

週四, 13 六月 2024 22:41



法律學系 法學四 陳家慶

一、 前言

    本次12/7 之演講邀請到台大法律系的老師汪信君前來演講,以”Climate Change, Insurance and Risk Mitigation”為題,講述氣候變遷與環境責任。從氣候變遷帶來的損害討論此方面之侵權責任與保險機制。面對氣候變遷的加速,這些補償、避險工具也面對極大挑戰。於此,我們要問的是,政府的政策在市場上具有這兩種工具的情下,應如何調整以求政策成效的最佳化。

二、 侵權行為的路徑

    面對氣候變遷下巨災所帶來的損害,除了就國家行為請求國家賠償外,另一個解決路徑便是侵權行為的損害賠償。我國民法第184 條規定:因故意或過失,不法侵害他人之權利者,負損害賠償責任。故意以背於善良風俗之方法,加損害於他人者亦同。由此可知,就點型類型來看,負侵權行為者必須要符合損害、故意過失、因果關係等等要件。由巨災所造成的損害而言,其原因往往不會有一個直接的故意加害人或過失加害人,其往往是因為「既有的天災擴大」或是人類的「共業」,從而無法確定因果關係而使請求有所理由。前者如颱風所造成的風災在近幾年隨著氣候變遷而擴大,但我們並無法因此直接向特定人進行求償。即便確認有大量碳排放的廠商應對此負責,如保險業的調查當中發現氣候變遷的與雨量等導致災情的因素有所關聯[1],據此我們可以進一步確認大量排放的廠商應當就全球增溫導致的天災損害負責,然而進一步的具體的因果關係仍無法確定,更何況如後者所言,全球暖化是全世界人類發展的共業,要如何使特定廠商、單位進行侵權行為的賠償實在有所困難。即便採Proportional Liability,司法攻防所造成的時間、勞力花費,即便使我們獲得實體上的利益,但程序利益往往因此無法顧及,更何況隨著氣候變遷的加劇,若可能每年不斷擴大的農損均循侵權行為路徑求償,那麼程序利益的損害更將嚴重。

三、 保險的路徑




四、 國家政策的抉擇


1. 風險評估機制的強化

2. 強制保險的納入

    1) 針對高環境風險居民的保險,使他們可以在災後受償。
    2) 而在高風險地區開發的業者,其短期間內無法搬遷,對其強制投保,使其在因為其開發而產生的損害上由保險進行環境責任的分攤。


五、 代結論──政策面的風險分擔

[1]據Association of British Insurance, ABI,的調查顯示,氣溫增加攝氏2度,颱風降雨將增加13若是四度、六度則會分別增加,26%39%。以我國為例,颱風短期間的超大量往往是損超出預期的主要原因。
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                                        B94B01078 生命科學四 洪國華

    溫室氣體(Greenhouse Gas)指對於地表的長波輻射具有較高吸收度的氣體,通常最為人所知的就是二氧化碳,隨著人類活動的增加,需求越來越多的能源供給,將碳自其他形式轉換二氧化碳的行為越為急遽,這也因此造成大氣中該氣體濃度的大幅增加,人類所造成的氣候變遷主要原因,也正是因為二氧化碳導致的溫室效應—全球氣候暖化所造成。

[1] 就像一般人向來不會去討論與地球極為靠近的金星,大氣中幾乎全部都是二氧化碳這件事對於金星而言是件好事或是壞事,能被討論的只有是否會妨礙到人類移民到金星的計畫。
[2] 在化學反應自發性的計算方程式中,因為產物二氧化碳是氣體,一旦排放之後亂度就是近似無限,要將其重新透過固碳作用,無論是我們所知的植物還是珊瑚礁,都會需要千百年甚至萬年以上的時間,這也是人類卻能在數年將其消耗殆盡的緣故。
[3] 姑且先不討論厭氧菌或是不以有糖類代謝成二氧化碳的一些生物來說。
[4] 以結構主義的看法會認為無論我們歸屬責任於哪個主體,溫室氣體被排放的結果還是不會改變,除非能夠理想的認為透過正確責任歸屬過程,可以積極促使人類進行替代能源技術的研究,徹底解決溫室氣體的問題。
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                                     科法四 R94A41016 林季陽
    本週演講者為本系汪信君教授,演講之主要內容為介紹巨災保險制度,其中含括可保性、因果關係認定以及國家環境責任等面向。在Q&A時間則另外提及保險制度與其他氣候變遷相關制度如能源稅間之交互。學生則擬在此次之reflection paper中試探討針對氣候變遷的各種制度間可能之發展。

    基於損害填補的想法出發,某程度上巨災保險可謂係替氣候變遷這個「因」所造出來的「果」來收拾,然而亦僅得稱為「收拾」而非「善後」,畢竟巨大災害後的重建甚至預防,實難想像純粹的保險制度可能做到此點。因此,若基於風險管理之角度來處理巨災,似乎應該將所有可能以及相關之制度一併加以考慮,方可能建立較具有可行性的氣候變遷避險(climate change hedge)。


    是故,學生認為可能引入投資組合(portfolio)之概念,來結合自本課程自開學至今,由演講者、報告同學們所曾介紹過的種種制度。從能源稅、碳交易、總量管制、環境影響評估與放款標準、巨災保險,再加上現行財金市場上亦有一定程度發展之巨災債券(Catastrophe bond, Cat bond)與巨災選擇權、巨災期貨、巨災交換契約(Catastrophe swap contract)等衍生性商品。例如,於報酬率觀念上則可能選擇以減少排放量百分之幾,較類似總量管制之概念,但在商品內容中則給予投資人(可能是一般投資人、跨國企業甚至國家單位)上述制度之組合,依投資人需求來加以設計。換言之,即係欲由此種組合,一方面降低巨災衍生性金融商品之投機面向,另一方面也不致過度偏離經濟誘因。對於風險愛好者(risk lover)以及風險趨避者(risk averse)均得選擇其所偏好之氣候變遷管理制度。然而亦不得不承認,此種思考仍有其現實層面上窒礙難行之處。


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* 臺灣大學法律系博士班學生。
[1] 黑川哲志,《環境行政の法理と手法》,成文堂,2004年10月10日,頁145~148。其功能有風險評估的功能、對污染削減的經濟誘因及救濟功能。
[2] See Sean B. Hecht, Changing Climates: Adapting Law and Policy to a Transforming World Climate Change And The Transformation Of Risk: Insurance Matters, in 55 UCLA L. Rev. 1559. 1579~1583 (2008).
[3] Id, at 1583~1585.
[4] 詳見張桐銳,<合作國家>,《當代公法新論(中)》,元照,2002年7月。
[5] 或許正因為如此,日本學理上及實務上,多有主張行政權對無法獲得完整救濟者,要負補充責任。詳見黑川哲志,前揭書,頁228~231。
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B93A01113 法學五 李新恩
A.    從我國法律人追究責任的正義理想說起
B.    侵權法理、保險制度於氣候變遷議題的應用
    在本週汪信君老師的演講中,我抱持著上面這樣追究行為者到底的態度,似乎發現:這些問題找到了最恰當的解決辦法!汪老師指出,從英美侵權法著名案件:DES防流產藥物,造成使用藥品婦女的女性後代罹患卵巢癌,而向藥廠求償的案件中,美國法院突破性的提出比率性責任(proportional liability)的觀念,以藥廠的市佔率分配藥廠所負的比例責任。這兼顧到了行為人可能的責任範圍與實際的清償能力,更避開了難以確定特殊損害與特殊行為人的因果關係的困難。這是對市場有著深度瞭解、具有極高洞見的裁判。而氣候變遷造成的損害,也可以這樣用溫室氣體排放量的比率來分配責任。配合著汪老師介紹的責任保險制度,保障更健全:保險公司以責任保險提供業者對風險的轉嫁、保險公司再以再保險公司轉嫁自己的風險,而且政府可以用強制保險的規範手段,使與氣候變遷環境損害有關的業者都具備良好的清償能力。這兩個制度的配合,顯然可以解決絕大部分在傳統的責任原理中遇到的困難。
C. 正義還是獵巫?以實用為訴求的新視野
    由這個脈絡再次反思汪老師的報告,我赫然發現:其實氣候變遷的環境損害,也許根本就超出了責任法理所預設要處理的範圍。責任原理,無論百轉千迴,始終不脫離這句話:「造成了特定損害的行為人,要為其損害負責」。首先,「特定損害」這點,就是在一味追求「讓行為人負責」的時候會忽略的大問題。氣候變遷是一個漫長漸進的過程,但一旦到達一個臨界點,便會發生超級的巨大損害;大規模颶風是一種,讓整個島國滅絕、使整個靠海的繁榮都市淹沒的損害類型更是前所未見。面對這種因果密接性低、且是國際的國家級損害,用內國法發展出來的責任法理來追究私人公司,顯然是有待商榷的。相關議題就是演講中介紹的可保性(insurability)的問題:事故發生率、風險辨識、損失的量化計算,這是構成保險契約的條件。上述超級災害很容易就超出這個界線,而受巨額賠償追究的公司也會因沒有保險公司願意提供保險而倒閉;就算保險公司承保,恐怕也會跟著被拖垮。金融風暴中,帶有左派色彩的Obama都必須簽署通過以千億美元計的bailout政策、忍受世人稱之為golden parachute的譏笑,具有類似衝擊力的超鉅額損害又怎麼能輕易的丟給私人公司負責?
    更令我深感不安的,是「行為人製造損害」這個概念。責任法理的正義理念,最早就是從某行為人有意識的、甚至故意的造成損害開始,不論怎樣擴張構成要件,始終都必需指出,就是這個行為人應該避免這個損害,他卻沒做到。但溫室氣體的排放,是現代完整的工商業經濟體制下產生的附帶現象。這時,二氧化碳等氣體的排放,至少在目前的科技程度下都是某種程度的「必要之惡」,並不是一句「我們要減少、要改變」就可以達到,畢竟符合成本效益的綠色科技還在萌芽當中。而當我們探究這個體制的最基本的原理,恐怕是需求刺激生產。排放污染的是工商業者,但他們是為了滿足市場需求而這樣做;他不做也有別人會做,因為需求一直都在。那麼現在,超鉅額的損害發生了,作為需求者的我們雙手一攤,說「工商業者負責吧,一切只與他們有關。」這不是一種現代的獵巫嗎?這豈不是責任原理這種內國的正義理想,在國際氣候變遷的特殊議題條件下被法律人不顧現實的套用時,所產生的一種尋找「代罪羔羊」的現象?Market share可以做到讓整個市場經濟的生產者負擔責任,已經把責任法原理下「行為人」概念擴張到最大,但恐怕需要負責的人,比這還要更大!
D.    結論:觀念的限制與觀念的突破
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A Point of no Return: Climate Change Litigation and Liability
Seminar on Global Environmental Policy and Law
Semester 98-1
Class Reflection Paper
李崇菱 Tsung Ling Lee[1]
  International climate talks at the UN summit in Copenhagen this week has been closely watched around the world, the recently released “long-term action plan text" regarding international climate change strategy has been interpreted as ambitious and positive document, nevertheless, key issues such financial assistance for developing countries to adapt to climate change remain unresolved. The need for climate change mitigation as core principle in different legal regimes thus become imperative, the explosion of climate change litigation in subnational, national, and supernational courts in the last decade under a range of substantive legal approaches is encouraging, as different actors in different geographical locations are actively challenging different legal norms. Moreover, as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) does not include nor mention the need for a liability regime, climate change litigation worldwide create an alternative pluralist legal dialogue, and engage actors and non-actors through a richer narrative of climate change litigation, thus transcend the traditional notion of nation-state and boundaries. Transnational regulatory governance is a positive and constructive step towards combating the anthropogenic climate change, as it is currently the most significant international environmental problem, exacerbating the North-South divide as the people in the developing nations are in worse position to take adaptation measures. .
I.                Environmental Insurance Coverage – Changing role of Regulatory Regime
  The prevalence of environmental insurances worldwide has impacted on how a state-actor implement its regulatory regime. As the increased frequencies and unpredictability of extreme weathers, environmental insurances policies can be drafted to insure against liability incurred from past or current releases of hazardous substances, which has become popular with firms and corporations, where the purchase environmental insurance can spread risk and benefit from experiences and efficiencies of insures should remedial matter arise. Environmental insurance agreements though essentially are private contracts between private parties, nevertheless, the embedded economic incentive in environmental insurance agreements create incentives for private parties, i.e. insurance companies to play traditional regulatory functions in the past reserved for the government. Moreover, through environmental insurance agreements, it also created private obligations, which are more often stricter than public regulatory standards. However, insurers are vulnerable to climate change liability resulting from damage caused by extreme-weather events. For example, the worldwide insurance losses in 2005 alone from weather-related property loss reached USD 80 millions.[2]
II.              Financial Impacts of Morakot and the need to Reshape the Insurance Sector
  In August this year, the economic loss due typhoon Morakot is estimated by a U.N. Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs at USD 3.4 billion, in the aftermath, the Cabinet also allocated a reconstruction fund of NTD 100 billion to be used over three years. The devastation of typhoon Morakot also revealed the weakness of typhoon and flood insurance coverage in Taiwan, particularly in rural areas where it is the most vulnerable. According to official statistics, as of August 21, 13 days after the arrival of typhoon Morakot in Taiwan, mere 464 claims amounting to NTD1.5 billion has been filed in the property and casualty insurance sector. In other word, the insurance sector only covers 1/3 of total damage brought by typhoon Morakot, and in the 362 towns and cities around Taiwan, only one third of towns, with fewer than 10 properties are covered by typhoon and flood insurance.
  This discrepancy reveals the dependency on the public sector in the face of natural disasters and the poorly structured and regulated insurance industry to share risks and damage control[3]. Although a variation of natural disaster insurance is available in Taiwan, they are not mandatory, and this could explain the lack of willingness to take up environmental insurance. For example, in order to be covered by typhoon and flood risk, a homeowner need to purchase fire and basic insurance first, then add additional coverage of typhoon and flood. According to the statistics, of all 7.66 million homes in Taiwan, only 1.98 million are covered by fire insurance, and among those insured, only 1694 household have fork out the addition payment for typhoon and flood insurance. In other word, only two out of every 10,000 residences in Taiwan are insured against these natural disasters. Even more disconcerting, the disparity between urban and rural insurance coverage is startling. Counties of Chiayi, Pintung, Taitung, Kinmen and Lienchiang, where the first three counties are among the areas hit worst by Morakot are under-insured.
  The lack of insurance coverage in Taiwan is due to the costly insurance premiums for natural disasters, where the financial burden is often too high for people living in the rural areas. Insurance premiums are calculated based on losses in the past decade due to natural disasters such as storms and earthquakes, then divided by the number of households in a community, thus depending on locality, natural disaster insurance premiums varies, and this place rural areas with frequent encounters of extreme weather at financial disadvantaged place. An annual premium for example, could easily reach NTD 5000, with basic NTD2000 fire insurance, and additional NTD 3000 for typhoon and flood insurance coverage. 
  As an island nation, Taiwan is extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and the recent encounters with typhoons, floods, and mudslides, where reconstruction of homes, and resume business is a costly financial exercise, how Taiwan restructure its policies and implement its laws are pivotal in preparation of future natural contingencies. Typhoon Morakot exposed the structural deficiency of the insurance sector, and the over-reliance on the public sector to provide financial support. Though, government plays an important role in providing financial support in the aftermath by allocating funds to assist rebuilding of homes, it also risk diversifying and over stretch the national budget. Whether Taiwan would take the regulatory route in imposing compulsory home insurance to minimize the over-stretch of state resources leaves a room for discussion. However, in the face of climate change, and how to tackle global warming and related natural disasters, Taiwan faces different policy choices, for example, tthe rights-based approach, ad-hoc approach, court-based approach or as a collective-responsibility approach, the abundance of choices, nevertheless, must be analyzed in light of its social and legal context.
III.            Alternate Route – Transnational Climate Change Litigation
  Currently, both producers and largest emitters of greenhouse gases externalize the cost of their climate change contribution, and often are left for the vulnerable population to bear. Though regions in both the North and the South are equally at risk of climate change, nevertheless, people in the South are particularly vulnerable and are in a worse position as they are less equipped with adaptation measures. Climate change regulation necessitates multilayer legal approaches, ones that engage simultaneously at more than one level of governance; individual, local, national, regional and global. Thus transnational climate change litigation is a feasible alternative way to pressure state-actors to comply with international obligations, or at least, to address the problem directly. Moreover, litigation provides and acts as a mechanism for private parties to engage regulatory questions even more directly than legislative or executive decision-making processes. Climate change litigation provides a space for different actors to interact with each other at different levels, and from different branches, where they work together to solve a common problem through dialogue.
A.    Alien Tort Claims Act and Transnational Litigation
  Foreign plaintiffs may have a claim in United States courts under the Alien Tort Claims Act to seek redress for the impacts of climate change[4]the door is still ajar subject to vigilant door keeping, and thus open to a narrow class of international norms today.”[10] Hence, the unsettled jurisprudence on the “law of nations” means that environmental violation is potentially within the scope of meaning of the ATCA. . The United States Congress enacted the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA)[5] on September 24 1789 to provide “extraterritorial jurisdiction over the crimes of piracy, slave trading, violation of safe conduct and the kidnapping of ambassadors”. The ATCA provides “the district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort only, committed in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of the United States.”[6] A cause of action under the ATCA must fulfill the following elements (1) an alien sues, (2) for a tort; (3) the alleged act is committed in violation of the law of nations. The latter element the “law of nations” is problematic, as it remains unsettled, as the United States Supreme Court had not yet articulated a conclusive definition of the law of nations.[7]However, in 1980 where the modern era of ATCA jurisprudence began with the Second Circuit’s decision in Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, the court held that the law of nations is not static, rather it evolves concurrently with the rights and duties recognized by the international community.[8] Nevertheless, in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain[9], the Supreme Court construed the law of nations narrowly, holding that a claim under the ATCA must “rest on a norm of international character accepted by the civilized world and defined with a specificity comparable to the features of the 18th-century paradigms we have recognized”. But the Court also recognized “
  Nevertheless, several cases recently have tested the ground of the ATCA to environmental claims, but the courts did not deem them as actionable. For example, in Amlon Metals, Inc.v. FMC Corp[11] the plaintiff sued FMC for transporting hazardous materials in violation of a contract between the two parties. Plaintiff Amlon claimed violation of the Stockholm Declaration and also cited the Restatement Third of Foreign Relations Law of the United States. Nevertheless, the District Court granted the motion to dismiss, citing that the claim was not enforceable under the ATCA as the Stockholm Declaration did not contain any specific proscriptions.  
  In Flores v. Southern Peru Copper[12]residents of Peru claimed that the defendant’s copper mining had caused air and water pollution, and violated their “right to life”, “right to health” and “right to sustainable development” and violations of international environmental law. The court opined that the principles asserted by plaintiffs to establish the right to health, life, and sustainable development presented only “virtuous goals understandably expressed at a level of abstraction needed to secure the adherence of States that disagree on many of the particulars regarding how actually to achieve them.” Thus, the court concluded on the basis of “boundless and indeterminate” rights are insufficient to comprise part of customary international law.[13]
  Hence, environmental cases under the ATCA reflect the United States court’s reluctance to accept violation of environmental principles as a basis to find a violation of the law of the nations. Nevertheless, academics have commented that ATCA claims alleging environmental violations could still succeed. First, plaintiff could base climate change claims on treaty violations such as the UNFCCC, the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea Agreement Relating to the Conversation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, which are multilateral environmental agreements, and is most likely to prevail[14]. Second, plaintiff could assert that sustainable development have attained “law of nations” status and should form the basis of an actionable claim under the ATCA.[15]  
IV.            Conclusion
  Though transnational climate change litigation remains unlikely, nevertheless, it has the potential to be part of the process of transnational regulatory reigme. Mapping climate change litigation worldwide provides a glimpse of the power dynamics, and how different actors in varies of judicial forums interact with each other, and influence the current regulatory process. By examining the domestic insurance structure in conjunction of the prevalence of natural disasters in Taiwan, the lack of domestic insurance coverage is disconcerting, and how to restructure the insurance sector, or domestic regulatory regime to respond to the increasing frequency of extreme weather is pivotal not only to protect the vulnerable but also how to allocation state resources accordingly. Transnational litigation is an alternative route, though feasible but under current jurisprudence is unlikely. Nevertheless the space created by climate change litigation would fill the regulatory gaps, and engage different actors across the world to solve the common problem.    

[1] All copyright waived
[2] 43A Stan. J. Int'l L. 251
[3] Morakot exposes lack of natural disaster insurance,
[4]Randall S. Abate, Climate Change, The United States, And The Impacts Of Arctic Melting: A Case Study In The Need For Enforceable International Environmental Human Rights, 43A Stan. J. Int'l L. 3
[5] judiciary Act of 1789, ch. 20, § 9, 1 Stat. 73, 77.
[6] 28 U.S.C. § 1350 (Westlaw 2007).
[7] See generally RoseMary Reed, Rising Seas and Disappearing Islands: Can Island Inhabitants Seek Redress under the Alien Tort Claims Act?, 11 Pac. Rim L. & Pol'y J. 399 (2002)
[8] Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, 630 F.2d 876 (2d Cir. 1980) at 881
[9] United States v. Alvarez-Machain, 504 U.S. 655 (2004).
[10] Ibid
[11] Amlon Metals, Inc. v. FMC Corp., 775 F. Supp. 668 (S.D.N.Y. 1991)
[12] Flores v. S. Peru Copper Corp., 343 F.3d 140 (2d Cir. 2003).
[13] Id. at 143, 161
[14] Supra note 5
週四, 13 六月 2024 22:36




公法一 王文咨
    汪老師此次演講的重點擺在保險在氣候變遷扮演的角色,非常值得我們思考。蓋以外國為例,歐洲以及美國的保險業早已開始研究氣候變遷對於承保風險的影響,此外,Allianz 和 World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 等機構亦開始呼籲保險業應承擔更多對於改善氣候變遷的責任,包括投入全球暖化的研究並且揭露有關氣候變遷的相關資訊、研發更多對環境友善的保單、對於像是使用低碳排放量的汽車的保戶給予保費折扣。當然也有些保險業者持反對態度,其認為對環境友善的行為要看得到實質效益至少要40年,因此這種對環境友善的行為並不足以影響明年的保費。不過整體而言,鑑於他們所負擔的災難保險金額日漸高漲,國外保險業已開始投入有關全球暖化的研究,其中又以歐洲保險業最早開始相關研究,包括將氣候變遷納入風險分析的模型中加以分析以辨識風險,有些業者亦開始開發「綠色保單」[1]
Climate Change and Insurance: An Agenda for Action in the United States,A Publication of Allianz Group and WWF,October 2006
Simon Challis, European Insurance Correspondent,Insurers Told to Do More to Tackle Climate Change , 06 June 2006, Reuters

[1] 2006年5月,AIG是美國第一個發布有關全球暖化報告的保險公司並開發新的產品以因應全球暖化。
[2] Climate Change and Insurance: An Agenda for Action in the United States,A Publication of Allianz Group and WWF,October 2006
[3]Climate Change and Insurance: An Agenda for Action in the United States,A Publication of Allianz Group and WWF,October 2006
週四, 13 六月 2024 22:35





R94A41016  科法四  林季陽





    若以平均大學生所得接觸之一般貿易理論教科書內容來說,十之八九會基於比較利益法則、Heckscher-Ohlin ( 簡稱 H-O ) 理論等推出貿易自由化在生產要素得自由移動之前提下將會提高貿易雙方國消費者之福利,縱或在不完全競爭市場,亦可得出相同或類似之結論。然而,若仔細深究上開理論及其模型之內涵應可發現幾事不妥。其一為商品同質性,比較利益法則是在於相同商品之製造應由機會成本較低者為之,然而實際上商品具有異質性。舉例來說,同樣是3C產品,日本製與中國製之同一款商品,實證上來說對消費者並非相同之商品。換言之,理論的前提假設中並未考慮到商品品質,或者說理論發展其本身之限制也不易考慮到商品品質,而僅得以財貨價格加以化約。在此情形下,比較利益法則之運用自應審慎為之。其二為交易成本,早期貿易理論多假設處於完全競爭市場而認為貿易自由化得降低他國生產者與本國消費者間之交易成本,近期之貿易理論則認知到上述結論係過於素樸化交易成本,而發展出分析上游中間財之最適貿易政策與空間經濟下之最適貿易政策之理論趨勢。然而,交易成本實際上的複雜性,並未完全體現在貿易理論的發展上。換言之,貿易理論所「允諾」的正面效果,大有可能實際上被交易成本吃乾抹淨,卻無法在理論之架構中推演出來。其三是市場失靈。貿易理論縱擺脫1980年代前以完全競爭市場為理論前提所遭致的批評,然在以不完全競爭市場為前提的理論中,也未嘗真正去處理市場失靈之問題,僅單純形而上地相信在解除管制(deregulation)後不會有市場失靈的發生,而忽略甚多新興市場其基礎設施及法律制度之不完備、法律執行效率不彰等問題。換言之,貿易理論無法體現結構性的市場失靈,如黑道、官吏貪污等問題,導致畫出來的大餅往往不是理論中所謂的「一般消費者」得享受的。綜上,本文欲說明若僅依一般貿易理論教科書所授,實不易理解自1999年西雅圖示威這十年來所欲抗爭者何。這些理論在實際層面上的瑕疵,都不會寫在課本裡面;而稍微冒昧地說,大學經濟系教授所開的課程,也不會告訴學生這些事實。有些真實,必須自己去發掘。



    在針砭過貿易自由化的幻夢之後,本文試圖提出經濟與環保間的第三條路,以供未來貿易自由化之走向為參考。此發想是來自在Q&A時間之提問。事實上,「綠色經濟(Green Economy)」之思維正日漸蓬勃,以緩和傳統上總認為水火不容的經濟發展與環境保護。在對氣候變遷與全球暖化其牽涉廣泛與嚴重性開始有所認知時,企業界有在社會壓力下,亦有在本身意願下嘗試將其納入企業之社會責任中。另一方面,亦有論者提出,初始企業界會排斥進行環保工作是因認為環保與企業獲利間是必然的反向關係,但若從一開始之產品設計便以不同思維出發,便可能具有足夠的經濟誘因來吸引企業進行環保。如從一開始設計時,就充分考慮到以後的反覆利用而不是採用拙劣的事後補救方式。當在開始設計之時就具備這樣的理念,將產品的短期使用壽命、便利性、美觀性與材料的回收利用等問題一起通盤考量[1]。換言之,從產品到流程,均應考慮和資訊與回應產生共鳴以產生最深層的生態效益,才是企業除單純貨幣價值所衡量之利潤以外,應同時進行的思維改革。可參考者例如「綠色秩序」所提出的CRED策略,其內涵分別為可信性(credibility)、關連(relevance)、有效訊息(Effective messaging)與差異(differentiation),其係綠色秩序此組織在進行高階主管策略與執行經驗中所演化而成的策略,其目的在於使企業之環境保護措施設想周全、有效,並令人信服[2]。本文則認為,貿易自由化的正面效果,似乎應在企業基於上述思維並有策略地消融經濟與環保間的衝突點後,才可能真正實現。



此外,本文亦嘗試就現行全球貿易體制之架構提供一些其他看法。將所有公共財及私有財均納入貿易自由化之架構,其實未必理想。甚至涉及某些具不可逆性的公共財、自然資源,應該將其排除於全球貿易體系之外。換言之,在這些範疇應不得賦予WTO組織超越多邊環境協議(MEAs)等類此協議之權力。為增進多邊環境協議之界限與拘束力,Michael Meacher、英國1997年至2003年之環境部長甚至建議建立一個最高法庭及強化的聯合國環境規則(UNEP)[3]。更激進的看法則認為在已無法改變現行WTO組織其根深蒂固之經濟優先思維的前提下,則應在聯合國之權威與監督下,建立新的全球層級機構,如在國際地球之友(Friends of Earth International)等公民網絡組織所號召之全球部長級環境論壇中授與聯合國環境規劃署明確之權力,提供其充足可靠之財政支援,而將其改革為聯合國環境組織,以確保跨國公司與世界貿易組織遵守多邊環境協定[4]





[1] 《從搖籃到搖籃,綠色經濟的設計提案》,William McDonough & Michael Braungart,野人出版社,2008年,第三章〈生態效益〉。

[2] 《綠經濟—提升獲利的綠色企業策略》,Joe Makower,麥格羅‧希爾出版社,2009年,p.212-221。

[3] 《經濟全球化的替代方案》,John Cavanagh & Jerry Mander,中央編譯出版社,2004年,p.142-144。

[4] 同註3,p.325-326

[5] 《綠色全球宣言》,Michael Woodin & Caroline Lucas,立緒文化,2005年,p.19-22。

週四, 13 六月 2024 22:35




The Tales of Two Dichotomy: How Environment and Trade Find Their Common Ground


Contemporary global challenges such as climate change mitigation resembles Shakespearean justice, where human activities that disrupts the nature order of the world, nature revenges by making appearances consists of ‘cataracts and hurricanes’, ‘sulphurous’ fires’ and ‘all-shaking thunder’ [1], and human must endeavour through active actions to restore the nature order. The celebrated capitalist prosperity in the last millennium accounted for positive economical growth worldwide, also accelerated global environmental degradation, declining of ocean fisheries, overexploitation of common resources and depletion in biodiversity. As the world counts down to the Copenhagen UN summit in less than a month time, with the aims to draw up a treaty to succeed the 1997 Kyoto Protocol,[2] observers believe the summit would only produce a framework for future action.[3] The conflict and tension between trade and environment exacerbated by climate change, reflect the need to examine the two dichotomy through new lens, and governance must be engaged at multilevel to reflect and respond to the complicity of climate change. As climate change exerts its impacts on the global economics through varies of ways, emissions and impacts occur at multiple levels simultaneously. Linear approaches in confining climate change as a trade-related environmental issue and place blinded reliance in international institution such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) or international treaties to target the problems are neither inadequate nor sufficient to halt the global impacts of anthropogenic climate change.


The fluidity of capitals that made possible by globalisation, global economic prosperity also accelerated the rate of environmental degradation. Past experiences informs that political liberalization, economic development and environmental protection go hand in hand.[4] The assumption that environmental-friendly trade measures would necessitate an inhibition on trade liberalization is misconstrued. Rather, the contemporary concern for climate change arises because the past exponential trade growth did not take into consideration of environmental cost, hence the past global economic growth partially attributable to the cause of climate change. However, to deduct that environmental protection would halt trade liberalization is a over-simplification of the matter, rather, as the past experiences illustrates, how to conduct international trade in a sustainable manner, and to facilitate technology transfer between the North and South through a collective action, should be the centrepieces of climate change debate.


I . International Trade Regime vs International Environmental Regime

In light of contemporary concern of climate change, trade policy will have climate ramifications just as climate policy will have implication for trade regimes. International trade and climate regimes though operate with different mandates, they share common features such as promotion of greater economic efficiency to enhance public welfare, both recognise economy and environmental linkage, and both regimes are forward-looking in terms of their policy implementation. Hence, despite their fundamental different institutional structure, the trade and climate regime nevertheless bear some similarities, which might be advanced to promote common ground.


  1. Functional Comparisons

International environmental regimes are known to lack concrete enforcement mechanisms and allow state-actors the flexibility to adopt a broad range of suitable instruments to combat global warming. On the other hand, the WTO regulate any environmental measures adopted by state-actors must be WTO-consistent, and thus a limited environmental approaches are permissible under the WTO[5]. Thus the restrictions imposed by the WTO on state-actors are more confined and rigid then the international environmental regimes. Moreover, because the neo-liberalism embedded in the WTO agreement and retaliation is permissible under the WTO, as it is known to have the strongest compliance system of any global organization today, the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU).[6] The WTO should be deemed as an international institution responsive to correct government failures, if a state-actor has implemented a policy distortive of trade liberalization and deemed as protectionist.[7] In other words, the trade regime seeks to disable economic instruments at the national level, and by allowing trade sanction to be imposed on the violated party, which means that a state-actor would immediately feel the impacts of economic sanction on its domestic market. Whereas the international environmental regime is driven by the need to correct market failure, and aspire to change the behaviour of each state-actors through behavioural incentives.


  1. The danger of Boxing the Law

Nevertheless, the two dichotomy with distinguish aims and motivated by different goals does not mean the two are incompatible with each other, even though the two promote different and distinct values. To deem the WTO as strictly an economic-driven institution, and thus must treat any dispute with environmental concerns with trade-imperative is a constrictive view of the potential functions the WTO can play in combating the global warming. In reality, trade liberalization is possible and obtainable is because the WTO creates a “space of engagement”[8] that allows state-actor to promote and advance its own economical interest, thus brining economic incentives and lessens domestic resistance, where trade liberalization can occurs at different speed for each state-actor depending on its domestic context. In contrast, to combat global warming, collective actions from state-actors are essential and inter-governmental cooperation is necessary to lessen and halt the impacts of climate change. Any non-participation from a state-actor potentially aggravates and harms the collective action, even more so when state-actor places its national interests to secure energy access and resources to sustain the growth and economic welfare[9] as top priority, thus resulting in a dysfunctional climate regime.


To halt the cascading effects of climate change, where it alters the living conditions for all earth inhabitants, and to compartmentalise an occurring natural phenomenon as a trade issue, and therefore subject to the discipline of trade regime or vice versa reflects the fallible tendency of human nature to compartmentalise and thus underestimate the magnitude of climate change problem. Indeed, the WTO as a trade institution serves as a functional example as how to facilitate inter-governmental corporations, however, it does not mean that because the compliance system of the WTO regime can exert political and economical pressures on a non-compliant state-actor, then the WTO regime should serve as a plausible forum to combat climate change. As this would implicitly recognise that trade priority exceeds environmental concerns, thus any environmental-related trade measures must be in compliance with the WTO rules. The trade-centric thinking would misplace the urgent need to address the consequences of climate change, distort the big picture, and limit the uses of plausible and innovative environmental tools, which could be instrumental in combating climate change.


Nevertheless, the lesson from the WTO regime highlights the political reality at the international realm where state-actors would tend to act to promote and advance its national interests. The dysfunctional state of international environmental regime must then take into account of this political constrain to advance its agenda. The WTO regime needs to be approached with new light, such as the initiative taken by the European Union (EU) to reinforce its climate change agendas with trade policies to ensure the spread of green goods, services, and technologies around the world.[10] By using trade policies consistent with the WTO rules to advance its environmental agenda nevertheless is a compromised but feasible route. As reliance in international environmental regime to promote common environmental values must take on the risk of the inadequacies of enforcement mechanism such as the Kyoto Protocol, which detracts its credibility as a functional regime.


  1. The EU Approach and Sustainability Impact Assessments

The Lisbon treaty signed by the Heads of State or Government of the 27 Member States in Lisbon on 13 December 2007, explicitly recognise the urgent need to address climate change, and the first EU treaty to make specific reference to energy with aims to ensure: (1) The functioning of the energy market; (2) Security of Supply; (3) Promote energy efficiency and energy saving; (4) Promote the development of new and renewable forms of energy; (5) Promote the interconnection of energy networks. Moreover, the adoption of the Charter of Fundamental Rights makes “a high level of environmental protection” a fundamental right of EU citizens, and thus overcome the classical division between trade and environment[11]. The Lisbon Treaty is remarkable in several ways; because firstly the economical-driven integration of 27 different state-entities is united and has a coordinated voice and specific competence to promote international action again st climate change.[12] The Lisbon Treaty demonstrates that environmental protection can coexist with economic goals where mitigation policies can be utilised to provide economic co-benefits and create regional opportunities.


Secondly, in conformity of its Charter, the EU conducts Trade Sustainability Impact Assessments that study the likely impacts of economic, social and environment as part of its EU trade negotiations, through studies conducted via independent external consultants. Thus, trade liberalisation is conducted in conjunction with social, health, and environmental assessments, where any impacts affected by the trade agreement on both sides are take into consideration.[13] The holistic approach taken by the EU disperse the classical division between trade and environment, and more importantly, the studies conducted by external consultants are published and available in the public domain, subject to public securitize and criticisms. The EU negotiators are guided by the assessment in assessing the best possible outcome of a trade negotiation, where they could formulate possible policy measures to accompany the trade agreement, to ensure trade liberalization is supportive of environmental sustainability.


Thus, the notion that trade and climate regimes are incompatible with each other is misconstrued, the fear that environmental friendly measures are trade restrictive obscures and limits the potential that trade can be use to advance, facilitate and engage countries to combat climate change. Moreover, as the EU’s sustainability impact assessments illustrates, the primacy should be place upon trade measures that are supportive of environmental sustainability, rather than formulating environmental policies that are in compliance of the WTO rules. By taking into consideration of the overall impacts of trade measures, rather than compartmentalising the matter as strictly a trade issue and thus excluding its likely environmental impacts, is taking a holistic approach to tackle the climate change problem. Moreover, it should be bear in mind that WTO law is not immutable, if WTO rules cannot reflect the contemporary needs of its Members, the rules can be altered and challenged, even though it is unlikely at present.


III. Engagement at Multilevel Governance

In order to promote climate change mandate, reliance on the WTO as a forum to facilitate environmental dialogue is highly improbable, nor is the reliance on the WTO to alter its rules to reflect the current climate change concern a probable route. Climate change is a multifaceted global problem that demands collective action and the fluidity of carbons that penetrate the global economy and manifest its impacts in specific ways in different geographical locations, illustrate the need to engage state-actors at multilevel governance: international, regional, national, and local. In other words, to combat climate change, every action from individual, local, state, national, and international are accountable. Law, therefore must find a way to be weaved among those levels of governance to exert both vertical and horizontal pressure and may impact how policy are formulated at international level, and create space to facilitate policy dialogues. Both top-down and bottom-approaches should occur simultaneously, simple reliance on international trade or climate regime would be an inadequate response to tackle climate change. The transnational character of climate change challenges the traditional perception of two distinct dichotomy, trade and environment, as well as confronting us how we box law, and human tendency to compartmentalise matter into distinct academic disciplines, and thus become myopic of the real issue in the process.


  1. Conclusion

The multilevel governance in a world of economic interdependence may evolve as global warming exacerbates, and how law and policy is structured would be pivotal in the ongoing climate change dialogue. Climate change reinforces the need to seek new and better structure of governance and to refine the relationship between trade and environmental regime, as well as the need to approach issues with holistic and interdisciplinary thinking.



[1] 1. William Shakespeare, King Lear

[2] China unveils emissions targets ahead of Copenhagen

[3] Obama to offer 17% US emissions cut at Copenhagen Summit


[5] Class Lecture, Prof. Wen-chen Shih

[6] Ibid

[7] Steve Charnovitz , Trade And Climate: Potential Conflicts And Synergies,

[8] Kevin R. Cox, Spaces of Dependence, Spaces of Engagement and the Politics of Scale, or: Looking for Local Politics, 17 POL. GEOGRAPHY 1 (1998)

[9] Thomas Cottier, Multilayered Governance, Pluralism, and Moral Conflict, 16 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 647



[11] The Charter of Fundamental Human Rights

[12] Article 191 of the TFEU provides " promoting measures at international level to deal with regional or worldwide environmental problems, and in particular combating climate change".

[13] Sustainability impact assessments,

週四, 13 六月 2024 22:34



當”國際貿易”遇見”氣候變遷” = “無解” or “國際”碳”貿易” ?

科法一 林彥寬 r98a41001

國際貿易與氣候變遷 => 敵人?朋友?





當全球仍然為著要尊誰(貿易與環境)為大的問題討論時(如國際貿易中WTO的規範與許多的環境公約規範衝突時),京都議定書中的為了減碳而設計的排放權交易,卻應用了國際貿易的理念及方法來達成減碳的目標。因此,本來對於環境問題一向冷處理的企業及工廠,已經嗅到了在暗藏在環境問題中的貿易商機,而開始重視此議題。(參考商業週刊1149期”碳is Money”)這種現象,某種程度反映了資本主義下人類重視自我利益的本質,雖然可以透過法律規範來處罰未達成減碳目標的企業,但過程必定是困難重重且緩慢的;然而,若企業可以因著減碳而在碳交易市場上獲利,這會讓企業有主動減碳的動機,並加速全球減碳目標的達成。如中國的一個案例,一個減碳顧問及碳權仲介商,藉著無償協助一家化學工廠技術改造來減碳,而獲得其削減的碳權配額,再將其賣給英國的瓦斯公司,從中獲得利潤。無可否認的,這就是一樁國際貿易,而其造成的則是減碳效果及商業利益。國際碳貿易,全球減碳的新契機。



下圖更可說明排放交易是三種京都議定書減量方法(其他兩種為清潔發展機制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)聯合履行(Joint Implementation,JI))中,最為被利用的一種。







第 30 頁,共 42 頁