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admin law

Monday, 27 November 2017 00:00


國立臺灣大學法律學院擬徵聘「國際公法」或「行政法」(「行政法」以具備發展「經濟」或「社會」等「部門憲法」領域之研究能力者優先考慮)、「刑事訴訟法」等科目之專任教師(含教授、副教授及助理教授),有意申請者請於民國107226日下午5點前將相關資料備齊送達臺大法律學院專案辦公室(如為郵寄應於上述時間前送達本院),法律學院地址:106 台北市羅斯福路41號,電話:(02)33668909


























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二、            熟悉電腦文書處理,如WordExcelPowerPoint等。

三、            能獨立作業、認真負責、樂於學習、具備積極主動之服務熱忱。

四、            各單位主管之配偶及三親等以內血親、姻親不得在其主管單位中任職。

五、            違反校規受記小過以上處分(處分確定之次月起未滿一年)者,不得申請。

六、            兼任研發處研究助理、教務處教學助理或校內其他單位工作者,亦可申請。

七、            已擔任其他研究生獎勵金教學助理或行政助理工作者,不得申請。
















請填寫「研究生助理應徵申請表」,於201711月23日(星期四)前以書面或電子郵件方式(二擇一)申請。以書面申請者,請將申請表送交霖澤館六樓辦公室王鳳羽助教處。以電子郵件申請者,請寄至:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,主旨註明:「應徵106-1法學論叢助理」。



臺大法律學院 敬啟

2017 1120

Thursday, 19 October 2017 00:00


學期 課程名稱 授課教師 適用組別 識別碼
102-1 英國及國際商事法 李震海 商、國 U
102-2 法與發展之理論專題研究(王泰升合開) 臧東升 M
103-1 美國刑事司法制度 威爾遜薩默爾 U
媒體法、新技術與憲法權利 查理斯華頓 U
國際身心障礙者權利法 公、國 U
103-2 美國憲法專題 查理斯華頓 U
國際人權法專題討論 班斯多 公、國 U
東亞與中國的法律, 社會與經濟發展 陳維曾 U
國際貨物銷售與仲裁法 孔家希 財、商、經、民 U
104-1 比較契約法專題研究一 孔家希 民、商、財 M
國際商業仲裁 財、商、經、民 U
歐盟法導論 韋勒 U
面對全球治理的法律典範:路徑選擇及其挑戰 郭銘松 國、公 U
新興市場國家的法律專業與司法程序 柯立南 U
104-2 德國民事法導論 溫彼得 U
亞洲金融法 陳肇鴻 商、經、財 U
日本刑事司法:傳統與變革 井上正仁 U
契約法之哲學基礎 陳明渝 民、基 U
國際法專題討論 羅貝德 U
105-1 日本民法導論 出口雅久 U
歐盟國際私法 艾斯普卡羅 商、國 U
白領犯罪 王曉明 U
動物保護法 青木人志 公、刑 U
歐盟保險法導論 瑪納諾皮耶 U
轉型正義與國際人權專題研究 林耕暉 國、公 U
歐陸法國家之法律與經濟 薛佛漢斯 U
105-2 日本法專題研究一 鎌野邦樹 M
信託法導論 思沃德林 商、民 M
德國憲法導論 古博諾 M
美國與國際法 古舉倫 M
英美侵權法 羅伯特艾克 M
106-1 電影中的司法程序與法律專業 馬雅理 M
全球商事契約法 馮士方 商、民 M
國際脈絡下之歐盟經濟法 諾福克 國、經、商、財 M
歐盟中私法與國際私法間之調和 艾斯普卡羅 國、民 M
律師於全球資本市場中之定位 葛理察 商、民 M
國際公司法:理論與案例分析 柯霖 M
法律經濟分析 陳建霖 M
全球化與法治議題的比較分析 郭銘松 M
調解實務演習 康怡莉、華志強 民、商 M








法律學院敬啟   106.7.20.

Thursday, 28 September 2017 00:00


若無法線上瀏覽請點選 全文下載


Wednesday, 20 September 2017 00:00

Shawn Kelly Watts-華志強

Mediation Clinic 


Wednesday, 30 August 2017 00:00

Stefan Vogenauer-馮士方

Stefan Vogenauer was born in Eutin in 1968. He read law at the Universities of Kiel, Paris and Oxford (MJur) and did his practical training in Regensburg where he also was a Research Assistant at the University. He went on to be a Senior Research Fellow at the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. From 2003 to 2015 he held the statutory Chair in Comparative Law at the University of Oxford where he also served as Director of the Institute of European and Comparative Law and as Fellow of Brasenose College. For his comparative and historical analysis of the interpretation of statutes in English, French, German and EU law, Die Auslegung von Gesetzen in England und auf dem Kontinent, he was awarded the Max Weber Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society in 2002, as well as the 2008 Prize of the German Legal History Conference. In 2012 a Humboldt Award was conferred upon him ‘in recognition of his lifetime achievements in research’. Vogenauer has been a Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society since 2014 and Director of the Frankfurt Institute for European Legal History since 2015. He has held visiting positions at the universities of Melbourne, Paris II and Stellenbosch, and also at Bucerius Law School, Louisiana State University (LSU), New York University (NYU) and the University of Texas at Austin. He works mostly in the areas of European legal history, comparative law and transnational private law. He has a particular interest in legal transfers in the common law world, the history of EU law and the comparative history of legal method.Stefan Vogenauer was born in Eutin in 1968. He read law at the Universities of Kiel, Paris and Oxford (MJur) and did his practical training in Regensburg where he also was a Research Assistant at the University. He went on to be a Senior Research Fellow at the Hamburg Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. From 2003 to 2015 he held the statutory Chair in Comparative Law at the University of Oxford where he also served as Director of the Institute of European and Comparative Law and as Fellow of Brasenose College. For his comparative and historical analysis of the interpretation of statutes in English, French, German and EU law, Die Auslegung von Gesetzen in England und auf dem Kontinent, he was awarded the Max Weber Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society in 2002, as well as the 2008 Prize of the German Legal History Conference. In 2012 a Humboldt Award was conferred upon him ‘in recognition of his lifetime achievements in research’. Vogenauer has been a Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society since 2014 and Director of the Frankfurt Institute for European Legal History since 2015. He has held visiting positions at the universities of Melbourne, Paris II and Stellenbosch, and also at Bucerius Law School, Louisiana State University (LSU), New York University (NYU) and the University of Texas at Austin. He works mostly in the areas of European legal history, comparative law and transnational private law. He has a particular interest in legal transfers in the common law world, the history of EU law and the comparative history of legal method.

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