-2009). She joined the College of Law at NTU in August 2009 and focuses her research interests on family law, guardianship, trusts and estates, empirical legal studies and legal analytics. Her major publications include Adult Guardianship in Taiwan: A Focus on Guardian Financial Decision-Making and the Family's Role, 9 Journal of International Aging Law & Policy 127-150 (2016) and Family Law in Taiwan: Historical Legacies and Current Issues 14(2) NTU Law Review157-218 (2019). Further imformation see her website.

週二, 12 九月 2023 14:07

Prof. Ming-Jen Lin

Research Interests

  • Data Science and Economics
  • Demography and Health
  • Law and Economics (especially crime)
  • Labor Economics (especially Internal Labor Markets)


  • Ph.D. (2002), M.A. (1998), Department of Economics, University of Chicago
  • Committee: Steve Levitt, Mark Duggan, Michael Greenstone and Casey Mulligan
  • B.A. (1992), Department of Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
第 3 頁,共 8 頁