

週三, 08 十二月 2021 22:42

Prof. Sheng-Feng Hsieh

Research Field

• Accounting for and Auditing of Digital Assets

• Emerging Technologies in Accounting and Auditing

• Text Mining



• Ph.D., Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (Major: Accounting Information Systems)

• M.B.A., National Taiwan University (Major: Accounting)

• B.S., National Taiwan University (Major: Plant Pathology and Microbiology)

Students and Prof. Tajimi Ryo from Hitotshubashi University Faculty of Law visited NTU College of Law on 2020/1/14 (Tue).

A joint symposium was conducted. The theme topic of the symposium was "Taiwan's Same Sex Marriage System".

Building a Sustainable Future: New Asian Regionalism in International Economic Law
Time: 9-10 December 2021 Singapore time (GMT+8) (Webinar via Zoom)
The 2021 Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Conference will take place on December 9-10, 2021 (Webinar via Zoom). The theme of the Conference is “Building a Sustainable Future: New Asian Regionalism in International Economic Law.” Co-organizers of the Conference include the Centre for Commercial Law in Asia of the Singapore Management University (SMU) Yong Pung How School of Law and the AIELN, with the support of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) and the Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy of National Taiwan University College of Law.
The 7th Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) conference seeks to bring together leading thinkers, both in academia and practice, in the field of international trade and investment law to discuss the latest legal developments in Asian regionalism. Topics to be discussed will include trade and sustainable development, the evolution of mega-regional agreements such as the CPTPP and the RCEP, the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community, financial and digital services under FTAs, the EU’s agreements with Singapore, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries, and the implications of COVID-19 for the WTO, ASEAN and APEC.
For more information about the AIELN conference (including the program and registration), please visit the event website:
週三, 08 十二月 2021 20:56


The Research Center for Digital Law, formerly known as the Biomedical Law Research Center, was reorganized as the Technology and Law Research Center on July 1, 1999, and renamed the Technology, Ethics and Law Research Center in March 2004. On July 1, 2021, in response to the various legal controversies arising from the advent of the digital age, the Technology, Ethics and Law Research Center was merged into the Digital Law Center. 

We are now into the 21st year of the 21st century. Computer and digital technology have rapidly developed. In particular, expedited by the COVID-19 pandemic, an era of remoteness, internet, and touchlessness has arrived. The fast development of information technology has changed behavior models of individuals in the entire society. This would be the new normal of our future world: individual lives become online, virtual, and on the cloud platform; government databases turn to digital and cloud platforms; court and trial information are more accessible; AI and big data are applied to court decisions. Moreover, technologies such as fintech, cloud computing, and blockchain have been vastly applied to business and management. Cross-border e-commerce and service have broken tangible state sovereignty boundaries.

When technology, AI, and big data have changed our lives and brought us convenience, many legal issues related to information security or personal data protection have occurred at the same time. For example, technology monitoring using big data can disclose to the public individuals’ digital footprints and personal privacy. It has been challenged whether the government may use technology to follow personal tracks. Besides, digital service providers are criticized for their invading citizens’ rights to choose and to be forgotten, and for they monopoly on commercial markets.

In general, legal disciplines include five major fields: civil law, criminal law, public law, commercial law, and fundamental legal studies, all of which have been experiencing the challenges of technologization and digitalization. As a result, we would like to initiate an integrated and interdisciplinary study of emerging challenges facing various legal fields. To accommodate to digital transformation, we hope that the Center will be able to establish a research center of digital legal issues, to provide research opinions of legal regulations and suggestions for specific cases.

The Center aims to solve significant issues of the digital transformation of finance, business, medical treatment, and disease prevention. As for finance and business, our research will focus on the development and legal regulations of financial technology service, including issues such as blockchain, cloud computing, and data analysis. The supervision of digital financial service (mobile payment, peer-to-peer lending platforms, equity crowdfunding platforms), virtual currency, and money laundering will also be studied.

As for medical treatment and disease prevention, with the growth of various kinds of biomedical technology, new medical technology, materials, and assistive devices are further expected in this era of Big Data. However, the lack of legal regulations of medical technology and devices has hindered the realization of these new technologies. Clinical trials and medicament license for Covid-19 vaccines are an eminen...

Building a Sustainable Future: New Asian Regionalism in International Economic Law
Time: 9-10 December 2021 Singapore time (GMT+8) (Webinar via Zoom)
The 2021 Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Conference will take place on December 9-10, 2021 (Webinar via Zoom). The theme of the Conference is “Building a Sustainable Future: New Asian Regionalism in International Economic Law.” Co-organizers of the Conference include the Centre for Commercial Law in Asia of the Singapore Management University (SMU) Yong Pung How School of Law and the AIELN, with the support of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) and the Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy of National Taiwan University College of Law.
The 7th Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) conference seeks to bring together leading thinkers, both in academia and practice, in the field of international trade and investment law to discuss the latest legal developments in Asian regionalism. Topics to be discussed will include trade and sustainable development, the evolution of mega-regional agreements such as the CPTPP and the RCEP, the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community, financial and digital services under FTAs, the EU’s agreements with Singapore, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries, and the implications of COVID-19 for the WTO, ASEAN and APEC.
For more information about the AIELN conference (including the program and registration), please visit the event website:

舉辦時間: 2022年3月16日 (三) 下午,線上會議

甄選資格: 本院研究生,刑事法、商事法各1名





週五, 12 三月 2021 15:39





本院於110年3月10日下午4點至5點半,與漢堡大學法律學院團隊(Professor Hans-Heinrich Joachim Trute, Professor Milan Kuhli and Professor Georg Ringe)召開視訊會議,延續本院與漢堡大學法學院於109年3月(於本院)及12月(於漢堡大學)兩次工作坊中,共同定調的研究主軸:「數位轉型中的法律」(Law in the Digital Transformation)或「數位化與法律」(Digitalization and Law),進一步討論兩院共同申請研究計畫的內容、方式等細節。

會中,蘇凱平教授提議以「數位轉型中的法律」(Law in the Digital Transformation)為未來研究計畫合作主軸,並可視各個教授的專長,與各個法律學科子領域(如憲法、刑法、身分法、民事訴訟法、法律史等)做結合。

對方某位教授(Milan Kuhli ?)提到,在研究計畫合作方面,或許應先確認此研究領域在跨國合作上有實益,像是能透過合作產生不同的研究觀點,這應該是合作的先決條件。





週日, 05 十二月 2021 14:50

王皇玉 特聘教授



週日, 05 十二月 2021 14:49

楊岳平 副教授



第 7 頁,共 8 頁